Dream Job Interview Questions & Answers
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Refine your Dream Job interview skills with our 32 critical questions. Each question is designed to test and expand your Dream Job expertise. Suitable for all experience levels, these questions will help you prepare thoroughly. Don't miss out on our free PDF download, containing all 32 questions to help you succeed in your Dream Job interview. It's an invaluable tool for reinforcing your knowledge and building confidence.

32 Dream Job Questions and Answers:

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Dream Job Job Interview Questions and Answers
Dream Job Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: What are the things which you should keep in mind while answering the dream job question?

These things you should keep in mind while answering the dream job question:
☛ Do not be over-ambitious
☛ Be realistic
☛ Keep it relevant
☛ Do not undersell yourself
☛ Avoid mentioning job titles

2 :: What are the dream jobs which you did not hear about?

Here are some of the dream jobs which you never knew:
☛ Stand-In
☛ Gumologist
☛ Chocolatier
☛ Personal Shopper
☛ Tea Taster
☛ Voice Actor
☛ Waterslide Tester
☛ Netflix Tagger

3 :: Please tell me about your dream job?

Ideally, your response to the question should reference some elements of the job you're applying for. For example, if the position is a customer service job, you might say that your dream job would have a high level of interaction with customers.

4 :: Tell me about waterslide tester dream job?

While we wish it was a more high demand position, it appears water slide tester positions only come around once in a blue moon. Sebastian Smith, reported to be the first water slide tester, was employed by First Choice holidays in 2013 to travel the world's water parks and give reviews on slides and venues. This sounds like getting paid to vacation, which is a pretty unbeatable dream job.

5 :: Tell me what is a netflix tagger dream job?

If you have never dreamed of getting paid to watch TV, you might not be human. Netflix tagging has brought this dream to the real world. In this position, employees watch content on Netflix, then enter key describing words into the system for each show. By tagging media in Netflix with keywords, it's easier for users to search for shows they want. Which means you get paid to watch TV and making the world a better place.

6 :: What is a voice actor dream job?

Much like regular actors, voice actors are the personalities behind animated films and TV shows. While making funny voices all day seems perfect, do not forget that they never appear on camera, so they can also show up in pajamas. Traditional voice actors do make less than their more famous counterparts, though mucking about in front of microphone every day sounds fun enough to do for free.

7 :: Can you tell me if you know what is tea taster dream job?

Just what the name says, a tea taster gets paid to sip tea all day. Tasters are expected to taste upwards of 200 cups of tea a day and must be versed in every type of tea imaginable. Along with the delicious job description, tea tasters are required to travel around the world to test new suppliers and products.

8 :: Tell me about personal shopper dream job?

Personal shopper is the perfect position for any and every shopaholic. Personal shoppers usually work with one person and are in charge of constantly maintaining a jaw-dropping wardrobe. Common among celebrities and high-powered business people, personal shoppers can also work for fashion magazines. This position is one of the higher earning ones on the list, making it a true dream job.

9 :: Tell me what is chocolatier dream job?

If you love making something out of nothing, working in food might be for you. However, possibly the most playful food industry jobs are in desserts. Like the name suggests, chocolatiers work exclusively with chocolate, crafting incredible treats, desserts and candies to delight customers of all ages. Getting paid to do arts and crafts with chocolate does not sound too bad, especially when this dream job must make so many people happy.

10 :: What is a gumologist dream job?

Gumologist is every kid's dream position, which pretty much involves what you think it would. A tester of all things hubba and bubba, gumologists review new products and developments for chewing gum companies. Despite their tiny size, each piece of gum is packed with research, putting the gumologist on the front lines of keeping kids happy. A pretty sweet dream job in the grand scheme of things.

11 :: Tell me about stand-in dream job?

Everyone is probably wanted to be an actor at one time or another but few people know what a stand-in is. On a film set, it can sometimes take hours to get the lighting and camera angles right. Actors are too busy to hang around while the work happens, so a stand-in with similar physical characteristics as the actor stands where the scene will take place.

12 :: Tell me about your dream for your company and how do you see your new employee adding to this vision?

Just like you like to talk about your hopes and dreams, so do your employers. Hopefully, you are interviewing with people who are passionate about what they do. Give them a chance to dream with you. This also shows them that you are a forward thinker who wants to understand the big picture, and not just someone who thinks about what they need to do for their next paycheck.

13 :: Why should you get off social media and back in the work while landing a dream job?

Once you upload your credentials, get back out into the real world. Limit your time on social media to a few minutes a day at specified times, such as before going to work, during your lunch break or at home in the evening. Social media is not a job, it is a tool. A contractor does not live for his hammer. He or she puts it to work building things.
You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.

14 :: Tell me what is a job?

A paid position of regular employment. A task or piece of work, especially one that is paid. To do casual or occasional work. Buy and sell (stocks) as a broker-dealer, especially on a small scale is called a job?

15 :: Why would you demonstrate genuine gratitude in your current position while landing a dream job?

Gratitude is an excellent trait to master. Most people enjoy working with grateful, humble, genuine people who give their all. Do the absolute best you can and if you have been slacking a bit, go the extra mile to build better habits before seeking that dream job.

16 :: Why should you not quit your day job while landing a dream job?

Your time before and after you go to work belongs to you. A company does not own you, just the time you put into it. Having more than one job for short periods of time, contrary to popular belief, will not burn you out. Worry, stress and lethargy take a bigger toll in the long run.

17 :: Why would you not focus primarily on money in landing a dream job?

Discover the work that calls out to you and start doing it. If you are just in the game of work for the money, title and illusion of power, you will never feel completely satisfied or fulfilled.

18 :: Why should you not rely on your resume for landing the dream job?

A resume is a good first step to get your foot in the door and describe what you have accomplished in your career. But showing is better than telling. Create a portfolio that represents who you are and what you stand for, which you can add to internet. Those are the places where hiring professionals will go to check you out, anyway.

19 :: How does the skills always win in landing a dream job?

Develop mastery in your chosen profession so you will continue to create job opportunities throughout your entire life. Companies will always need people who can deliver strong results. Great companies hire good people who are willing to learn and who are not afraid to educate themselves. There is a wealth of learning available to you on and off the internet.

20 :: Why should you apply for jobs that are never listed to land a dream job?

Most of the really great jobs are filled before companies even think to post them on Craigslist or other job sites. Overall, the interviewing process is tedious and if 50 people interview, 49 are going to be deflated and only one elated. It is like a beauty pageant gone terribly wrong.
Become friends with people who work in companies you are interested in. Enjoy learning about them and supporting them. Do not be surprised when they call you up and ask you to join them when a new position opens up or refer you to an open position at another great company. Networking opens new doors all the time.

21 :: What are the ways to land your dream job?

Find your dream job by using these unconventional tactics:
☛ Apply for jobs that are never listed
☛ Skills always win
☛ Do not rely on your resume
☛ Do not focus primarily on money
☛ Do not quit your day job
☛ Demonstrate genuine gratitude in your current position
☛ Get off social media and back in the game of work

22 :: Why should you avoid mentioning job titles in dream job questions?

Saying you want to be CEO or head of department during an interview can automatically pigeon hole you in a hiring manager's mind, so avoid this by steering well clear of talking about specific job titles.
To do this, focus on job responsibilities that you would enjoy carrying out, skills you would like to develop and passions you would enjoy making the most of in day-to-day working life. This will show that you have really thought about the role in hand, your future and how you can apply your existing skills to the company.

23 :: Why should you not undersell yourself in dream job question?

I know my first point focused on not being over-ambitious but this one is about not selling yourself short.
Do not say your dream job is the one you are applying for or even the one above that. While a business will want someone who is happy doing the job they are being hired for, they also want someone with drive and ambition and this must be demonstrated in the interview.

24 :: Why to keep it relevant while answering the dream job question?

While you have always dreamed of running a puppy sanctuary, that is not the answer the hiring manager is looking for.
Instead, keep your dream job relevant to the role you are applying for. For example, if you are going for a digital marketing assistant role, say you would love to have a larger input within the marketing team one day, this shows ambition and a willingness to stay within a particular profession.

25 :: Should you be realistic while answering the dream job question?

Yes it would be great to have a job with your own huge office, working three days a week for loads of money and having assistants you could delegate work to, but these are not the things the hiring manager wants to hear.
Dream Job Interview Questions and Answers
32 Dream Job Interview Questions and Answers