Orbix Interview Questions And Answers

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Orbix Job Interview Questions and Answers
Orbix Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: How you dump the Orbix configuration?

To get all the Orbix configuration for a domain, run the following command:
itadmin config dump
This will work in both CFR and file based domains.

The output will look something like:
★ plugins:it_arm_interceptors:shlib_name = "it_arm_interceptors"
★ plugins:itrp:shlib_name = "it_itrp"
★ plugins:itrp:live_time = "2"
★ plugins:it_mbean_monitoring:shlib_name = "it_mbean_monitoring"
★ plugins:it_mbean_monitoring:ClassName = "com.iona.management.logging.mbean_monitoring.MBeanMonitoringPlugIn"
★ plugins:basic_codeset:shlib_name = "it_basic_codeset"
★ plugins:basic_codeset:ClassName = "com.iona.corba.codeset.BasicCodeSetPlugIn"
★ plugins:iiop_tls:ClassName = "com.iona.corba.iiop.tls.IIOPTLSPlugIn"
★ plugins:iiop_tls:shlib_name = "it_iiop_tls"
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2 :: Are Orbix 6 libraries thread safe?

Orbix 5 and Orbix 6 is designed to write multi-threaded (and single threaded) application from the ground up. However, the following describes in more details about Orbix thread safety:
All Orbix library public APIs are thread safe.
Per CORBA specification, add_ref/remove_ref operations in the idl generated code is thread safe.

Regarding the rest of the generated code, Orbix IDL -> C++ code generator generates mappings for user-defined IDL types, as well as client-side proxy invocation code (-base switch) and server-side servant dispatch code (-poa switch). The client-side invocation code and server-side dispatch code are thread-safe. The mappings generated for user-defined IDL types are not thread safe for concurrent modification but are thread-safe for concurrent reads.
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3 :: How to change the port of the Orbix Notification Service?

Yes, the port of the Orbix Notification service can be changed easily during the Orbix domain deployment process. Running itconfigure in expert mode allows you to change the IIOP port of the Orbix Notification Service. For further information please see the chapter "Creating a Domain in Expert Mode" in the Orbix Deployment Guide and the chapter "Managing the Notification Service" in the Enterprise Messaging Guide.
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4 :: How you can retrieve the local IP address on client side within an interceptor?

OAccessing the local address on the client-side, e.g. in an interceptor can be achieved by using the following code:

CORBA::Object_var obj = orb->resolve_initial_references("IT_IPTransport");
if (CORBA::is_nil(obj))
self_addr = (const char*) 0;
IT_ATLI2_IP::IPTransport_ptr ip_transport = IT_ATLI2_IP::IPTransport::_narrow(obj);

if (CORBA::is_nil(ip_transport))
self_addr = (const char*) 0;

CORBA::String_var hostname = ip_transport->local_node_name();
IT_ATLI2_IP::IPAddressSeq_var ip_addresses =
IT_ATLI2_IP::IPAddress_var ip_address = ip_addresses[0];
self_addr = ip_address->node_literal();
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5 :: Can a client use jdk orb to communicate with Orbix domain?

As SUN's ORB runtime cannot be used with Orbix applications, configure the JDK to use the Orbix ORB runtime instead by setting system properties org.omg.CORBA.ORBClass and org.omg.CORBA.ORBSingletonClass to the appropriate values.
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As SUN's ORB runtime cannot be used with Orbix applications, configure the JDK to use the Orbix ORB runtime instead by setting system properties org.omg.CORBA.ORBClass and org.omg.CORBA.ORBSingletonClass to the appropriate values.
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7 :: How to set the ORB properties?

The ORB properties can be set in one of the following ways:
★ Using the iona.properties file
★ Using Java interpreter arguments
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8 :: How you can access to Cobra objects in Orbix?

Clients can locate CORBA objects through the OrbixNames, which is Orbix's implementation of the CORBA Naming Service.
"OrbixNames allows you to set up groups of objects that can provide particular services to a client. When a client requests an object from a group, OrbixNames selects an object using a random or a round-robin load-balancing algorithm. You choose the algorithm associated with each group".
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9 :: How you can access to CORBA objects in Orbix?

Clients can locate CORBA objects through the OrbixNames, which is Orbix's implementation of the CORBA Naming Service.
"OrbixNames allows you to set up groups of objects that can provide particular services to a client. When a client requests an object from a group, OrbixNames selects an object using a random or a round-robin load-balancing algorithm. You choose the algorithm associated with each group".
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10 :: How we can access to CORBA objects in Orbix?

Clients can locate CORBA objects through the OrbixNames, which is Orbix's implementation of the CORBA Naming Service.
"OrbixNames allows you to set up groups of objects that can provide particular services to a client. When a client requests an object from a group, OrbixNames selects an object using a random or a round-robin load-balancing algorithm. You choose the algorithm associated with each group".
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11 :: Were Java Applets supported in Orbix 6.3?

Orbix 6.3 has not been tested to run with Java Applets and is unsupported.
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12 :: Does clients using Orbix 3.x talk to servers using Orbix 2000?

Orbix 3 and later versions of Orbix (such as Orbix 6) have "on the wire" compatibility. Orbix 3 uses IIOP (Internet Inter-Orb Protocol) as it's default protocol. Hence an Orbix 3 client can speak to an Orbix 6 server and vice-versa.
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13 :: Does server migration to new physical IP address also impact on Orbix?

By default IORs will contain the hostname of a machine. Using such an IOR will succeed without any problems since a hostname lookup will return the new IP address.
Ensure IORs of the CFR, Locator, etc. contain hostnames rather then IP addresses. Use the iordump tool shipped with Orbix in order to inspect the hostname/port contained in the IOR.
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14 :: What soft_limit and hard_limit configuration settings apply for each Orbix process or for a sum of Orbix processes running in an Orbix domain?

These settings apply to each Orbix process for which these settings have been configured and not to the sum of Orbix processes running in an Orbix domain.
If these settings have been configured in the global configuration scope then these settings will apply to each process started in your Orbix domain.
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15 :: Does interceptor capture SSL handshaking errors?

It is not possible to capture SSL handshaking errors programatically in Orbix as this is handled by the SSL toolkit and will fail before the connection is established and Orbix begins to pass the request through the interceptors in the binding list.
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16 :: Does Orbix 3 support VOS (Virtualization operating systems)?

Currently Orbix 3 (release 3.3.10) is not supported on any virtualization platforms.
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17 :: Does Orbix 3 and 6 support Java 7?

Orbix 6.3.6 is the first Service Pack of Orbix to include support for Java 7. Support for Java 7 is provided for Orbix 3.3.12 in Q2 2013.
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18 :: Will Orbix 6 support I/O callback feature?

Because Orbix 6 has no equivalent to the Orbix 3 I/O Callback functionality, you must migrate any code that uses it. Orbix 6 does not allow access to TCP/IP sockets or transport-level information, this is not compatible with the Orbix 6 architecture.
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19 :: Tell me does Orbix provide tool to remove surplus empty lines from an Orbix configuration file?

Orbix does not provide any tools to remove empty or surplus empty lines from an Orbix configuration file.

Using a text editor for example Notepad++ (http://notepad-plus-plus.org/) with the TextFX plugin installed (Plugins->Plugin Manager->Show Plugin Manager and install TextFX plugin), you can simply load the configuration file, mark all text (Ctrl+A), then select menu TextFX->TextFX Edit->Delete Surplus Blank Lines.
This removes all surplus empty lines.
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20 :: Does the Orbix have size limit for CORBA messages?

Orbix does not impose a size limit on the messages sent from Client to Server. The size of the message is influenced by how the application has defined the message in the Interface Definition Language (IDL) used by the server and client.
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21 :: How to developed the event service consumers and suppliers?

An event service supplier program performs the following actions:
1) Instantiates suppliers using the appropriate interface in module CosEventComm
2) Connects suppliers to the event channel
3) Sends event messages to the event channel
4) Disconnects from the event channel

An event service consumer program performs the following actions:
1) Instantiates consumers with the appropriate CosEventComm interface
2) Connects consumers to the event channel
3) Obtains event messages
4) Disconnects from the event channel
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22 :: Tell me does Orbix Web Services provide locator functionality for Web Services endpoints?

Orbix Web Services does not include locator functionality for web services endpoints.
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23 :: Does Orbix support Oracle JRockit Java Virtual Machine?

Any versions of Orbix do not support Oracle JRockit Java Virtual Machine.
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24 :: How to download the Orbix products?

Product downloads are awailable through the Micro Focus EPD (Electronic Product Delivery) portal.
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25 :: How to change the default Orbix client timeout?

The variable that sets the timeout Orbix config is:
Orbix Interview Questions and Answers
36 Orbix Interview Questions and Answers
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