IPhone Developer Interview Questions & Answers
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Prepare comprehensively for your IPhone Developer interview with our extensive list of 51 questions. These questions are specifically selected to challenge and enhance your knowledge in IPhone Developer. Perfect for all proficiency levels, they are key to your interview success. Secure the free PDF to access all 51 questions and guarantee your preparation for your IPhone Developer interview. This guide is crucial for enhancing your readiness and self-assurance.

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IPhone Developer Job Interview Questions and Answers
IPhone Developer Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Described about iPhone OS?

iPhone OS runs on iPhone and iPod touch devices.
Hardware devices are managed by iPhone OS and provides the technologies needed for implementing native applications on the phone.
The OS ships with several system applications such as Mail, Safari, Phone, which provide standard services to the user.

2 :: What is the iPhone architecture?

It is similar to Mac OS X architecture
It acts as an intermediary between the iPhone and iPod hardware an the appearing applications on the screen
The user created applications never interact directly with the appropriate drivers, which protects the user applications from changes to the hardware.

3 :: Which are the requirements for developing iPhone Apps?

Mac OS 10.5/10.6 iPhone SDK (Software Development Kit 3.0/4.0).
IPhone SDK consists of:

IDE to develop iPhone Apps is XCode(This tool is inbuilt in iPhone SDK)
Interface Builder This is used to design GUI of Apps(Inbuilt feature of iPhone SDK)
Instruments This is used to check any memory leaks in our apps (Inbuilt in SDK)
Simulator This is used to test our apps before deploying into real device.

4 :: Which object manage presentation of apps content on the screen?

View controller objects takes care of the presentation of app's content on the screen. A view controller is used to manage a single view along with the collection of subviews. It makes its views visible by installing them in the app's window.

5 :: Tell me which object is create by UI ApplicationMain function at app launch time?

The app delegate object is created by UIApplicationMain function at app launch time. The app delegate object's main job is to handle state transitions within the app.

6 :: How to change the content of app in order to change the views displayed in the corresponding window?

To change the content of your app, you use a view controller to change the views displayed in the corresponding window. Remember, window itself is never replaced.

7 :: What app specific objects store the apps content?

Data model objects are app specific objects and store app's content. Apps can also use document objects to manage some or all of their data model objects.

8 :: Were document objects required for an application? What does they offer?

Document objects are not required but are very useful in grouping data that belongs in a single file or file package.

9 :: What happens if the Application object does not handle an event?

In such case the event will be dispatched to your app delegate for processing.

10 :: How app delegate is declared by Xcode project templates?

App delegate is declared as a subclass of UIResponder by Xcode project templates.

11 :: Which is the use of controller object UIApplication?

Controller object UIApplication is used without subclassing to manage the application event loop. It coordinates other high-level app behaviors.
It works along with the app delegate object which contains app-level logic.

12 :: When system is running low on memory. What can system do for suspended apps?

In case system is running low on memory, the system may purge suspended apps without notice.

14 :: Suppose an app is loaded into memory but is not executing any code. In which state will it be in?

An app is said to be in suspended state when it is still in memory but is not executing any code.

15 :: What app sate which it reaches briefly on its way to being suspended?

An app enters background state briefly on its way to being suspended.

16 :: When an app is said to be active state?

An app is said to be in active state when it is running in foreground and is receiving events.

17 :: Who calls main function of you app during the app launch cycle?

During app launching, the system creates a main thread for the app and calls the app's main function on that main thread. The Xcode project's default main function hands over control to the UIKit framework, which takes care of initializing the app before it is run.

18 :: Described scenarios when application goes into InActive state?

An app can get into InActive state when the user locks the screen or the system prompts the user to respond to some event e.g. SMS message, incoming call etc.

19 :: Suppose that your app is running in the foreground but is currently not receiving events. In which sate it would be in?

An app will be in InActive state if it is running in the foreground but is currently not receiving events. An app stays in InActive state only briefly as it transitions to a different state.

20 :: Which apps state transitions when it gets launched?

Before the launch of an app, it is said to be in not running state.
When an app is launched, it moves to the active or background state, after transitioning briefly through the inactive state.

21 :: How respond to state transitions on your app?

On state transitions can be responded to state changes in an appropriate way by calling corresponding methods on app's delegate object.

For example:
application Did Become Active method can be used to prepare to run as the foreground app.
application Did Enter Background method can be used to execute some code when app is running in the background and may be suspended at any time.

application Will Enter Foreground method can be used to execute some code when your app is moving out of the background application Will Terminate method is called when your app is being terminated.

22 :: Tell me when app is said to be in not running state?

An app is said to be in 'not running' state when:
it is not launched.
it gets terminated by the system during running.

23 :: Which tools are required to develop iOS applications?

iOS development requires Intel-based Macintosh computer and iOS SDK.

24 :: Which framework is used to construct the application's user interface for iOS?

The UIKit framework is used to develop application's user interface for iOS. UIKit framework provides event handling, drawing model, windows, views, and controls specifically designed for a touch screen interface.

25 :: Which application thread from where UIKit classes should be used?

UIKit classes should be used only from an application's main thread. Note: The derived classes of UIResponder and the classes which manipulate application's user interface should be used from application's main thread.
IPhone Developer Interview Questions and Answers
51 IPhone Developer Interview Questions and Answers