Hardest Visual Basic (VB) Interview Preparation Guide
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Visual Basic Interview Questions and Answers will guide you that Visual Basic (VB) is the third-generation event-driven programming language and integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft for its COM programming model. By browsing our Visual Basic Interview Questions and Answers you will learn that VB is also considered a relatively easy to learn and use programming language. This VB interview questions and answers guide will make Visual Basic more easy to learn for every one.

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Hardest  Visual Basic (VB) Job Interview Questions and Answers
Hardest Visual Basic (VB) Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Hi, sorry but i have a simple question ! i have a string like "2^5+2*5^2-1" in a textbox and i want to have the result of this string in another textbox. but i cant get the answer!
i am new and i want to have a function like :
f(x) = x^5+2*x^2-1 and then i can calculate f(i) for example for i = 0 to 100
please help?

I believe that in VB6, there is no facility to calculate maths formula from string. So you need to create a function or your own logic to implement such a calculation.
Here is the code for above question. You can call that function with passing your number.
Function Calc(ByVal intNumber As Integer) As Double
Dim dblResult As Double
dblResult = (intNumber ^ 5) + (2 * (intNumber ^ 2)) - 1
Calc = dblResult
End Function
I hope it helps.

2 :: DSN Less Connection in VB?

"Server=Oracle; Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle};"

3 :: Calling Stored Procedures in VB?

1. Calling Simply the Procedure with out Arguments "Call ProcedureName}"
2. If it is with Arguments Means then
Declare the Query Def qy
Set Qy as New Query def
Qy.SQL = "{Call ProcedureName(?

7 :: How many procedures are in VB?

function and sub procedures

9 :: Record set types and Number available in VB?

1- Dynaset, 0 Table, 2 Snap Shot.

11 :: What is ADO? What are its objects ?

ActiveX Data Object. ADO can access data from both flat files as well as the databases. I.e., It is encapsulation of DAO, RDO, and OLE that is why we call it as OLE-DB Technology. Objects are Connection, Record Set, Command, Parameter, field, Error, Property.

12 :: What methods are used for DBGrid in unbound mode?


13 :: What is Dataware Control?

Any control bound to Data Control.
Ex:- Textbox, Check Box, Picture Box, Image Control, Label, List box, Combo Box, DB Combo,

14 :: What are types of binding?

Assigning variable with defined memory space.
Late Binding - Memory size is allotted in later stage.
Ex:- Dim x as object
Early Binding - Memory size is allotted while declaring itself. New Key word is important.
Ex:- Dim x as New Object

15 :: Different type of Passing Value?

By value, By ref, Optional, Param Array. Note:- Optional keyword cannot be used while declaring arguments for a function using param array.

16 :: What is RdExecDirect?

Bypasses the Creation of a stored procedure to execute the query. Does not apply to Oracle.

17 :: What is Mask Edit and why it is used?

Control. Restricted data input as well as formatted data output.

18 :: What is the diff between the Create Object and Get object?

Create Object - To create an instance of an object.
Get Object To get the reference to an existing object.

19 :: What are the Technologies for Accessing Database from Visual Basic?set?

Data Control,

22 :: What is difference between datagrid and flexgrid?

Datagrid Editable. Flexigrid Non-Editable. (Generally used for Read only purpose.)

23 :: Name some date function?


24 :: How to increase the Date corresponding with month,date,year?

Hour, min, sec, month, year, DateSerial, dateadd, datediff, weekday, datevalue, timeserial,timevalue.

25 :: Referential Integrity (Take care By jet database Engine). Cascade Delete, Cascade Update is done setting property of Attributes.?

DbRelationDeleteCascade, DbRelationUpdateCascade.
Visual Basic (VB) Interview Questions and Answers
102 Visual Basic (VB) Interview Questions and Answers