Analytical Interview Questions & Answers
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Optimize your Analytical interview preparation with our curated set of 59 questions. These questions will test your expertise and readiness for any Analytical interview scenario. Ideal for candidates of all levels, this collection is a must-have for your study plan. Download the free PDF now to get all 59 questions and ensure you're well-prepared for your Analytical interview. This resource is perfect for in-depth preparation and boosting your confidence.

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Analytical Job Interview Questions and Answers
Analytical Job Interview Questions and Answers

3 :: A invests $12000, B invests $8000, C invests $6000 and they got a profit of $1200. How much share A got more than B and C?

Ratio of amt invested by A & B=3:2
Ratio of amt invested by B & C=4:3
Thus, Ratio of amt invested by 3 of them=A:B:C=3:2:1.5
Profit got to A more than B=(3/6.5)-(2/6.5)=(1/6.5)=2/13
Profit got to A more than C=(3/6.5)-(1.5/6.5)=(1.5/6.5)=3/13.

7 :: A horse is tied to the corner of a square of side 15 m with a rope of length 14m. Find the area of which the horse can graze and the area which it cannot?

Hi allThe answers are:Grazed area = pi*14*14/4 = 154.93 sq-mtsNon-grazed area = 15*15 - 154.93 = 71.06 sq-mts

8 :: Is the meaning of Its and Its,
(a) same
(b) contradictory
(c) no relation

In computer related it`s can be " Information Technology "

In English its & it`s may be same

9 :: Please give the missing letter of the following 5 6 _ 87 412 2185?

The answer is 20.

The series follows in this fashsion:


6 = (5 * 1) + (1^3)

20 = (6 * 2) + (2^3)

87 = (20 * 3) + (3^3)

412 = (87 * 4) + (4^3)

2185 = (412 * 5) + (5^3)

10 :: Statement: Normal children are active;
Inference: All children are active;
(a) True
(b) False
(c) Uncertain

The answer is FALSE since normal children are active but that doesnot mean all children are normal.

11 :: Cow eats grass, man eats cow, so man eats grass.
a. True
b. False

Answer: A) true
Becoz, Man eats Cow and Cow eats Grass. that why we can say that man indirectly eats Grass.

12 :: In 6 seconds a light flashes once. In one hour how many times it will flash?

1hr = 3600sec
for 6 sec it flashes 1 time, so
for 1hr (3600/6)=600
add the 1st flash also
(600+1)= 601

13 :: Is the meaning of Ingenious and Ingenuous,
(a) same
(b) contradictory
(c) no relation


because Ingenious means skillful or clever (or) having cunning behaviour.

Ingenuous means being frank and straight forward. does not have any cunning behavour.

14 :: What is the product of the irrational roots of the equation (2x-1)(2x-3)(2x-5)(2x-7)=9?

ans : x = 2

(2x-1)*(2x-3)*(2x-5)*(2x-7) = 9

(2*2-1)*(2*2-3)*(2*2-5)*(2*2-7) = 9

15 :: Is the meaning of Client and Customer,
(a) same
(b) contradictory
(c) no relation

contradictory,since client can work with you but customer doesnt work with you

17 :: Within excel, what is the VBA coding to determine if the active cell has a comment assigned to it?

Test: ActiveCell.Comment.Text

If ActiveCell.Comment.Text = "" Then
No Comment

If Not ActiveCell.Comment.Text = "" Then
Active Cell has a Comment

18 :: Suppose there is 3 buckets of fruits in 1st bucket there is apple in 2nd there is oranges and in 3rd mixed fruits is there and all 3 buckets has been labeled incorrectly you have to labeled them correctly by taking one fruit from any of the basket. what will be your approach to solve this?

Take out a fruit from bucket 2, if that is an orange then go to bucket 1 if that is an apple then go to bucket 3 and if that also gives you an apple then the point to note here is the labeling which is incorrect on all the buckets is the key to figure out right fruits there in each of the buckets. If the label on bucket 2 says "Mixed" then that is incorrect and it needs a label as "Oranges". Check the label on bucket 1, if that says "Apple" then that is "Mixed" and indeed bucket 3 would be "Apples" which would have the label as "Orange".

20 :: All chickens lay eggs (True/False)?

False, roosters dont lay eggs.

21 :: The average temperature of Monday to Wednesday was 37C and of Tuesday to Thursday was 34C. If the temperature on Thursday was 4/5th of that of Monday, the temperature on Thursday was?

37 - 3 = 34
( (mon + tue + wed) / 3 ) - 3 = (tue+wed+thu)/3

( mon + tue + wed -9) / 3 = (tue + wed+ thu) /3

( mon + tue + wed - 9) = (tue + wed + thu )

mon - 9 = thu

(since thu = (4/5) mon )

(5 * thu)/4 - 9 = Thu

Thu = 36

22 :: Select the odd one out.
(a) 1/4
(b) 1/3
(c) 1/6
(d) 1/18

ans: 1/18 (bcoz it comes 0.062 remain vll come 0.25,0.33,0.16)

23 :: If a train covers 600m in 0.5 seconds, how long it will cover in 10 seconds?

answer is =(600*1/2)*10=3000

who wrote dis

does he ever went to school or should i come 2 teach him

speed = distance/time that's the formula

it's not distance = distance * time (u fool)