Common Customer Support Specialist Interview Preparation Guide
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Customer Support Specialist Frequently Asked Questions in various Customer Support Specialist job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview

50 Customer Support Specialist Questions and Answers:

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Common  Customer Support Specialist Job Interview Questions and Answers
Common Customer Support Specialist Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Are you happy with your career as Customer Support Specialist?

Yes it brought opportunities to be helpful to people, learn new technology and make a difference especially when coming up with new process and procedures. I was proud of developing an employee survey for Help Desk support.

2 :: What are your long term career goals as Customer Support Specialist?

My Long term career goal is to get to a point where I would be part of the decision making body., lead in introducing new innovations.

3 :: Explain me how would you handle an angry client?

I have had to deal with my fair share of angry clients in previous positions. What is most important is to remain calm. My job was to help them in any way I could, so that is just what I did. I explored all possible solutions, making sure to communicate my efforts with the client every step of the way. Upon finding a solution, I made sure to verify with the client that his or her problem had been solved in a satisfactory manner.

4 :: Tell me how to deal with the customer having language barrier?

To deal with customer having language barrier,

☛ Install translation aids on customer service workstations
☛ Offer chat, e-mail or customer support options in their native language if possible on top of the phone calls
☛ Hire additional personnel with the language skills needed to work with this customer segment
☛ Enroll language barrier procedures that can be used when handling foreign customer calls

5 :: Explain me how one can improve customer interactions?

To improve customer interaction,

☛ Admit your mistakes even before your customer does and apologize
☛ Take follow up if a problem is solved
☛ Practice active listening so your customer feel heard
☛ Try to identify a common interest or liking with the customer

6 :: Tell me how can you create a new opportunities for customers proactive engagement?

☛ Use internet service to contact customer on social media
☛ Use mobile often to reach maximum customers by sending personalized context-relevant offers or services
☛ Customer Interactions must be relevant to customers interest to gain their trust and encourage them
☛ Analyze the customer data and behavior using business intelligence tool, to understand its expectation for the service you offer
☛ Use cloud platform to keep your service updated with the latest technology and with minimum expenses

7 :: Tell me what did you like and dislike about your previous job?

I like people and work place that make a great place to work with. Sometimes I dislike too much meeting, but the meeting always brings good idea and the problem solve solution ideas.

8 :: If you had a specialty as Customer Support Specialist what would it be?

Being pro active, helping out as much as I can, and quickly as possible. On top of that, anything I don't know, I enjoy being proactive in learning about it and enhancing my knowledge.

9 :: Tell us how can you build customer loyalty?

To build customer loyalty, you need to

☛ Track customer retention by surveying your customers
☛ Analyze the data to see how many customers are new and how many are returning for your service
☛ Focus on converting new customers into returning customers as a plan of your customer retention plan
☛ Encourage employees to build connections with customers
☛ Solicit feedback from customer so they feel that their opinions matter

10 :: Tell me how would you handle negative feedback from angry clients?

To handle negative feedback from angry clients,

☛ Customer representative should be able to manage customer without being dominated
☛ He should not be overwhelmed by a disapproving customer
☛ Try to listen and understand customer issue before going after suggestions or solution

11 :: Tell me what do you like and dislike about working in the customer service industry?

Nobody likes dealing with angry people, and there are days where angry customers can really get you down. It can be frustrating when you can’t make someone happy, despite your best efforts. However, when you are able to help a person and make his or her life just a little bit better, there is no better feeling in the world.

12 :: Tell me what steps will you take to deal with your unsatisfied customer?

☛ Apologize and offer a better option
☛ Act quickly and resolve the customer complaint
☛ Take responsibility for what made customer unhappy
☛ Compensate customer with better deal or free service

13 :: Tell us how do you feel about your abilities as a manager?

Focus on how you achieve results while maintaining good staff relations. Use examples of your successes and how you have learned from mistakes. Emphasise your energy and experience.

14 :: Tell me do You Understand the Goals You Must Meet?

There is much more to customer service than simply answering telephone calls, and your interviewer will want to ensure that you understand all of the goals you must meet along the way. Some of these include your average call handling time, your issue resolution rates, your transfer rates and the number of calls you escalate. “I will work hard to exceed the goals presented to me by the company. I always give 110% in everything I do, and I am not afraid to ask for advice if I feel that I am struggling with any goal” would be a great answer.

15 :: Explain me how to deal with unreasonable customer demands?

To deal with unreasonable customer demands,

☛ To avoid conflict with your potential customer, you can always offer him an option that is reasonable
☛ Pre-qualify your customer, before allocating anything to your customer make sure you understand well your customers demand
☛ Say-no without hesitation if the demand is illegitimate
☛ Keep your patience while dealing with such unreasonable customer demands

16 :: Tell me what does DNS stand for and what is it used for?

Domain Name Service (or System or Server) – it translates domain names into IPaddresses.

17 :: Tell me do you ever become upset or angry on the job?

I'll step back and reconsider what cost the filling. But I will look at more objective and less personal.

18 :: Tell me what are the key aspect that help to improve customer service?

The key aspect to improve customer service,

☛ Data analysis: Analyze the preferences of customers based on the data collections
☛ Automation of business process: To improve customer satisfaction and speeding up the business process implement the automation of business process
☛ Self-service optimization: Explore new ways for customer interaction with your business
☛ Workforce effectiveness: Integrate new tools and technology to improve customer service

19 :: Explain me what Methods Would You Use to Escalate a Call?

Call escalation is common in call centers, especially when a customer has contacted the company multiple times and still has an unresolved issue. Your interviewer will want to know what you would do when a customer asks to speak to your supervisor. The best answer for such a question would be “Although I would follow the company’s policies regarding call escalation, I would first attempt to obtain as much information as I can from the customer and deescalate the issue on my own. If I cannot provide the resolution the customer wants, or if the customer refuses, I would follow the company’s chain of command for escalated calls.”

20 :: Tell me how to deal with the difficult customer?

To deal with a difficult customer you need to do following things

☛ Listen to customer actively
☛ Rephrase their concerns
☛ Present a viable solution
☛ Take action and follow up
☛ Fix the problem at hand immediately
☛ Use the feedback
☛ Reduce the unpleasant situation happen again with customer

21 :: Tell me how to get a responsive customer feedback?

To get a responsive customer feedback,

☛ Offer feedback options on every page of your site
☛ Present visitors with easy feedback form by giving them selective option
☛ Give visitors easy-to-use ratings systems
☛ Give option for a newsletter to skip or to register
☛ Deliver feedback to responsible person directly via e-mail notification
☛ Avoid multiple choice of answers instead encourage customer for descriptive feedback

22 :: Tell me how can you resolve the problem to customer’s satisfaction?

To resolve the problem to customer’s satisfaction, you need to follow the following techniques.

☛ Talk to the customer: Standard emails or letters might work in some cases, but often you can achieve more quickly with a phone call. It will make feel customer more personal and understand their complaint
☛ Figure out the problem and requirement: Listen carefully to your customers need carefully and ask them what they want
☛ Ask about wider issues: Ask open ended questions like – is he happy with your service or product? What other feedback does he want to give?
☛ Offer something back: If a customer has a genuine issue with the service/product, and there is a chance of losing it, it’s better to give him some offer/discount/coupons, etc. to keep him stick to your service.
☛ Confirm your solution: To avoid dispute after coming up with solution on phone, it’s better to take follow up by email or letter
☛ Take follow up: This is where most people miss- get a member of your staff to check that all is well. It will help to minimize the common problem faced by customers.

23 :: Explain me an example of a time when you have gone the extra mile for a client?

When working in the client service department of a bank, I received a call from a client who had been promised she would receive her debit card the previous day, but it never came. It was a Thursday, and she was leaving the country that Sunday and needed the card before then. Normally it would take until the following Monday to resend the card; however, I researched carriers in the area that offered Saturday delivery and was able to coordinate with our card shipping center to have the card printed first thing Friday and delivered by Saturday afternoon. The woman said I had saved her vacation, which made my day.

24 :: Tell me how confident are you in your ability to explain complicated IT issues in a simple way that anyone can understand?

Very confident. Using the What, Where, When, Why and How will make explanation easy to understand.

25 :: What are your short term career goals as Customer Support Specialist?

I would to work in the role that I am about to hired and once I learn all that I can learn. I would have had invested in my personal time in personal development and learn coding or some other IT skill that will qualify me to apply for another career path and experience and learn that part of the IT realm. I also will continue to get IT certificates and when I feel that I am ready, I will enroll in school and get my masters degree.
Customer Support Specialist Interview Questions and Answers
50 Customer Support Specialist Interview Questions and Answers