Aptitude Interview Questions And Answers
Sharpen your Aptitude interview expertise with our handpicked 332 questions. Each question is crafted to challenge your understanding and proficiency in Aptitude. Suitable for all skill levels, these questions are essential for effective preparation. Access the free PDF to get all 332 questions and give yourself the best chance of acing your Aptitude interview. This resource is perfect for thorough preparation and confidence building.
332 Aptitude Questions and Answers:
Aptitude Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: A,B and C are 8 bit nos.they are as follows:
find ((A-C)UB)
1)55 2)64 3)32 4)53
Read More1)55 2)64 3)32 4)53
2 :: A and B are shooters and having their exam. A and B fall short of 10 and 2 shots respectively to the qualifying mark. If each of them fired atleast one shot and even by adding their total score together, they fall short of the qualifying mark, what is the qualifying mark?
ANS-- 11
as A is short by 10- he has shot 1
as B is short by 2 - he has shot 9
9+1=10 10<11
Read Moreas A is short by 10- he has shot 1
as B is short by 2 - he has shot 9
9+1=10 10<11
3 :: A, B and C are 8 bit nos. They are as follows:
A -> 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
B -> 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0
C -> 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 (n=intersection, u=union)
Find ((A n B) u C) =? . A-B is {A} - {A n B}
this is basically binary operation
n-intersection i.e.LOGICAL AND
U -union i.e. LOGICAL OR
AnB= 01011010
Read Moren-intersection i.e.LOGICAL AND
U -union i.e. LOGICAL OR
AnB= 01011010
4 :: A non stop bus to Amritsar overtakes an auto also moving towards Amritsar at 10 am. The bus reaches Amritsar at 12.30 pm and starts on the return journey after 1 hr. On the way back it meets the auto at 2 pm. At what time the auto will reach Amritsar?
a) 2.30pm
b) 3.00pm
c) 3.15pm
d) 3.30pm
Answer:b:3 P.M.
Distance between two points where Bus meets auto=x
Distance between the point where bus meets auto for the second time and Amritsar=y
velocity of bus=Vb
velocity of auto=va
time taken by auto for covering the distance y=y/va=1 Hour
hence time at which auto reaches Amritsar=2 P.M.+1 hour=3 P.M.
Read MoreAssumptions:
Distance between two points where Bus meets auto=x
Distance between the point where bus meets auto for the second time and Amritsar=y
velocity of bus=Vb
velocity of auto=va
time taken by auto for covering the distance y=y/va=1 Hour
hence time at which auto reaches Amritsar=2 P.M.+1 hour=3 P.M.
5 :: A, B and C are 8 bit nos. They are as follows:
A -> 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1
B -> 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
C -> 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 ( - =minus, u=union)
Find ((A - C) u B) =?
A - C = 10001011
& (A - C) U B =
1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1
ANS = 10111011
Read More& (A - C) U B =
1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1
ANS = 10111011
6 :: A building with height D ft shadow up to G. A neighbor building with what height shadow C ft is?
G shadow for height D ftC shadow for height = D*C/G
Read More7 :: A programs reads "The man and the boyrn" from a file using fgets() and stores it in str[]. Then the string stored in str is
A. "The man and the boyrn"
B. "The man and the boyr"
C. "The man and the boyn"
D. "The man and the boy"
Answer A
Read More8 :: My flight takes of at 2am from a place at 18N 10E and landed 10 Hrs later at a place with coordinates 36N70W. What is the local time when my plane landed?
a) 6:00 am
b) 6:40am
c) 7:40
d) 7:00
e) 8:00
The Answer is 6:40 AM
The destination place is 80 degree west to the starting place. Hence the time difference between these two places is 5 hour 20 min. (=24hr*80/360).
When the flight landed, the time at the starting place is 12 noon (2 AM + 10 hours).
Hence, the time at the destination place is 12 noon - 5:20 hours = 6: 40 AM
Read MoreThe destination place is 80 degree west to the starting place. Hence the time difference between these two places is 5 hour 20 min. (=24hr*80/360).
When the flight landed, the time at the starting place is 12 noon (2 AM + 10 hours).
Hence, the time at the destination place is 12 noon - 5:20 hours = 6: 40 AM
9 :: How many positive integer solutions does the equation 2x+3y = 100 have?
a) 50
b) 33
c) 16
d) 35
Its very simple... See by observing that in 2x+3y=100 2x is always even and 100 is also even so u need to have 3y also positive. so within 100 3 can be multiplied by 100/33 times to get an even number. So (b) 33 is the answer.
Read More10 :: LCM of x and y is 36 and HCF of x and y is 4. If x = 4 then which of the following is definitely not true?
a) Y is divisible by 3
b) Y is divisible by 6
c) Y is divisible by 9
d) X+Y is divisible by
X = 4 Hence Y = 36
so option 1,2&3 are correct
Read Moreso option 1,2&3 are correct
11 :: A bus started from bus stand at 8.00a m and after 30 min staying at
destination, it returned back to the bus stand. the destination is 27
miles from the bus stand. the speed of the bus 50 percent fast speed.
at what time it retur4ns to the bus stand?
It returns at the 9:58 am
Read More12 :: What is the answer for that :
A, B and C are 8 bit nos. They are as follows:
A -> 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1
B -> 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
C -> 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 ( - =minus, u=union)
Find ((A - C) u B) =?
no shankar4u ur wrong in ur calculation..... its ((A-c)B)
146+58 = 204
Read Moreie
146+58 = 204
13 :: There are 5 distinct pairs of white socks and 5 pairs of black socks in a cupboard. In the dark, how many socks do I have to pull out to ensure that I have at least 1 correct pair of white socks?
a) 3
b) 11
c) 12
d) 16
it need to be 11.cos thr s totally 20 such socks,10 in each color so if we take 11 thr shud be atleat 1pair of same color
Read More14 :: If G(0) = -1 G(1)= 1 and G(N)=G(N-1) - G(N-2) then what is the value of G(6)?
ans: -1
bcoz g(2)=g(1)-g(0)=1+1=2
Read Morebcoz g(2)=g(1)-g(0)=1+1=2
15 :: A fishermans day is rated as good if he catches 9 fishes ,fair if 7 fishes and bad if 5 fishes .He catches 53 fishes in a week n had all good, faiur n bad days in the week.So how many good ,fair n bad days did the fisher man had in the week?
Simple Silly question
Go to river catch fish
Read MoreGo to river catch fish
16 :: The size of the bucket is N kb. The bucket fills at the rate of 0.1 kb per millisecond. A programmer sends a program to receiver. There it waits for 10 milliseconds. And response will be back to programmer in 20 milliseconds. How much time the program takes to get a response back to the programmer, after it is sent? Please tell me the answer with explanation?
see it doesn't matter that wat the time is being taken to fill the bucket.after reaching program it waits there for 10ms and back to the programmer in 20 ms.then total time to get the response is 20ms +10 ms=30ms...it's so simple....
Read More17 :: Mr. and Mrs. Aye and Mr. and Mrs. Bee competed in a chess tournament.Of the three games played:
a)In only the first game werethe two players married to each other.
b)The men won two games and the women won one game.
c)The Ayes won more games than the Bees.
d)Anyone who lost game did not play the subsequent game.
Who did not lose a game?
AM=Mr. Aye
AF= Mrs. Aye
BM=Mr. Bee
BF=Mrs. Bee
The possible sequence of matches can be :
AM(Win) Vs.AF
AM(win) Vs. BM
AM Vs. BF(win) Hence Mrs. Bee never lose.
Read MoreAF= Mrs. Aye
BM=Mr. Bee
BF=Mrs. Bee
The possible sequence of matches can be :
AM(Win) Vs.AF
AM(win) Vs. BM
AM Vs. BF(win) Hence Mrs. Bee never lose.
18 :: These ques were asked in the Intuit paper. There were 11 ques:
1. Write a C function(statement given) for definition of strlen(used to return the leanth of a null character terminated ASCII string):
unsigned int strlen(char *str)
2.U have a rectangular board with a rectangular hole in it(could be anywr at any inclination). Draw a single straight line to cut the solid are into 2 equal halves.
3.what is the output of the following prog?
void main()
int i=10;
int j=i%2;
if (j==0)
cout<<"Got it:"< else
cout<<"out it:"< }
in c++ programming language #incude<iostream.h> is must so it give error
Read More19 :: In class of 10 students, the teacher writes a number on the board. The first student tells that the number is divisible by 1, the second student tells that the number is divisible by 2, the third by 3, the forth by 4 and so on till 10. If the statement of one of the students in wrong then what is the least number possible?
First we are taking the l.c.m of 1-10. the result is 2520.
then being the highest prime number 7.
we will divide 2520 by 7. the result will be 360.
which is the least number divisible by all numbers 1-10 other than 7
Read Morethen being the highest prime number 7.
we will divide 2520 by 7. the result will be 360.
which is the least number divisible by all numbers 1-10 other than 7
20 :: Find the minimum value of 3x+4y if x^2y^3=12?
by substitution , consider x=2/3 & y=3
satisfyng ,x^2y^3=12;(2/3)^2*3^3=12
so 3x+4y=14
Read Moresatisfyng ,x^2y^3=12;(2/3)^2*3^3=12
so 3x+4y=14
21 :: A has some no. of sons & daughters.
each son has sisters as twice as brother(s).
each daughter has sisters as brothers.how many children A has?
There are seven children ( 3 girls and 4 boys )
The other condition 1,2 or 2,3 is not possible
Read MoreThe other condition 1,2 or 2,3 is not possible
22 :: A cryptanalyst must translate into letters of all digits included in the following two lines of nine symbols each
9 3 3 4 5 6 6 6 7
2 2 3 3 4 4 5 7 8
The cryptanalyst has already determined some of rules governing the decoding
Rule 1-Each of the digits from 2 to 9 represents exactly one of the eight letters
Rule 2-Each letter is represented by exactly one of the digits. If a digit occurs more than
once it represents the same letter on each occasion.
Rule 3-The letter T and the letter O are each represented exactly 3 times.
Rule 4-The letter I and the letter A are each represented exactly 2 times.
Rule 5-The letter E is represented exactly 4 times.
Based on above solve following Questions
Q1. If 9 represents vowel,it must represent which of following
Option 1- A
Option 2- E
Option 3- I
Option 4- O
Option 5- U
Q2. If 8 represents vowel which of the following must represent a consonant
Option 1- 2
Option 2- 4
Option 3- 5
Option 4- 7
Option 5- 9
Q3. If 2 represents R and 7 represents A, then 5 must represent
Option 1- I
Option 2- O
Option 3- S
Option 4- T
Option 5- U
Q4. Which of the following is a possible decoding of the five digit message 46536 ?
Option 1. O-T-A-E-T
Option 2. O-T-E-U-T
Option 3. O-O-S-E-O
Option 4. T-O-I-E-T
Option 5. T-O-R-E-T
23 :: In the word ORGANISATION if we exchange first with the second, second with the third, third with fourth and so on. Till last then what will be the 10 letter from right?
So 10th letter is 'A'
Read MoreSo 10th letter is 'A'
24 :: If log 0.317=0.3332 and log 0.318=0.3364 then find log 0.319?
log 0.317=0.3332 and log 0.318=0.3364
log 0.319=log0.318+(log0.318-log0.317)
Read Morethen
log 0.319=log0.318+(log0.318-log0.317)
25 :: Tell me how do you think you are confident?
i think i am confident in any of my works as they are right bcoz i do any work with full of concentration,intrest,and i will put all my frantic efforts to complete that work effectively to make that work "the best" among all among others.
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