Basic Computer Interview Questions And Answers

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Strengthen your Basic Computer interview skills with our collection of 64 important questions. Each question is crafted to challenge your understanding and proficiency in Basic Computer. Suitable for all skill levels, these questions are essential for effective preparation. Secure the free PDF to access all 64 questions and guarantee your preparation for your Basic Computer interview. This guide is crucial for enhancing your readiness and self-assurance.

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Basic Computer Job Interview Questions and Answers
Basic Computer Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: What is Accelerator key?

A keyboard shortcut for a command. For example, Ctrl + Alt + Delete is an accelerator key for the task manager in Windows 95.
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2 :: What is Active window?

The current window that is being used.
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3 :: What is Asynchronous SRAM?

Async SRAM is not synchronized with the system clock, so the CPU must wait for requested data from the L2 cache.
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4 :: What is BIOS (Basic Input and Output Software)?

BIOS stands for Basic Input and Output Software. The BIOS is software that controls the most fundamental operations of a computer and a BIOS is necessary in order to start a computer. Without a BIOS, a computer would not know how to communicate with its hard disk and other devices. The BIOS is stored on a ROM (Read-Only Memory) computer chip inside the computer. Many computers in the past few years use "Flash EPROM" chips, which means the BIOS chip can be reprogrammed with an updated BIOS. A BIOS may need to be updated to fix bugs, such as the year 2000 bug, or an update may be necessary in order to support new hardware protocols.
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5 :: What is Bit?

Bit is short for binary digit. A bit can be a zero or a one.
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6 :: What is Binary?

Binary is an alternative number system which works very well for computers. Humans have ten fingers; that's probably why we use ten digits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9) in our number system (decimal), but it is easier for a computer to use only two digits (0 and 1). Ones and zeros can be represented with high or low voltage, closed or open switches, aligned or misaligned magnetic particles, etc. A byte is a group of eight bits, and it is the standard unit by which data is stored. There are 256 different combinations of zeros and ones you can make with one byte, from 00000000 to 11111111. This is enough to cover all the ASCII characters. If more than 256 values are needed, then more than one byte can be used. With two bytes, there are 65536 possible combinations of ones and zeros. These bytes can represent any kind of data. For example, a picture may be made up of thousands of pairs of bytes, with each pair of bytes representing a single dot in one of 65536 colors. Put together all these dots (known as pixels) and you have a full-color picture (most picture data is also compressed). On systems using Microsoft Windows, the meaning of data stored on a disk is determined by the file's extension. For example: if it is TXT, then it is ASCII text; if it is EXE, then it is a program (an executable).
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7 :: What is Byte?

A byte is eight binary digits. It is the smallest unit a computer works with at once. The bits of a byte can be individually modified, but a computer still works with at least one byte at a time. See also: Binary and my article on Bits and Bytes.
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8 :: What is Button?

A button does some command in a program when it is clicked. Buttons usually have a 3-dimensional look, although you may have to move the mouse over the button for it to look 3D. You should single-click on buttons (do not double-click).
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9 :: What is CD-R?

Compact Disc Recordable. A special type of compact disc which can have information written onto it once. You must have a special CD-R drive to write to these discs, but most CD-ROM drives can read them.
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10 :: What is Activate?

To make a window active by bringing it to the front.
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11 :: What is Cascade?

An arrangement of Windows so each window is neatly stacked with only the title bar of each window is showing.
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12 :: What is Clicking?

Swiftly pressing and releasing a mouse button.
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13 :: What is Close button?

The X in the upper right corner of a window. When clicked, it will close the current window.
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14 :: What is Color scheme?

A selection of colors that the user sees when using Windows. These colors make up the display of applications, dialog boxes, etc.
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15 :: What is Associate?

To link a file with a certain program. This way, when you double-click on an associated file, it will open the correct program.
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16 :: What is Auto arrange?

In Windows Explorer, selecting auto arrange will lock any visible icons into a grid or pattern.
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17 :: What is Backward Compatible?

A program is backward compatible if it can use files from an older version of itself. For a file saved in the program to be backward compatible, it must be possible to open the file in a previous version of the program.
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18 :: What is CD-ROM?

Compact Disc - Read Only Memory. A CD-ROM is any compact disc which contains computer data. These discs can store huge amounts of data (up to 640 megabytes). If there is a large amount of data on a CD-ROM, then it is usually impractical to copy the data on to the hard disk; in this case, you must insert the disc whenever you want to use the data. The ROM simply means that you can not save information onto these discs. CD-ROM may also refer to the drive used to read these discs.
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19 :: What is Check box?

A dialog box, usually square, that records an on or off value.
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20 :: What is Clipboard?

A temporary storage location in Windows. The clipart will store one piece of information at a time when it is manually added to the clipart or is copied there.
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21 :: What is Collapsing?

Hiding an additional level of directories beneath the selected directory in My Computer or Windows Explorer.
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22 :: What is Command?

An option form an application’s menu, or a command typed in by the user, such as at a DOS prompt or at the Run dialog box in Windows.
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23 :: What is Command button?

A command button, when clicked, will cause an action to occur.
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24 :: What is Connection?

An established communication session between a server and a workstation.
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25 :: What is Control Panel?

A system utility that comes with Windows that allows the use to change a variety if different Windows and system settings.
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