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#1 2017-06-24 06:27:38

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Cryptography Teacher Interview Questions And Answers

Cryptography :: Cryptography Teacher Job Interview Questions and Answers

Cryptography Teacher related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Cryptography Teacher. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts

1 Tell me what is Cryptography?
2 Explain me types of Cryptosystems?
3 Explain me Monoalphabetic and Polyalphabetic Cipher?
4 What is RSA Cryptosystem?
5 What is Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC)?
6 On perform the Mix Columns transformation for the sequence of bytes “77 89 AB CD” we get output  a) {01 55 EE 4A}  b) {0A 44 EF 4A}  c) {08 55 FF 3A}  d) {09 44 DD 4A}
7 S-AES and S-DES were both developed by the same person as an educational cryptography system to teach students  a) True  b) False
8 A substitution cipher substitutes one symbol with    Keys  Others  Multi Parties  Single Party
9 In cryptography, the order of the letters in a message is rearranged by:  A. transpositional ciphers B. substitution ciphers C. both (a) and (b) D. none of the mentioned
10 We use Cryptography term to transforming messages to make them secure and immune to    Change  Idle  Attacks  Defend
11 Man-in-the-middle attack can endanger security of Diffie-Hellman method if two parties are not    Authenticated  Joined  Submit  Separate
12 Cryptographic hash function takes an arbitrary block of data and returns:  A. fixed size bit string B. variable size bit string C. both (a) and (b) D. none of the mentioned
13 Which one of the following is a cryptographic protocol used to secure HTTP connection?  A. stream control transmission protocol (SCTP) B. transport layer security (TSL) C. explicit congestion notification (ECN) D. resource reservation protocol
14 1. How many computation rounds does the simplified AES consists of?  a) 5  b) 2  c) 8  d) 10
15 An asymmetric-key (or public-key) cipher uses    1 Key  2 Key  3 Key  4 Key
16 ElGamal encryption system is:  A. symmetric key encryption algorithm B. asymmetric key encryption algorithm C. not an encryption algorithm D. none of the mentioned
17 On comparing AES with DES, which of the following functions from DES does not have an equivalent AES function?  a) f function  b) permutation p  c) swapping of halves  d) xor of subkey with function f
18 Cryptanalysis is used:  A. to find some insecurity in a cryptographic scheme B. to increase the speed C. to encrypt the data D. none of the mentioned
19 For the case of Mixed Columns and Inverse Mixed Columns, is it true that b(x) = a-1(x)mod(x4 + 1)  where a(x) = {03}x3 + {01}x2 + {01}x + {02} and b(x) = {0B}x3 + {0D}x2 + {09}x + {0E}  a) True  b) False. The expression for a(x) is wrong.  c) False. The expression for b(x) is wrong.  d) False. Both a(x) and b(x) are faulty.
20 On perform the Mix Columns transformation for the sequence of bytes “67 89 AB CD” we get output  a) {08 55 FF 18}  b) {28 45 EF 08}  c) {28 45 FF 18}  d) {25 35 EF 08}
21 What is the block size in the Simplified AES algorithm?  a) 8 bits  b) 40 bits  c) 16 bits  d) 36 bits
22 A straight permutation cipher or a straight P-box has same number of inputs as    cipher  Frames  Outputs  Bits
23 Voice privacy in GSM cellular telephone protocol is provided by:  A. A5/2 cipher B. b5/4 cipher C. b5/6 cipher D. b5/8 cipher
24 In cryptography, what is cipher?  A. algorithm for performing encryption and decryption B. encrypted message C. both (a) and (b) D. none of the mentioned
25 Which of the following is a faulty S-AES step function?  a) Add round key  b) Byte substitution  c) Shift rows  d) Mix Columns
26 Is the following matrix the inverse matrix of the matrix used in the mix columns step?  x3 + 1 x  x x3 + 1    a) Yes  b) No  c) Can’t say  d) Insufficient Information
27 For an inputs key of size 128 bits constituting of all zeros, what is w(7) ?  a) {62 63 63 63}  b) {62 62 62 62}  c) {00 00 00 00}  d) {63 63 63 62}
28 In asymmetric key cryptography, the private key is kept by:  A. sender B. receiver C. sender and receiver D. all the connected devices to the network
29 What is data encryption standard (DES)?  A. block cipher B. stream cipher C. bit cipher D. none of the mentioned
30 For the cipher text 0000 0111 0011 1000 and Key 0110 1111 0110 1011, apply the Simplified AES to obtain the plaintext. The plain text is  a) 0110 1001 0111 0001  b) 0110 1111 0110 1011  c) 0010 1001 0110 1011  d) 1111 0101 0111 1111
31 Which one of the following algorithm is not used in asymmetric-key cryptography?  A. RSA algorithm B. diffie-hellman algorithm C. electronic code book algorithm D. none of the mentioned
32 What is the key size in the S-AES algorithm?  a) 16 bits  b) 32 bits  c) 24 bits  d) None of the mentioned
33 Explain components of a Cryptosystem?
34 Explain Kerckhoff’s Principle for Cryptosystem?
35 Tell me what can you use to defend against multiple login attempts?
36 Explain me what is Diffie-Hellman?
37 Tell me what are MD2, MD4, and MD5?
38 Explain me what is Cryptanalysis?
39 Do you know advanced Encryption Standard?
40 Tell me what is the difference between a public key cryptography and a private key for encrypting and signing content?
41 Tell me how can you defend against phishing attempts?
42 Tell me how would an HTTP program handle state?
43 Explain me what is RC4?
44 What is ElGamal Cryptosystem?
45 Explain me what should be implemented on a login page?
46 Explain what is RC5?
47 Tell me what are some ways that the company can defend against XSS?
48 Explain me RSA Analysis?
49 What is symmetric Key Encryption?
50 Do you know what is Cross Site Scripting or XSS?
51 Explain me what are the two types of XSS?
52 Explain me about your home network?
53 Tell me do you prefer Windows or Linux?
54 Explain me what port is for ICMP or pinging?
55 What is asymmetric Key Encryption?

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