Verbal Intelligence Interview Questions And Answers

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Refine your Verbal Intelligence interview skills with our 34 critical questions. Each question is crafted to challenge your understanding and proficiency in Verbal Intelligence. Suitable for all skill levels, these questions are essential for effective preparation. Download the free PDF now to get all 34 questions and ensure you're well-prepared for your Verbal Intelligence interview. This resource is perfect for in-depth preparation and boosting your confidence.

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Verbal Intelligence Job Interview Questions and Answers
Verbal Intelligence Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: A piece of clothing will lose $50 if it is sold at a 20% discount after a $200 reduction. if you sell it at a 60% discount, you will break even. if you want to make 100% profit by selling this garment, how much should you add to the original price?

For my askbee student (debra priyanka hendrick) incase if you googled:
20% discount = $50
60% discount = break even (which means no profit or loss)
20% = 50
60% = ?
(60/20) x 50 = $150 (actual price)
= to get 100% profit you need to add another $150 to the actual price.
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2 :: Which number should come next in this series?
25, 24, 22, 19, 15
a. 4
b. 5
c. 10
d. 14

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3 :: What is the missing letter?
e c o
b a b
g b n
d b ?

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4 :: Hen : chicken :: beast suitable pair?
☛ duck : drake
☛ dog : kennel
☛ goose : gander - Given
☛ horse : bridal

► goose : gander
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5 :: Stick for bundle : mountain for?
☛ range
☛ chain
☛ height
☛ snow

► chain
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6 :: War : peace :: import : ?
☛ abroad
☛ foreign
☛ export
☛ exporter

► export
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7 :: As white as snow : as sweat as?
☛ apple
☛ honey
☛ sugar
☛ sugarcane

► honey
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8 :: As green as grass : as cunning as?
☛ lion
☛ fox
☛ bear
☛ dog

► fox
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9 :: Manson : wall :: beast suitable pair?
☛ fisherman : trout
☛ author : book
☛ artist : easel
☛ man : woman

► author : book
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10 :: Pick the best suitable meaning for SLOTH:
☛ abasement
☛ cleanliness
☛ industry
☛ pragmatism

► abasement
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11 :: Exterior is to interior as dwarf is to?
☛ giant
☛ grant
☛ small
☛ big

► gaint
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12 :: Press:Pressure :: Pray : ?
☛ prayer
☛ payment
☛ pared
☛ paid

► prayer
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13 :: As bright as day : as black as?
☛ coal
☛ night
☛ road
☛ sky

► coal
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14 :: Synonym : antonym :: active : ?
☛ lazy
☛ cowardice
☛ passive
☛ actor

► passive
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15 :: books for pile: rain for?
☛ water
☛ shower
☛ wet
☛ foggy

► shower
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16 :: Free is to freedom as gallant is to:
☛ happiness
☛ greatness
☛ gallantry
☛ gaiety

► gallantry
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17 :: See : sight :: sing : ?
☛ singer
☛ song
☛ singing
☛ sought

► singer
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18 :: Water : waves :: beast suitable pair?
☛ wood : splinter
☛ fire : ashes
☛ event : memories
☛ accident : delay

► fire : ashes
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19 :: Antlers : stag :: beast suitable pair?
☛ horns : bull
☛ man : lion
☛ wings : eagle
☛ hoofs : horse

► horns : bull
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20 :: Disease is to health as falsehood is to?
☛ true
☛ truth
☛ correctness
☛ false

► truth
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21 :: As pale as death : as hard as?
☛ pebble
☛ rock
☛ stone
☛ sword

► stone
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22 :: Power is to empower as spark is to
☛ tabulate
☛ sparkle
☛ imperil
☛ enslave

► imperil
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23 :: Route : defeat :: choose best pair?
☛ ovation : applause
☛ pathway : ruin
☛ triumph : failure
☛ grief : loss

► ovation : applause
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24 :: flower for bunch : deer for?
☛ herd
☛ stable
☛ group
☛ room

► herd
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25 :: Lectures for course : class for?
☛ boys
☛ men
☛ crowd
☛ student

► student
Verbal Intelligence Interview Questions and Answers
34 Verbal Intelligence Interview Questions and Answers
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