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#1 2012-03-28 04:28:35

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Agent Vinod
From: India
Registered: 2012-03-23
Posts: 1,149

Web Developers Interview Questions And Answers

World Wide Web :: Web Developers Job Interview Questions and Answers

Web Developers Interview Questions and Answers will guide you that Web development is a broad term for any activity related to developing a web site for the World Wide Web or an intranet. Web Development interview questions and answers can include e-commerce business development, web design, web content development, client-side/server-side scripting, and web server configuration tips, tutorials and interview preparation.

1 What industry sites and blogs do you read regularly?
2 Do you prefer to work alone or on a team?
3 How comfortable are you with writing HTML entirely by hand? (+exercise)
4 What is the w3c?
5 Can you write table-less XHTML? Do you validate your code?
6 What are a few of your favorite development tools and why?
7 Describe/demonstrate your level of competence in a *nix shell environment
8 What skills and technologies are you the most interested in improving upon or learning?
9 Show me your portfolio!
10 What sized websites have you worked on in the past?
11 Show me your code!
12 What are a few sites you admire and why? (from a web development perspective)
13 Fix this code, please.
14 I just pulled up the website you built and the browser is displaying a blank page. Walk me through the steps you would take to troubleshoot the problem.
15 What is your favorite development language and why? What other features (if any) do you wish you could add to this language?
16 Do you find any particular languages or technologies intimidating?
17 Acronym time (oh boy!)
18 What web browser do you use?
19 What are a few personal web projects you have got going on?

2012-03-28 04:28:35

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