Funny Quotes Interview Questions And Answers

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Enhance your Funny Quotes interview preparation with our set of 43 carefully chosen questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in Funny Quotes to ensure you're well-prepared. Whether you're new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Don't miss out on our free PDF download, containing all 43 questions to help you succeed in your Funny Quotes interview. It's an invaluable tool for reinforcing your knowledge and building confidence.

43 Funny Quotes Questions and Answers:

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Funny Quotes Job Interview Questions and Answers
Funny Quotes Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: It goes up and comes down but never move, what it is?

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2 :: Tell me what is the most struggling of all subjects?

Mathematics - It has full of problems.
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3 :: There is a head and there is a tail but no body, what is it?

A coin.
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4 :: You have 5 apples in one hand and 5 apples in other hand, now what do you have?

A big hand.
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5 :: There are two elements that always grow up, seeing the sky and never down, what are they?

Age and your physical growth.
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6 :: I have ocean but no water, who am I?

A world map.
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7 :: Tell me what are the two animals that live in a polar region?

A polar bear and his wife.
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8 :: Tell me why Mira carried a ladder to her school?

because she is going to high school.
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9 :: I have four legs but I can not walk, what am I?

A chair.
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10 :: Tell me what breed of dog can jump higher than buildings?

Any dog because building cannot jump.
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11 :: Tell me can you make SEVEN an even number?

Yes, remove 'S' from it.
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12 :: Tell me what is the difference between here and there?

Letter T is the difference.
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13 :: Tell me what you can never eat during the lunch or supper?

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14 :: It is equally big as an elephant but weighs nothing, what is that?

An Elephant.
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15 :: How do you describe the School?

HELL - answered by a poor/smart kid.
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16 :: Tell me what is the longest movie ever made and what is the length?

It runs for 85 hours and funnily the title is 'CURE FOR INSOMNIA'.
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17 :: A few months have 31 days, a few months have 30 days, how many months have 28 days?

All months
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18 :: Tell me what is the antonym of DOMINOS?

Domi doesn't no.
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19 :: Most of the kids love to carry these keys, what are those keys?

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20 :: There are innumerable tables of this kind but there are no legs, what is that?

Multiplication tables and time tables.
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21 :: What is the one that is sticky and brown?

A stick.
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22 :: It goes all over the world but always stays in a corner, what is that?

A Stamp.
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23 :: Can you tell me how to make an egg roll?

It is very simple. Just push it, it will role.
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24 :: Join these two sentences, I was riding to school. I saw a dead body?

I saw a dead body riding to school.
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25 :: Tell me what do you say when you find two banana peels together?

A pair of slipper.
Funny Quotes Interview Questions and Answers
43 Funny Quotes Interview Questions and Answers
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