Programming Concepts Interview Questions And Answers

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Strengthen your Programming Concepts interview skills with our collection of 112 important questions. Each question is crafted to challenge your understanding and proficiency in Programming Concepts. Suitable for all skill levels, these questions are essential for effective preparation. Get the free PDF download to access all 112 questions and excel in your Programming Concepts interview. This comprehensive guide is essential for effective study and confidence building.

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Programming Concepts Job Interview Questions and Answers
Programming Concepts Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Explain what is port? what is HTTP port, FTP port, Telnet port and others?

ports are like different gates of the building. Each gate is having its own function.

HTTP Port .... it will allow only HTTP people... It communicates in HTTP protocol.. any request with http:// .... HTTP.. is Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

FTP Port : File Transfer Protocol.... used to upload and download files..... used to update websites from the local machine... it requires FTP host name, username and password.. and on the host machine FTP services should be enabled.

Telnet port: telenetting with other computer in hybrid environment... from thin client to server..
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2 :: Explain how Search engines work?

Indexing. Searching. Web search engines work by storing information about many web pages, which they retrieve from the HTML markup of the pages. These pages are retrieved by a Web crawler (sometimes also known as a spider) — an automated Web crawler which follows every link on the site.
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3 :: What is the client business process in electronic industry (in mySAP CRM)?

Can any one say how to see how many Business Partners (External List Management) I have created in last week or so. I want to see specific details like date, time and number of Business Partners i have created in past.
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4 :: How to remove a column from table?

You can remove a column but first of all you should see that column doest have any values and it should not be a primary key

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5 :: Tell me what is the difference between Client response time and Server response time?

The major difference between the response time between a client & server is of - response time.
Usually client response time is lesser in comparison to the server response time.
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6 :: Tell me what are things that a Business Analyst needs to consider while doing production support?

Please share your views.
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7 :: Which technology is better for a real time financial application?

My application scenario is to get data from various servers across the network and display that data in segregated format using a very user friendly GUI.

The application is a financial application of real time importance.

Please if any one can give their inputs on which technology will be better for developing this application (JAVA or .NET).

The application should give:
- high performance (less turn-around time or faster output
- Less Memory Requirements
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8 :: Explain in type2 dimension/flag current mapping there are three data flows i.e
1. data flow for new rows
2 .data flow for changed row
3. data flow for updated changed row
whats the difference between last two data flow?

When we are working with FLAG we can use only 2 filter transformations
also but at the initial stage it will be better to go with 3 filters. Where we
are using the FIRST Filter to insert the records for first
time, In second Filter we are inserting the records but these records are with
updated information and in third filter we are updating the records with
surrogate key. This third filter records will be updated with our changed
FLAG value 'ZERO'. Because we are identifying the current records with FLAG
values 'ONE'.
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9 :: Explain the term "non volatile memory" states?

1. that memory is retained in the memory unit for some time even
after power failure to the memory unit
2. that memory is lost by power failure but regained as soon as
power is restored
3. that memory is retained in the memory unit at higher temperature
4. that memory is retained in the memory unit for years after power
failure to the memory unit
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10 :: What is the main difference between portability and Platform independent?

I agree it is correct to say that Java is platform independent, but it is due to the Java Virtual Machine. Java programs are only intermediately compiled, which allows adaptation to the given environment it needs to run in later.

An example of a portability issue is the creation of Unix. The first version was not portable. It was specific only to that computer's architecture. Unix became portable when it was rewritten in C. The new version written in C was portable because C served as a "translator", if you will, between what underlying architecture or devices were physically in the computer and what unix wanted them to do.
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11 :: How to count number of HTML pages in a website

you can write a simple ASP program to run against the root directory of the website. Here are some links which can help you in that direction
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12 :: Explain how do we solve conflict scenario with business clients? explain?

I would like to slightly repharce this quesion as, How can we handle indifference of opinion in the requirements?

Usually when we interact with the client as a representative of our organnization, one important this we need to follow is setting the right expectation even before we start gathering the requirements. When i say setting the right expectations, it means, making the client aware of your organizatations resource availability, technology areas, domain expertise, able to handle changes,etc.

And as the saying goes, "Talk to Resolve" most of the clients are open to discssion in the current industry trend, so sit and negotiate with your client and make him understand your organization capabilites.

The other way of resolving confilt is, implementing a strong change management process with in the software development life cycle.

As your question was very subjective, i could answer you at an 10,000 ft level. If you have any further questions,please let us share and discuss.
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13 :: How do u go about gathering the requirements?

Requirement gathering is an art rather than a science. First it depends upon at what level you are talking about. Generally speaking, requirements gathering follows Top-Down Approach. It also depends upon your level in the SDLC cycle. There are different ways of gathering requirements. Generally accepted methods are:
1. Intereviewing Techniques.
2. Case Study methods.
3. Joint Application Development Method.
4. Application Explorer method.
5. Brain Stroming approach,etc.

There are also different tools used for requirement gathering like, UML, Rational Rose, Microsoft Visio, Recruitment Matrix,etc.
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14 :: Suppose if GET method is less secure than POST method then why they introduced GET method.and we\ll use only POST method alone. Wats the need for GET here?

Using GET method form data is appended to URL while using POST method it is transferred in the message body.
GET method is intended for information retrieval. It should be used to retrieve information that do not change state of server.
For functions such as login, POST method is preferable due to security reasons.
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15 :: How do i put a background on a website using css coding?

If you want to put background color you can use background-color property of CSS in body tag
If you want to put background image you can use background-image property of CSS in body tag
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16 :: When the variables are pushed into the stack, which method is used to retrieve them from it?
A. pop
B. pull
C. remove
D. none of these.

A.pop method is used for retrieving variables from stack
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17 :: Explain what is the difference between cognos reportnet 1.1 and 1.1mr1,mr2.
what is the latest version cognos reportnet?

MR stands for maintenance release it is like the project version no in a company that u follow,and latest version in cognos is 8
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18 :: Suppose I want to change the way my operating system looks I am having windows XP can i change the Caption of the START menu with my name?

Please share your views.
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19 :: Explain what are similarities between c and c++?

Please share your answers.
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20 :: Can you say the difference between the application working in c and .net with regard to operating system?

Please share your answers.
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21 :: I have got Abi installed on my local comp, i know that GDE goes to co>op through the repository.
i want to use the repository to chicken and checkout.
any steps to connect from GDE to repository will be greatly appreciated?

We can connect GDE to EME(Repository) inorder to have checkin and checkout.A file with extension .aip will give sufficeient infto connect to EME
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22 :: How is the Mainframe now?

Please share your views.
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23 :: Explain what are the data trap and reporting trap also cardinality?

Please share your views.
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24 :: Where can we find information about IEBGENDER?

Please share your views.
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25 :: How to write a library function to import tabbed data from a text file into data table? Can someone please give the vb-script function?

Please share your experience.
Programming Concepts Interview Questions and Answers
112 Programming Concepts Interview Questions and Answers
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