Intel 8086 (iAPX86) Interview Questions & Answers
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Refine your 8086 interview skills with our 28 critical questions. Each question is crafted to challenge your understanding and proficiency in 8086. Suitable for all skill levels, these questions are essential for effective preparation. Download the free PDF now to get all 28 questions and ensure you're well-prepared for your 8086 interview. This resource is perfect for in-depth preparation and boosting your confidence.

28 8086 Questions and Answers:

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8086 Job Interview Questions and Answers
8086 Job Interview Questions and Answers

2 :: Explain What is SIM and RIM instructions?

SIM is Set Interrupt Mask. Used to mask the hardware interrupts. RIM is Read Interrupt Mask. Used to check whether the interrupt is Masked or not.

3 :: Which Stack is used in 8086?

FIFO (First In First Out) stack is used in 8086.In this type of Stack the first stored information is retrieved first.

4 :: On a scale of one to ten, rate me as an interviewer now.

TRAPS: Give a perfect 10, and you'll seem too easy to please. Give anything less than a perfect 10, and he could press you as to where you're being critical, and that road leads downhill for you.
BEST ANSWER: Once again, never be negative. The interviewer will only resent criticism coming from you. This is the time to show your positivism.
However, don't give a numerical rating. Simply praise whatever interview style he's been using.
If he's been tough, say You have been thorough and tough-minded, the very qualities needed to conduct a good interview.
If he's been methodical, say, You have been very methodical and analytical, and I'm sure that approach results in excellent hires for your firm.
In other words, pay him a sincere compliment that he can believe because it's anchored in the behavior you've just seen.

5 :: What are the flags used in 8086?

In 8086 Carry flag, Parity flag, Auxiliary carry flag, Zero flag, Overflow flag, Trace flag, Interrupt flag, Direction flag, and Sign flag.

basically there r two types of interrupti.e.internal and external interrupts.internal interrupts are software inetrrupts which can maskable or nonmaskable where as external interrupts are due to some hardware reset,and are non maskable.

6 :: What are the various interrupts in 8086?

Maskable interrupts, Non-Maskable interrupts.

7 :: What is Non-Maskable interrupts?

An interrupt which can be never be turned off (ie.disabled) is known as Non-Maskable interrupt

8 :: Which interrupts are generally used for critical events?

Non-Maskable interrupts are used in critical events. Such as Power failure, Emergency, Shut off etc.

9 :: Give examples for Maskable interrupts?

RST 7.5, RST6.5, RST5.5 are Maskable interrupts

TRAP mask is in 8085 dear!

10 :: Give example for Non-Maskable interrupts?

Trap is known as Non-Maskable interrupts, which is used in emergency condition.


11 :: What are the three main types of connection used by Bluetooth?

Single slave,
Master slave,
Scatternet .

Master slave

12 :: What is Piconet?

A collection of devices connected through Bluetooth technology in an ad hoc fashion.

Question What are the three main types of connection used by Bluetooth? Answer Single slave, Master slave, Scatternet

A network of devices connected in an ad hoc fashion using Bluetooth technology. A piconet is formed when at least two devices, such as a portable PC and a cellular phone, connect. A piconet can support up to eight devices.

13 :: how many types memory mgt can divided?

they are two types.

they are two types.they are big endian and little endian.

memory is divided into two bank, 1:even bank 2:odd bank.

14 :: What is the difference between 8085 and 8086 in microprocessor?

8086 has a special concept called as memory segmentation.It allows parallel processing, while 8085 does not.

15 :: Why memory width is not 16-bit? In stead of having 8-bit (same as 8085)?

memory size of 8086 is 1MB memory size of 8085 is 64KB 2 ^(adresslines)=size of memory (bytes) so adress lines of 8086 are 20 and 8085 is 16

16 :: Where 8086 mostly used & tell application of 8086?

8086 is used for general purpose like it is used in traffic signals for control purpose .It's also used for small applications like for calculator,etc

scientific calculators & small arithmatic operations

17 :: What is internal structure of 8086?

8086 is having 2 different units i.e. BIU(Bus Interface Unit) and EU(Execution Unit), these two units work synchronously.

18 :: Which is the tool used to connect the user and the computer?

Interpreter is the tool used to connect the user and the tool.

19 :: What is the position of the Stack Pointer after the PUSH instruction?

The address line is 02 less than the earlier value.

Decrement by 2.

20 :: What is the position of the Stack Pointer after the POP instruction?

The address line is 02 greater than the earlier value.

21 :: Logic calculations are done in which type of registers?

Accumulator is the register in which Arithmetic and Logic calculations are done.

22 :: Give examples for Micro controller?

Z80, Intel MSC51 &96, Motorola are the best examples of Microcontroller.

The answer is:If we make the program in one operating system(os-xp) & if we want to execute/runs on another operating sysrem(os-linux),than we can do it by cross-compiler.

23 :: What is meant by cross-compiler?

A program runs on one machine and executes on another is called as cross-compiler

Programs which compile on One Machine and Execute on Another machine is called cross compiler

24 :: Which Segment is used to store interrupt and subroutine return address registers?

Stack Segment in segment register is used to store interrupt and subroutine return address registers

25 :: Which Flags can be set or reset by the programmer and also used to control the operation of the processor?

Trace Flag,
Interrupt Flag,
Direction Flag.
8086 Interview Questions and Answers
28 8086 Interview Questions and Answers