CGI Perl Interview Questions & Answers
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Optimize your CGI Perl interview preparation with our curated set of 18 questions. Each question is designed to test and expand your CGI Perl expertise. Suitable for all experience levels, these questions will help you prepare thoroughly. Download the free PDF now to get all 18 questions and ensure you're well-prepared for your CGI Perl interview. This resource is perfect for in-depth preparation and boosting your confidence.

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CGI Perl Job Interview Questions and Answers
CGI Perl Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Write a script to display mirror image of a entered value and also check whether Palindrome?

print("Enter the no. to check for Palindrome : ");
$no = <STDIN>;

$i = 0;

# Store into a array
while($no != 0)
@array[$i] = $no % 10;
$no = int($no / 10);

$flag = "true";

# Check for Palindrome
while( ($flag eq "true" )&& ( $j < @array/2) ){
if (@array[$j] != @array[$i])
$flag = "false"

# Print the result
if( $flag eq "true")
print("It is a Palindrome\n");
print("It is NOT a Palindrome\n");

2 :: Write a script to generate n prime no.s?


$Count = 0;
$pt = 2;
while ( $Count < @ARGV[0] )
if (isPrimary($pt))
print "$pt\n";

sub isPrimary
$flag = 1;
for ($i=2; $i<=$_[0]/2; $i++)
if ($_[0] % $i == 0)
$flag = 0;
return $flag;

3 :: Why we use "use lib $path"?

If we are trying to add a module or library files in our
program using require or use statement then it will search
that module or library files in the Perl's default search path.

The statement use lib is used to add the directories to
default search path.

So if the module or library file is not located in the
Perl's default search path then it will find the library
files in the path we have given with the use lib $path.

4 :: Difference between Perl and Mod_perl?

Perl is a language and MOD_PERL is a module of Apache used
to enhance the performance of the application.

5 :: How to make the following assignment, as arrayreference assignment?
my $arr_ref=[1,2,3,4,4,elem];

my $ref=[1,2,3,4];
print ref $ref;

ref will return the type of reference.
In this case ref will return as 'ARRAY'.

7 :: Write a perl script to find whether a given line of text is starting and ending with same word or not?

Lets assume that the text to match is present in a file
say "data.txt".
Following program will print the line containing same
starting and ending word.

open(FILE,"data.txt") or die "cannot open file : $!";

while(<FILE>) {
if($_ =~ /^(\w+)\s+.*?\1$/) {
print "the line is $_ \n";

8 :: Write a Perl script to find a particular word in a paragraph?

my $pat;
$pat='Using push we can add multiple items into an array in
a single instance.
If we are trying to add a module or library files in
our program using require or use statement then it will
search that module or library files in the Perl\'s default
search path.

The statement use lib is used to add the directories
to default search path.

So if the module or library file is not located in
the Perl\'s default search path then it will find the
library files in the path we have given with the use lib

print "Pattern push get matched\n";

9 :: What is the difference between having a parenthesis after module name and without parenthsis after module name?
i.e Package::Module();
and Package::Module;

Package::Module(); This will throw as error,

I think,the question should be as: What is the difference
Package::MyModule qw(); # FIRST
Package::MyModule; # SECOND

# FIRST :- This will not import any subroutine from MyModule.
# SECOND :- This will import all the subroutine from the

10 :: What is the meaning of rigging?

Rigging is use for if we want to give animation for any
object or character then we apply to character or object
internel bone setting(like our bones).that is called
rigging. when apply rigging, then we can give proper

11 :: Why do you use only Perl when there a lot of more languages available in market like C, Java?

compare to other c and java perl is having strong regular
expression concept so data extraction will be easier and
complition will be faster too

12 :: Try pattern matching for the following:
2) /root/abc/cde/fgg/ac.xml --> Get file name without extention.
3) /root/abc/ac.xml/fgg/ac.xml --> Get file name without extention.
4) What does "DIE" meant in PERL?
5) chomp
6) "This is saturday" --> Print the weekday number.
7) 11-2-2009 --> Print the name of the month.
8) Reverse the string without using func in C.?

my $str="This is testing of string reverse";
print scalar reverse $s

chomp is used to remove the trailing new line.
If we give chomp list then it will remove the trailing new
line in all the elements of the list.

die function is used for handling the errors in Perl.
It terminates the program immediately after printing the
message passed to the die function.
die("testing of die");
It will print the message "testing of die" on screen and
terminates the program.

Pattern Matching

my $str="";
my $file="/root/abc/cde/fgg/ac.xml";
my $file1="/root/abc/ac.xml/fgg/ac.xml";
print "Pattern $& get matched\n";
print "File Name is $file1\n";
print strftime("%B",0,0,0,11,2-1,2009);


13 :: Write a script to reverse a string without using Perls built in function?

my $i;
my $str="hello";
my @str=split('',$str);


print $str[$i];

14 :: How to find a substring in a string without using substr built in functions, and print the substring found?


@n=split (//,$r);
print "@n\n";

print "@t\n";
print "$r\n";

15 :: Sort a word "system" in perl/shell without using built in functions output should be emssty?


my $word = $ARGV[0];
$sortword = "";
$lastchar = "";

while($word =~ /(.)/g)
$lastchar = $1;
if( $sortword ) {
$flag = "";
$newsortword = "";
while($sortword =~ /(.)/g) {
if( $lastchar gt $1 || $flag
eq "charcovered") {

$newsortword =
$flag = "greater" if($flag
ne "charcovered")
else {
$newsortword =
$flag = "charcovered";
if( $flag ne "charcovered" ) {
$newsortword =

$sortword = $newsortword;
else {
$sortword = $lastchar;

print $sortword."\n";

16 :: How to sort dates in Perl?

use Data::Dumper;
my @dates = ( "02/11/2009" , "20/12/2001" , "21/11/2010" ) ;
@dates = sort { join( '', (split '/', $a)[2,1,0] ) cmp
join( '', (split '/', $b)[2,1,0]) } @dates;
print Dumper \@dates;

18 :: Write an expression or Perl script to identify the entered IP address is valid or not?

#! /usr/bin/per
use strict;
#- Use Input
my $ip_add = "";

#- Script start
print"Enter the IP address\n";
$ip_add = <STDIN>;
chomp($ip_add); # Remove the last "\n" character
$ip_add=$ip_add."\."; # Append . at the end of IP address
#-------Expression to check IP address is valid or not-----#
if($ip_add =~ m/^[0-2]?[0-5]?[0-5]?\.){4}$){
print" Valid IP Address\n";
print" Invalid IP Address\n"
CGI Perl Interview Questions and Answers
18 CGI Perl Interview Questions and Answers