Basic PeopleSoft Interview Questions And Answers

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Sharpen your PeopleSoft Basic interview expertise with our handpicked 16 questions. Each question is designed to test and expand your PeopleSoft Basic expertise. Suitable for all experience levels, these questions will help you prepare thoroughly. Don't miss out on our free PDF download, containing all 16 questions to help you succeed in your PeopleSoft Basic interview. It's an invaluable tool for reinforcing your knowledge and building confidence.

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PeopleSoft Basic Job Interview Questions and Answers
PeopleSoft Basic Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Tell me in order to setup a state what is the minimal setup requirement?

In order to setup a state, at a minimum, the country has to be setup. When the country definition is setup, then user or admin can create a state associated to the country and then go back to the county setup and in the valid address tab add all the relevant states added for the country. Country is setup in Setup HRMS -> Install -> Country table.
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2 :: Explain what are the different action types in PeopleSoft? (Add / Update / Correct History/ Include History)?

Action types are used to access data within the system based on the user and/or the level of security. The four action types available are:

i) Add: Add a new row to a table with a new high level key/primary key

ii) Update/Display: Either data can be updated or displayed with a high level key. To update data, insert a new row of data with an EFFDT greater than the date of the current row.

iii) Include History: Works the same as Update/Display but will allow the user review not only the current and future rows, but history rows as well.

iv) Correct History: View, change and insert rows of data regardless of effective date.
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3 :: Do you know what is tableset sharing?

In PeopleSoft we have mainly 2 types of primary buckets for tables: Control tables and transaction tables. Control tables store information related to the org structure of the company and all business rules. Transaction tables store data of employees for daily ongoing business activities. Control tables are mostly driven by SETID. SETID is a high level key that is used to identify a group of rows called table set. SETID is tied to a business unit which is an organizational entity that can maintain its own transaction data. So through the use of SETID, we can expose data from one business unit to the other or keep it restricted to the business unit as applicable. In order to do this, all the control tables are divided into record groups. So when a business unit is created, a row is entered in table set control component for that business unit and for each record group, the SETID for the business unit is defaulted. This is called table set sharing. Based on this setup, when a user goes to transaction page like job data and tries to lookup control table related fields like job or department, user will see those values which are tied to the SETID that users BU is tied to in the table set control setup.
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4 :: Suppose if HR admin creates a person by error in PeopleSoft, how can the person be removed from all key database tables using a delivered process?

Navigate to PeopleTools -> Security -> User Profiles -> Delete User Profiles. Here you can search by user id and there is an option to delete the user profile. This will remove the employee data from key tables like JOB, PERSON, COMPENSATION, PSOPRDEFN.
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5 :: Tell me what are the different ways of setting up an HRMS system to make it position driven and where is this setup done?

An HRMS system can be setup to use no position management, partial position - management or full position management. In full position management system, for the whole employee strength, positions are maintained and the system is then driven by position and not employee. In partial position management, system is driven by both means- position and employee. You can have some departments in the organization driven by position and rest to be employee driven. If no position management is selected, then the system is completely person driven. System doesn’t use position data for employee job records even if positions are setup. This setup is done in the Installation table setup under HRMS options ? Position management option.
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6 :: Do you know when should be position management be preferred?

In position management, each person is mapped to a single position and there can be multiple positions within a job code. Whenever tracking or budgeting has to be done with respect to a position instead of a person, position management should be used. A position driven system works best in the case when the organization is static, i.e. jobs are fixed and people move in and out of their respective positions.
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7 :: Tell me for self service transactions what are the delivered approver options and where are they setup?

The approver for self service transactions is decided by Direct report setup in Setup HRMS -> Common Definitions -> Direct Reports for Managers -> Direct Report Setup. Here at a self service transaction component level access for approval can be setup by using access type as: Group id, department manager id, department security tree, partial position management department manager id, partial position management supervisor, reports to position if full position management is used or by supervisor id in job.
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8 :: Do you know how is an establishment different from a company?

In PeopleSoft, an establishment is an entity for regulatory purposes. It always has a physical address (location) and is associated with a company. It is an entity for which information is reported as a consolidated unit. For eg., an establishment can be defined as separate units of a company, based on location. In India, an establishment must be registered under the Factories Act or the Shops and Establishments act.

A company might or might not be attached to a physical location unlike an establishment.
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9 :: What is Translate Tables?

Translate Tables: Tables which store static data like blood groups, days of the week, types of interviews etc. Data in translate tables do not change frequently.
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10 :: What is Processing Tables?

Processing Tables: Tables which store default values which are pre defined values that the system inserts into a field on a particular page. These default values are inserted on the basis of other information the user keys in.
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11 :: What is Control Tables?

Control Tables: Control tables store information which define company structure and processing rules. Values stored in this field are used to validate the transactions the users perform. Eg., Lists of vendors, customers, departments etc. Data in the control tables are shared by multiple components are updated when there is re structuring in the organization. Values are generally static.
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12 :: What is Transaction Tables?

Transaction Tables: Transaction tables store day to day transactions. Eg.: Personal data of employee. These tables are more frequently updated.
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13 :: Can you please explain the concept of control tables. List some of the key control tables?

Control tables store information related to the org structure of the company and all business rules. These tables are used to allow or restrict access of organization data within a business unit to a user from a different business unit in the same organization. Some of the key control tables are Department table, location table.
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14 :: Please differentiate between translate, processing, control and transaction tables?

Translate Tables: Tables which store static data like blood groups, days of the week, types of interviews etc. Data in translate tables do not change frequently.

Processing Tables: Tables which store default values which are pre defined values that the system inserts into a field on a particular page. These default values are inserted on the basis of other information the user keys in.

Control Tables: Control tables store information which define company structure and processing rules. Values stored in this field are used to validate the transactions the users perform. Eg., Lists of vendors, customers, departments etc. Data in the control tables are shared by multiple components are updated when there is re structuring in the organization. Values are generally static.

Transaction Tables: Transaction tables store day to day transactions. Eg.: Personal data of employee. These tables are more frequently updated.
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15 :: What is a Business Unit?

Business units are logical structures used within an organization for reporting purposes. At least one business unit needs to be defined. Business units do not have any restrictions. The number of business units to be created depends entirely on the organization structure and business needs.
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16 :: Give two different examples of Business Unit to explain?

For eg. A company’s reporting is done on the basis of geographical location. It has six business units namely- NAmerica, SAmerica, EMEA, APAC, Russia and AUS. On the other hand, another company’s reporting is done on the basis of cost centers and it has only one business unit – GLOBAL.
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