Windows Threads Interview Questions & Answers
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Windows Threads frequently Asked Questions in various Windows Threads job Interviews by interviewer. The set of Windows Threads interview questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer to the interview questions posed to you. Get preparation of Windows Threads job interview

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Windows Threads Job Interview Questions and Answers
Windows Threads Job Interview Questions and Answers

2 :: Explain difference between ntfs4 and ntfs5?

ntfs 4 can't quota mgmt,disk comperession,efs ntfs5 did all

3 :: Explain cannot copy (file name)- access is denied?

There is no need to have the Admin privalege for copying a
file if you have read access it will also work.
the file may be write protected or may be used by another program.

4 :: How to share printer through FTP(fire transfer protocol)?

We need to promote a server as File and Print server, make
sure the Print Spooler Service is running and set to RUN
Automatically. Install the printer on this server and share
the printer with some name as per your desire.

To make available this shared printerto user you have to
just find the printer in directory and double click on
printer, this will automatically install the printer.

Another simple method to install this shared printer just
type the name or IP of the File & Print server, this will
open a explorer window showing the shared printer, just
Double Click on printer Icon to install it.

5 :: Which protocol is working behind DHCP server? and what exactly DORA does?

DORA (Discovery Offer Request Acknowlegment )process is the
DHCP process used by the clients for optaining ip automatically.

6 :: What are the reasons of rebooting the system?

the reasons for rebooting is
1) due to machine slow
2) for updating the service, some time service won't run
through local system , it will be run domian\username
3) for installing all updates & Patches

7 :: What is the impact if DNS Server fails?

If DNS server is fails your are not able to browse the
website and its showing server not found, and also its not
converted to domain name to ip address.

8 :: What is AD/AM in Windows2003?

Active Directory Application Mode

9 :: When we browse internet system getting 500 error how will you solve the problem?

This error can only be resolved by fixes to the Web server software. It is not a client-side problem. It is up to the operators of the Web server site to locate and analyse the logs which should give further information about the error.

10 :: How to Kill a Particular Process in windows?

U can kill a particular process in windows by pressing
Ctrl+Alt+Delete-->Click on Task Manager button-->and select
the program which one you want to kill and click on End
Task button.

11 :: Which one you will use to implement critical section?

Now sure what is asked but anyway:
1. If the question is how would you implement critical
section mechanism then the answer is to use a mutex.
2. If the question is to show how to use the critical
section then the following code fragment adresses that:
// Global variable or a member of some
// dynamically allocated structure, usualy within
// the data access to which it is protecting.

InitializeCriticalSection( &cs );

VOID SomeCall(VOID) {
EnterCriticalSection( &cs );
// Thread-safe block of code protected by critical
LeaveCriticalSection( &cs );

UnInit(VOID) {
DeleteCriticalSection( &cs );

12 :: Which one is not needed for Multi-program environment?

1) virtual memory
2) security
3) time sharing
4) none of the above.

4.None of the above

13 :: semaphore variable is different from ordinary variable by?

Semaphore variable is used under 'n' process solutions to
handshake mutual exclusion rule, where as ordinary variable
is used such circumstance is error prone if set that
variable as boolean type even you get problem while setting
value to parent thread.

where n>1

check it out!

14 :: What is Windows DAEMON?

Daemon stands for Disk and Execution Monitor. A daemon is a
long-running background process that answers requests for
services. The term originated with Unix, but most operating
systems use daemons in some form or another.

15 :: In window Xp which are the threads. Actually i wanna know if Ms word is a process which are the threads? Is spell check is a thread?

Threads do not actually have names...they just have a
handle...You can view the number of threads in a particular
process in task manager..goto view-->select columns--
>thread count

16 :: What is the reason for getting the dialogue box( send this error to microsoft giving options as send to microsoft and dont send ) when we abort from the any work when it was struck?

Its used by microsoft to get feedback from the OS as to the cause of the program crash to fix bugs if any in a particular program or in the Windows OS itself
Windows Threads Interview Questions and Answers
16 Windows Threads Interview Questions and Answers