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#1 2012-03-27 05:54:45

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Agent Vinod
From: India
Registered: 2012-03-23
Posts: 1,149

MS SQL Server Interview Questions And Answers

Basic and Advance databases programming :: MS SQL Server Concepts and Programming Job Interview Questions and Answers

Learn MS SQL Server programming with hundreds of Interview Questions and Answers and examples.

1 What is Microsoft SQL Server?
2 How to download Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition?
3 System Requirements for SQL Server 2005 Express Edition?
4 Why I am getting "The Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 in not installed" message?
5 How to download and install Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0?
6 What is mscorsvw.exe - Process - Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN?
7 How to install SQL Server 2005 Express Edition?
8 What is sqlservr.exe - Process - SQL Server (SQLEX?PRESS)?
9 How do you know if SQL Server is running on your local system?
10 How to connect SQL Server Management Studio Express to SQL Server 2005 Express?
11 How to download and install Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express?
12 How to download and install SQL Server 2005 Books Online?
13 How to run Queries with SQL Server Management Studio Express?
14 How to run SQL Server 2005 Books Online on your local system?
15 How to use Transact-SQL statements to access the database engine?
16 How to create new databases with "CREATE DATABASE" statements?
17 How to create new table with "CREATE TABLE" statements?
18 How to insert and update data into a table with "INSERT" and "UPDATE" statements?
19 How to read data in a table with "SELECT" statements?
20 How to create a login account in MS SQL Server to access the database engine using "CREATE LOGIN" statements?
21 How to create a user to access a database in MS SQL Server using "CREATE USER" statements?
22 How to create a view and a stored procedure in MS SQL Server using "CREATE VIEW/PROCEDURE" statements?
23 How to grant a permission in MS SQL Server using "GRANT EXECUTE" statements?
24 How to delete database objects with "DROP" statements in MS SQL Server?
25 What is a database in MS SQL Server?
26 What is the simplest way to create a new database in MS SQL Server?
27 How to set the current database in MS SQL Server?
28 How to delete a database in MS SQL Server?
29 Why I am getting this error when dropping a database in MS SQL Server?
30 How to get a list all databases on the SQL server?
31 Where is my database stored on the hard disk in MS SQL Server?
32 How to create database with physical files specified in MS SQL Server?
33 How to rename databases in MS SQL Server?
34 Why I am getting this error when renaming a database in MS SQL Server?
35 What are database states in MS SQL Server?
36 How to set a database state to OFFLINE in MS SQL Server?
37 How to move database physical files in MS SQL Server?
38 How to set database to be READ_ONLY in MS SQL Server?
39 How to set database to be SINGLE_USER in MS SQL Server?
40 What are system databases in MS SQL Server?
41 What is a database table?
42 What are DDL (Data Definition Language) statements for tables in MS SQL Server?
43 How to create new tables with "CREATE TABLE" statements in MS SQL Server?
44 How To Get a List of All Tables with "sys.tables" View in MS SQL Server?
45 How To Get a List of Columns using the "sys.columns" View in MS SQL Server?
46 How To Get a List of Table Columns using the "sp_columns" Stored Procedure in MS SQL Server?
47 How To Get a List of Columns using the "sp_help" Stored Procedure in MS SQL Server?
48 How To Generate CREATE TABLE Script on an Existing Table in MS SQL Server?
49 How to create new tables with "SELECT  ... INTO" statements in MS SQL Server?
50 How To Add a New Column to an Existing Table with "ALTER TABLE ... ADD" in MS SQL Server?
51 How to rename an existing column with the "sp_rename" stored procedure in MS SQL Server?
52 How to rename an existing column with SQL Server Management Studio?
53 How to change the data type of an existing column with "ALTER TABLE" statements in MS SQL Server?
54 How to rename an existing table with the "sp_rename" stored procedure in MS SQL Server?
55 How To Drop an Existing Table with "DROP TABLE" Statements in MS SQL Server?
56 What Are DML (Data Manipulation Language) Statements in MS SQL Server?
57 How To Create a Testing Table with Test Data in MS SQL Server?
58 How To Insert a New Row into a Table with "INSERT INTO" Statements in MS SQL Server?
59 How To Use Column Default Values in INSERT Statements in MS SQL Server?
60 How to provide column names in INSERT Statements in MS SQL Server?
61 What Happens If You Insert a Duplicate Key for the Primary Key Column in MS SQL Server?
62 How To Insert Multiple Rows with One INSERT Statement in MS SQL Server?
63 How To Update Values in a Table with UPDATE Statements in MS SQL Server?
64 How To Update Multiple Rows with One UPDATE Statement in MS SQL Server?
65 How to use old values to define new values in UPDATE statements in MS SQL Server?
66 Is the Order of Columns in the SET Clause Important in MS SQL Server?
67 How To Use Values from Other Tables in UPDATE Statements in MS SQL Server?
68 What Happens If the UPDATE Subquery Returns No Rows in MS SQL Server?
69 What Happens If the UPDATE Subquery Returns Multiple Rows in MS SQL Server?
70 How To Delete an Existing Row with DELETE Statements in MS SQL Server?
71 How To Delete Multiple Rows with One DELETE Statement in MS SQL Server?
72 How To Delete All Rows with TRUNCATE TABLE Statement in MS SQL Server?
73 How To Join Two Tables in a Single Query in MS SQL Server?
74 How To Write a Query with an Inner Join in MS SQL Server?
75 How To Define and Use Table Alias Names in MS SQL Server?
76 How To Write a Query with a Left Outer Join in MS SQL Server?
77 How To Write a Query with a Right Outer Join in MS SQL Server?
78 How To Write a Query with a Full Outer Join in MS SQL Server?
79 How To Write an Inner Join with the WHERE Clause in MS SQL Server?
80 How To Name Query Output Columns in MS SQL Server?
81 What Is a Subquery in a SELECT Query Statement in MS SQL Server?
82 How To Use Subqueries with the IN Operators in MS SQL Server?
83 How To Use Subqueries with the EXISTS Operators in MS SQL Server?
84 How To Use Subqueries in the FROM Clause in MS SQL Server?
85 How To Count Groups Returned with the GROUP BY Clause in MS SQL Server?
86 How To Return the Top 5 Rows from a SELECT Query in MS SQL Server?
87 How To Return the Second 5 Rows in MS SQL Server?
88 How To Use UNION to Merge Outputs from Two Queries Together in MS SQL Server?
89 How To Use ORDER BY with UNION Operators in MS SQL Server?
90 What Is a SELECT Query Statement in MS SQL Server?
91 How To Select All Columns of All Rows from a Table with a SELECT statement in MS SQL Server?
92 How To Select Some Specific Columns from a Table in a Query in MS SQL Server?
93 How To Select Some Specific Rows from a Table in MS SQL Server?
94 How To Add More Data to the Testing Table in MS SQL Server?
95 How To Sort the Query Output with ORDER BY Clauses in MS SQL Server?
96 Can the Query Output Be Sorted by Multiple Columns in MS SQL Server?
97 How To Sort Query Output in Descending Order in MS SQL Server?
98 How To Count Rows with the COUNT(*) Function in MS SQL Server?
99 Can SELECT Statements Be Used on Views in MS SQL Server?
100 How To Filter Out Duplications in the Returning Rows in MS SQL Server?
101 What Are Group Functions in Query Statements in MS SQL Server?
102 How To Use Group Functions in the SELECT Clause in MS SQL Server?
103 Can Group Functions Be Mixed with Non-group Selection Fields in MS SQL Server?
104 How To Divide Query Output into Multiple Groups with the GROUP BY Clause in MS SQL Server?
105 How To Apply Filtering Criteria at Group Level with The HAVING Clause in MS SQL Server?
106 How To Count Duplicated Values in a Column in MS SQL Server?
107 Can Multiple Columns Be Used in SQL GROUP BY Clause in MS SQL Server?
108 Can Group Functions Be Used in the ORDER BY Clause in MS SQL Server?
109 What Is SQL Language?
110 What Is Transact-SQL Language?
111 What Is a Transact-SQL Statement?
112 How To Start and End Transact-SQL Statements?
113 How To Enter Comments in Transact-SQL Statements?
114 What Is a Transact-SQL Statement Batch in MS SQL Server?
115 What Happens to a Statement Batch If There Is a Compilation Error?
116 How To Use GO Command in "sqlcmd"?
117 How To Create User Messages with PRINT Statements in MS SQL Server?
118 How Many Categories of Data Types Used by SQL Server?
119 What Are Exact Numeric Data Types in MS SQL Server?
120 What Are Approximate Numeric Data Types in MS SQL Server?
121 What Are Date and Time Data Types in MS SQL Server?
122 What Are Character String Data Types in MS SQL Server?
123 What Are Unicode Character String Data Types in MS SQL Server?
124 What Are Binary String Data Types in MS SQL Server?
125 What Are the Differences between CHAR and NCHAR in MS SQL Server?
126 What Are the Differences between CHAR and VARCHAR in MS SQL Server?
127 What Are the Differences between DECIMAL and FLOAT in MS SQL Server?
128 What Is a Constant or Literal in MS SQL Server?
129 How To Write Character String Constants or Literals in MS SQL Server?
130 What Is a Collation in MS SQL Server?
131 How To Specify the Collation for a Character Data Type in MS SQL Server?
132 What Happens If Strings Are Casted into Wrong Code Pages in MS SQL Server?
133 How To Find Out What Is the Default Collation in a Database?
134 How Fixed Length Strings Are Truncated and Padded?
135 How To Enter Unicode Character String Literals in MS SQL Server?
136 How To Enter Binary String Literals in MS SQL Server?
137 How To Enter Date and Time Literals in MS SQL Server?
138 Why I Can Not Enter 0.001 Second in Date and Time Literals in MS SQL Server?
139 What Happens If Date-Only Values Are Provided as Date and Time Literals?
140 What Happens If Time-Only Values Are Provided as Date and Time Literals?
141 What Are Out-of-Range Errors with Date and Time Literals?
142 What Happens If an Integer Is Too Big for INT Date Type?
143 How Extra Digits Are Handled with NUMERIC Data Type Literals?
144 How REAL and FLOAT Literal Values Are Rounded?
145 What Are the Underflow and Overflow Behaviors on FLOAT Literals?
146 What Is an Expression in MS SQL Server?
147 How To Convert a Numeric Expression from One Data Type to Another?
148 How To Convert Numeric Expression Data Types by Assignment Operations?
149 How To Convert Numeric Expression Data Types using the CAST() Function?
150 How To How To Convert Numeric Expression Data Types using the CONVERT() Function??
151 How To Convert Character Strings into Numeric Values?
152 What Happens When Converting Big Values to Integers?
153 What Happens When Converting Big Values to NUMERIC Data Types?
154 What Are the Mathematical Functions Supported by SQL Server 2005?
155 How To Convert Numeric Values to Integers in MS SQL Server?
156 How To Round a Numeric Value To a Specific Precision?
157 How To Generate Random Numbers with the RAND() Function in MS SQL Server?
158 How To Concatenate Two Character Strings Together?
159 What Happens When Unicode Strings Concatenate with Non-Unicode Strings?
160 How To Convert a Unicode Strings to Non-Unicode Strings?
161 What Are the Character String Functions Supported by SQL Server 2005?
162 How To Insert New Line Characters into Strings?
163 How To Locate and Take Substrings with CHARINDEX() and SUBSTRING() Functions?
164 How To Concatenate Two Binary Strings Together?
165 Can Binary Strings Be Used in Arithmetical Operations?
166 How To Convert Binary Strings into Integers in MS SQL Server?
167 Can Binary Strings Be Converted into NUMERIC or FLOAT Data Types?
168 What To Perform Pattern Match with the LIKE Operator?
169 How To Use Wildcard Characters in LIKE Operations in MS SQL Server?
170 How To Test Subquery Results with the EXISTS Operator?
171 How To Test Values Returned by a Subquery with the IN Operator?
172 What Are Logical/Boolean Operations in MS SQL Server?
173 How To Use "IF ... ELSE IF ... ELSE ..." Statement Structures in MS SQL Server?
174 How To Use "BEGIN ... END" Statement Structures in MS SQL Server?
175 How To Stop a Loop Early with BREAK Statements in MS SQL Server?
176 How To Skip Remaining Statements in a Loop Block Using CONTINUE Statements?
177 What Samples and Sample Databases Are Provided by Microsoft?
178 How to download and install the scaled-down database AdventureWorksLT?
179 How to attach AdventureWorksLT physical files to the server?
180 How AdventureWorksLT tables are related?
181 How to add an address record into AdventureWorksLT?
182 What Are Indexes in MS SQL Server?
183 How To Create an Index on an Existing Table in MS SQL Server?
184 How To View Existing Indexes on an Given Table using SP_HELP?
185 How To View Existing Indexes on an Given Table using sys.indexes?
186 How To Drop Existing Indexes in MS SQL Server?
187 Is the PRIMARY KEY Column of a Table an Index in MS SQL Server?
188 Does the UNIQUE Constraint Create an Index?
189 What Is the Difference Between Clustered and Non-Clustered Indexes in MS SQL Server?
190 How To Create a Large Table with Random Data for Index Testing in MS SQL Server?
191 Does Index Slows Down INSERT Statements?
192 Does Index Speed Up SELECT Statements?
193 What Happens If You Add a New Index to Large Table?
194 What Is the Impact on Other User Sessions When Creating Indexes?
195 What Is Index Fragmentation in MS SQL Server?
196 What Causes Index Fragmentation?
197 How To Defragment Table Indexes?
198 How To Defragment Indexes with ALTER INDEX ... REORGANIZE?
199 How To Rebuild Indexes with ALTER INDEX ... REBUILD?
200 How To Rebuild All Indexes on a Single Table?
201 How To Recreate an Existing Index in MS SQL Server?
202 What Are Views in MS SQL Server?
203 How To Create a View on an Existing Table in MS SQL Server?
204 How To See Existing Views in MS SQL Server?
205 How To Drop Existing Views from a Database in MS SQL Server?
206 How To Get a List of Columns in a View using "sys.columns" in MS SQL Server?
207 How To Get a List of Columns in a View using the "sp_columns" Stored Procedure?
208 How To Get a List of Columns in a View using the "sp_help" Stored Procedure?
209 How To Generate CREATE VIEW Script on an Existing View?
210 How To Get the Definition of a View Out of the SQL Server?
211 How to Create a View with Data from Multiple Tables?
212 How to Create a View using Data from Another View?
213 What Happens If You Delete a Table That Is Used by a View?
214 Can You Use ORDER BY When Defining a View?
215 How To Modify the Underlying Query of an Existing View?
216 Can We Insert Data into a View?
217 Can We Update Data in a View?
218 Can We Delete Data from a View?
219 How To Assign New Column Names in a View?
220 How Column Data Types Are Determined in a View?
221 How To Bind a View to the Schema of the Underlying Tables?
222 How To Create an Index on a View?
223 How To Create a Simple Stored Procedure in MS SQL Server?
224 How To Execute a Stored Procedure in MS SQL Server?
225 How To List All Stored Procedures in the Current Database using MS SQL Server?
226 How To Drop an Existing Stored Procedure in MS SQL Server?
227 How To Create a Stored Procedure with a Statement Block in MS SQL Server?
228 How To End a Stored Procedure Properly in MS SQL Server?
229 How To Generate CREATE PROCEDURE Script on an Existing Stored Procedure?
230 How To Get the Definition of a Stored Procedure Back?
231 How To Modify an Existing Stored Procedure in MS SQL Server?
232 How To Create Stored Procedures with Parameters in MS SQL Server?
233 How To Provide Values to Stored Procedure Parameters in MS SQL Server?
234 What Are the Advantages of Passing Name-Value Pairs as Parameters?
235 Can You Pass Expressions to Stored Procedure Parameters?
236 How To Provide Default Values to Stored Procedure Parameters?
237 How To Define Output Parameters in Stored Procedures?
238 How To Receive Output Values from Stored Procedures?
239 How To Create a Local Temporary Stored Procedure?
240 Can Another User Execute Your Local Temporary Stored Procedures?
241 What Are User Defined Functions in MS SQL Server?
242 What Are the Differences between User Defined Functions and Stored Procedures?
243 How To Create a Simple User Defined Function in MS SQL Server?
244 How To Use User Defined Functions in Expressions?
245 How To List All User Defined Functions in the Current Database?
246 How To Drop an Existing User Defined Function in MS SQL Server?
247 How To Generate CREATE FUNCTION Script on an Existing Function?
248 How To Get the Definition of a User Defined Function Back?
249 How To Modify an Existing User Defined Function?
250 How To Create User Defined Functions with Parameters?
251 How To Provide Values to User Defined Function Parameters?
252 Can You Pass Expressions to Function Parameters?
253 How To Provide Default Values to Function Parameters?
254 How Many Categories of Functions based Their Return Modes?
255 How Many Ways to Create Table-Valued Functions?
256 How To Create an Inline Table-Valued Function?
257 How To Create an Multi-Statement Table-Valued Function?
258 What Is a Schema in MS SQL Server 2005?
259 How To Create a New Schema in a Database?
260 How To List All Schemas in a Database?
261 How To Create a New Table in a Given Schema?
262 How To Transfer an Existing Table from One Schema to Another Schema in MS SQL Server?
263 How To List All Objects in a Given Schema?
264 What Is the Default Schema of Your Login Session in MS SQL Server?
265 Who Is the Owner of a Schema in MS SQL Server?
266 How To Change the Ownership of a Schema in MS SQL Server?
267 What Happens If You Are Trying to Access a Schema Not Owned by You?
268 How To Drop an Existing Schema in MS SQL Server?
269 What Are Triggers in MS SQL Server?
270 What Are the Basic Features of a Trigger in MS SQL Server?
271 How To Create a Simple Table to Test Triggers in MS SQL Server?
272 How To Create a DML Trigger using CREATE TRIGGER Statements?
273 How To Test a DML Trigger in MS SQL Server?
274 How To List All Triggers in the Database with sys.triggers in MS SQL Server?
275 How To Modify Existing Triggers using "ALTER TRIGGER"?
276 How To Delete Existing Triggers using "DROP TRIGGER"?
277 How To Get the Definition of a Trigger Back?
278 How To Disable Triggers using "DISABLE TRIGGER"?
279 How To Create a Trigger for INSERT Only?
280 How To See the Event List of an Existing Trigger using sys.trigger_events?
281 How To Access the Inserted Record of an Event?
282 How To Access the Deleted Record of an Event?
283 What Happens to a Trigger with Multiple Affected Rows?
284 How To Override DML Statements with Triggers?
285 How To Create a DDL Trigger using "CREATE TRIGGER" Statements?
286 Can You Roll Back the DDL Statement in a Trigger?
287 Can You Create a Logon Trigger in SQL Server 2005 Express Edition?
288 What Are Cursors in MS SQL Server?
289 How To Declare a Cursor with "DECLARE ... CURSOR" in MS SQL Server?
290 How To Execute the Cursor Queries with "OPEN" Statements?
291 How To Fetch the Next Row from a Cursor with a "FETCH" Statement?
292 How To Transfer Data from a Cursor to Variables with a "FETCH" Statement?
293 How To Loop through the Result Set with @@FETCH_STATUS?
294 How To Declare and Use Cursor Variables?
295 How To Create a Scrollable Cursor with the SCROLL Option?
296 How To Create a Dynamic Cursor with the DYNAMIC Option?
297 What Are NULL Values in MS SQL Server?
298 How To Assign NULL Values to Variables or Columns?
299 What Happens If NULL Values Are Involved in Arithmetic Operations?
300 What Happens If NULL Values Are Involved in String Operations?
301 What Happens If NULL Values Are Involved in Datetime Operations?
302 What Happens If NULL Values Are Involved in Bitwise Operations?
303 What Happens If NULL Values Are Involved in Comparison Operations?
304 What Happens If NULL Values Are Involved in Boolean Operations?
305 How To Replace NULL Values in Expressions using ISNULL()?
306 How To Replace Given Values with NULL using NULLIF()?
307 What Is the Security Model Used in SQL Server 2005?
308 What Are Security Principals Used in SQL Server 2005?
309 What Is the Security Principal at the Server Level That Represents Your Session?
310 What Is the Security Principal at the Database Level That Represents Your Session?
311 How To Create a New Login Name in MS SQL Server?
312 How To Verify a Login name with SQLCMD Tool?
313 How To List All Login Names on the MS SQL Server?
314 How To Change the Password of a Login Name in MS SQL Server?
315 How To Change a Login Name in MS SQL Server?
316 How To Disable a Login Name in MS SQL Server?
317 How To Delete a Login Name in MS SQL Server?
318 How To Create a User Name in a Database?
319 How To List All User Names in a Database?
320 How To Find the Login Name Linked to a Given User Name?
321 How To Verify a User name with SQLCMD Tool?
322 How To Change the Name of a Database User?
323 How To Delete an Existing Database User?
324 What Is Open Database Communication (ODBC)?
325 How To Add a New DSN with the ODBC Driver for SQL Server?
326 How To Define the Name and Server for a new DSN?
327 How To Provide Login Information for a New ODBC DSN?
328 Why Are You Getting Errors When Creating a New ODBC DSN?
329 What Are the Requirements on SQL Server Network Connections?
330 How To Start SQL Server Browser Service?
331 How To Enable TCP/IP Protocol on a SQL Server?
332 How To Verify the Port Number of the SQL Server?
333 How To Configure ODBC DSN with Different Port Numbers?
334 How To Configure and Test ODBC DSN Settings?
335 How To Connect MS Access to SQL Servers through ODBC?
336 How Can Windows Applications Connect to SQL Servers via ODBC?
337 What Are the Requirements to Use ODBC Connections in PHP Scripts?
338 What Are Commonly Used ODBC Functions in PHP?
339 How To Test ODBC DSN Connection Settings?
340 How To Connect to a SQL Server using odbc_connect()?
341 How To List All DSN Entries on Your Local Machine using odbc_data_source()?
342 How To Execute a SQL Statement using odbc_exec()?
343 How To Retrieve Error Messages using odbc_errormsg()?
344 How To Turn Off Warning Messages during PHP Execution?
345 How To Receive Returning Result from a Query?
346 How To Loop through Result Set Objects using odbc_fetch_row()?
347 How To Create Prepared Statements using odbc_prepare()?
348 How To List All Tables in the Database using odbc_tables()?
349 How To List All Columns in a Table using odbc_columns()?
350 PHP ODBC - How To Create a New Table?
351 PHP ODBC - How To Insert Data into an Existing Table?
352 PHP ODBC - How To Insert Multiple Rows with a subquery?
353 PHP ODBC - How To Get the Number of Affected Rows?
354 PHP ODBC - What Is a Result Set Object Returned by odbc_exec()?
355 PHP ODBC - How To Loop through Returning Rows?
356 PHP ODBC - How To Update Existing Rows in a Table?
357 PHP ODBC - How To Delete Existing Rows in a Table?
358 PHP ODBC - How To Include Text Values in SQL Statements?
359 PHP ODBC - How To Include Date and Time Values in SQL Statements?
360 PHP ODBC - How To Display a Past Time in Days, Hours and Minutes?
361 PHP ODBC - How To Perform Key Word Search in Tables?
362 PHP ODBC - How To Query Multiple Tables Jointly?
363 PHP ODBC - How To Create an Identity Column?
364 What Do You Need to Connect PHP to SQL Server?
365 How to Turn on the MSSQL API Module in  PHP?
366 What Is Wrong with SQL Server Client Libarary DLL, ntwdblib.dll?
367 What Happens If ntwdblib.dll Is Missing on Your Machine?
368 Where to Find ntwdblib.dll Version 2000.80.194.0?
369 How To Connect PHP with Different Port Numbers?
370 What Are Commonly Used MSSQL Functions in PHP?
371 How To Disconnect from a SQL Server using mssql_close()?
372 How To Select an Exiting Database using mssql_select_db()?
373 How To Execute a SQL Statement using mssql_query()?
374 How To Retrieve Error Messages using mssql_get_last_message()?
375 How To Loop through Result Set Objects using mssql_fetch_array()?
376 How To Retrieve Field Values using mssql_result()?
377 How To List All Field Names in the Result Set using mssql_field_name()?
378 PHP MSSQL - How To Create a New Table?
379 PHP MSSQL - How To Drop an Existing Table?
380 PHP MSSQL - How To Insert Data into an Existing Table?
381 PHP MSSQL - How To Make a Column Nullable?
382 PHP MSSQL - How To Insert Data with NULL Values?
383 PHP MSSQL - How To Insert Multiple Rows with a subquery?
384 PHP MSSQL - How To Get the Number of Affected Rows?
385 PHP MSSQL - What Is a Result Set Object Returned by mssql_query()?
386 PHP MSSQL - How To Loop through Returning Rows?
387 PHP MSSQL - How To Update Existing Rows in a Table?
388 PHP MSSQL - How To Delete Existing Rows in a Table?
389 PHP MSSQL - How To Include Text Values in SQL Statements?
390 PHP MSSQL - How To Include Date and Time Values in SQL Statements?
391 PHP MSSQL - How To Display a Past Time in Days, Hours and Minutes?
392 PHP MSSQL - How To Perform Key Word Search in Tables?
393 PHP MSSQL - How To Query Multiple Tables Jointly?
394 PHP MSSQL - How To Create an Identity Column?

2012-03-27 05:54:45

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