Projects Interview Questions And Answers
Prepare comprehensively for your Projects interview with our extensive list of 23 questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in Projects to ensure you're well-prepared. Whether you're new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Access the free PDF to get all 23 questions and give yourself the best chance of acing your Projects interview. This resource is perfect for thorough preparation and confidence building.
23 Projects Questions and Answers:
Projects Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: Share a Java project advice for beginner?
Now a day's Java is one of the best and top language.You select java to ur project.Really i appricate you.Try to do your application project in swing.Because Swing is one of the peak field in java.All the best for your project and colour full future.
Read More2 :: I would like to do a mini project. But I am unable to select a field first of all. So please suggest me an easier field and a topic under which mini projects can be done and the corresponding references for that mini projects?
First of all minin projects are done to increase your knowledge, and go depth in the subject. So, select yhe field of your interest rather than select easier field, as it increases your enthusiasm and motivates you.
Go to google and search for mini projects on the topic of your wish, you will get the explanation, block diagram and flow chart.
Read MoreGo to google and search for mini projects on the topic of your wish, you will get the explanation, block diagram and flow chart.
3 :: I am doing voice based stenography project. I want to know any stenography algorithm for audio file?
Stenography is a part or similar topic to cryptography. Its mainly used in network security to prevent hacking of messages.
Read More4 :: Please suggest me some good concepts that can be taken as a project of around a week or so in java/j2ee/VC++.
I consider myself very good in theory/concepts but i would love to have some practical experience also. So if anyone can help me out or rather suggest me some good project idea to implement, i will be thankful to him/her?
First u have to choose the project defination on the basis of your knowledge then analyse your project defination and after that u can make project design.
Then your implemention will start. For that u must have some technical knowledge on the programming languages and technical funda.
After complete your project u have to test your project on the basis of the errors.
Read MoreThen your implemention will start. For that u must have some technical knowledge on the programming languages and technical funda.
After complete your project u have to test your project on the basis of the errors.
5 :: I have done Bsc in (Physics,Mathematics, Electronics)
Pursuing software testing course at STC.
Presently working in call center.
Will I get job. And what will be the starting pay.
in which automated tools shall i do my project(thinking about load runner)?
if you have good communication or good strength & technical skills in the area of your interested. given your followup pl try to other job
Read More6 :: I have to make project in our last semester and i am confused about it
please guide me and the site that I should look into for information?
Do not panic, every final year B.E/B.Tech/M.Tech/MCA students need to do projects in their final year. so, do not think project as a burden but think its a place where you can learn more about the subject, different fields apart from curriculum.
There are many institutes to assist you, you can approach them, they will have many projects, collect the synopsis from them and choose the project of your institute.
Read MoreThere are many institutes to assist you, you can approach them, they will have many projects, collect the synopsis from them and choose the project of your institute.
7 :: I want to do a project in C . I want a good new project for my campus selection?
Here's what I suggest on what you need to do.
1.) Research on what your school needs to improve.
2.) Then research on your library, the internet, or preferrably other schools on the related projects.
3.) Afterwards plan your project, this will really have a time for this will depend the outcome of your project.
4.) Act your plan. T
his is where your encoding and software testing will be done.For specific example:
1.) Library Database System
2.) Go to other schools for what they have done on their projects regarding Library Database System.
3.) Design your project and ask from the librarian what the library needs.
4.) Encode and test the program that you have created.This is just an example, your school might have other things that needs to have a system. Or you can always check the previous that other students have done but not been implemented in your school yet.
Read More1.) Research on what your school needs to improve.
2.) Then research on your library, the internet, or preferrably other schools on the related projects.
3.) Afterwards plan your project, this will really have a time for this will depend the outcome of your project.
4.) Act your plan. T
his is where your encoding and software testing will be done.For specific example:
1.) Library Database System
2.) Go to other schools for what they have done on their projects regarding Library Database System.
3.) Design your project and ask from the librarian what the library needs.
4.) Encode and test the program that you have created.This is just an example, your school might have other things that needs to have a system. Or you can always check the previous that other students have done but not been implemented in your school yet.
8 :: I have completed software testing course can some one suggest me about the projects and details?
Add the projects in ur resume in which ur confident(which relates to ur field)
or download some projects from internet and work on them make some changes to them and add them.
Read Moreor download some projects from internet and work on them make some changes to them and add them.
9 :: I am studying B.SC maths , third year. My aim is to enter into the software field. so, I want to do one project. Please suggest me how can i get the project and what is the best topic?
There is no one such company and also for training no companies gives advertisements and take people. I would suggest you to prepare a good resume and apply for all companies you come across for fresher graduate vacancies in good job websites. Some companies give training and take you for job also after their training period. If possible try to learn some software skills like C,C++.All the Best.
Read More10 :: I am an MCA final year student. & in my next semester (3-2) i have to develop a project. I have decided to do project on INTRANET system on my collage. so please suggest me to choose a particular field . i have lots of options like (c,c++ using windows or Unix), D2k as front end & oracle database as back end, using java. But i want my project that must be helpful when i go for a job. And my main concentration & field of interest is Database?
You could go with the choice of oracle database as backend, using java for this project.Why not you try some comapnies whether they have vacancy for doing projects. Because this could give you real time work experience. This project is also good but first make a try with companies and then go for this choice. All the best.
Read More11 :: Please help me and share information on Mobile testing? I do not have experience working on mobile projects and my company is getting a new mobile project and I am the only tester for that project. Your inputs /information would help me?
please help me with answer.
Read More12 :: What are core features of MPMM?
MPMM is a body of project management content, wrapped in a simple, easy to use software tool. This tool includes such core features as a Navigation Panel, Display Panel, Page Summary Panel and Related Topics Panel. It also includes Navigation Tabs, Display Tabs and Feature Buttons to help you to navigate through the enormous amount of content included within the tool. For further information, view the Features page.
Read More13 :: What MPMM contain?
This product not only contains more than 1000 pages of content describing how projects should be undertaken successfully, but it also includes:
51 detailed project management templates to help you to build project deliverables quickly and easily
33 comprehensive examples providing a practical example of each deliverable within the Project Life Cycle.
Read More51 detailed project management templates to help you to build project deliverables quickly and easily
33 comprehensive examples providing a practical example of each deliverable within the Project Life Cycle.
14 :: Which terminology used in MPMM?
MPMM has adopted best practice terminology to ensure that organizations communicate effectively whilst managing projects. Within the Glossary you will find definitions for all commonly used terms within MPMM.
Q Is it best practice?
A Yes. To ensure that MPMM is considered best practice within the industry, we have aligned the contents as closely as possible with the two defining project management industry standards: the PMBOKTM (the US standard) and Prince2TM (the UK standard). See the Best Practices page for more information.
Read MoreQ Is it best practice?
A Yes. To ensure that MPMM is considered best practice within the industry, we have aligned the contents as closely as possible with the two defining project management industry standards: the PMBOKTM (the US standard) and Prince2TM (the UK standard). See the Best Practices page for more information.
15 :: How MPMM help me in my role?
MPMM is perfect for project managers, business managers, team members, consultants, trainers, lecturers and students, as well as many other types of roles. Not only will it increase your knowledge of project management and the Project Life Cycle, but it will also provide you with a structured framework for delivering projects successfully. To understand in more detail how MPMM will help you to improve the efficiency within your role, we suggest that you visit our Solutions page.
Read More16 :: How you tell the team about his past work performance in MPMM?
It should be an open discussion with each team member and this discussion should start with positive points only and all the negative points should be discussed personally (privately).
Read More17 :: Define MPMM?
MPMM is a Project Management Methodology which provides a complete "framework" for managing projects. This framework provides you with a step-by-step walkthrough of the phases, activities and tasks to be undertaken to complete a project. By following the Project Life Cycle framework for your project, you will greatly enhance your chances of project success.
Read More18 :: What types of projects are suitable?
MPMM is unique in that the Project Life Cycle, templates and examples apply to all project types, sizes and industries. The core principles within MPMM are currently used by more than 45,000 people in 50 different countries around the world, to undertake projects successfully. Some of the more common industries include IT, Building and Construction, Telecommunications, Engineering and Government to name a few. By reading the Examples, you will see examples of the wide variety of project types suitable for MPMM. Of course, you need to scale this methodology to fit each current project.
Read More19 :: What you have done in your last project?
Innovations were done in the working procedures to reduce Efforts with high quality deliverables. Timely Deliveries with Quality work. Updation documented in the Procedure document with each delivery. Appreciated Customer Feedback.
Read More20 :: What was the most stressful aspect of your last project and how did you deal with it?
Very few projects stay on schedule, under budget and with no major problems. The ability to handle stressful situations is key to successful project management. Limited resources and time, changing demands and new circumstances all result in stress on the project manager.
Show how you are able to stay calm under pressure and plan to reduce stress focusing on aspects such as your people management, technology management, risk management and expectation management.
Read MoreShow how you are able to stay calm under pressure and plan to reduce stress focusing on aspects such as your people management, technology management, risk management and expectation management.
21 :: What motivates you better on projects?
A little appreciation for a successfully completed work. If failed in that task, I am motivated to do it better than ever. If completed successfully, the sucess motivates me to go in for a tougher project/work which is a new challenge for me. As it is, winning challenges is the spirit in me.
1. When I am able to make significant positive contribution in a challenging situation, thereby helping in the overall success of the Task / Project.
2. When organization shows confidence in me by choosing me amongst many for a tough and challenging assignment.
Read More1. When I am able to make significant positive contribution in a challenging situation, thereby helping in the overall success of the Task / Project.
2. When organization shows confidence in me by choosing me amongst many for a tough and challenging assignment.
22 :: How you add value to your project?
Project Manager Add Value By:
a)Define Proper Communication Plan
b)Maintain Clear Functional and Technical Documentation
c)Arrange Brainstorming session within the team to deliver best quality of services
d)Improve Technical competency in team thru different approach
e)Maintain Team Morale with Creative and fun activities
f)appropriate resource backup and risk plan
Read Morea)Define Proper Communication Plan
b)Maintain Clear Functional and Technical Documentation
c)Arrange Brainstorming session within the team to deliver best quality of services
d)Improve Technical competency in team thru different approach
e)Maintain Team Morale with Creative and fun activities
f)appropriate resource backup and risk plan
23 :: How to handle stress as a Project Manager?
I'm not the type of person that becomes stressed very easily. However, if in an extreme circumstance I did start to become stressed, I would look to the cause of it and attempt to identify a solution. I would certainly not be afraid to look to others for their input and assistance. In a working environment I think stress comes around from pressurized situations. In such cases the best solution is often one of situation management until the crisis abates.
I hardly ever get stressed; however, I do encounter different kinds of challenges. The recipe for me to overcome those challenges is to get to the bottom of the problem and deal with it immediately before it becomes a disaster.
Read MoreI hardly ever get stressed; however, I do encounter different kinds of challenges. The recipe for me to overcome those challenges is to get to the bottom of the problem and deal with it immediately before it becomes a disaster.