Difficult Customer Service Interview Preparation Guide
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Customer Service Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that Customer service is the provision of service to customers before, during and after a purchase. Customer service is a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction – that is, the feeling that a product or service has met the customer expectation. So get preparation for the JOB of Customer Service with the help of this Customer Service Interview Questions with Answers guide

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Difficult  Customer Service Job Interview Questions and Answers
Difficult Customer Service Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: A customer walks out without paying for her hair?

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2 :: How would you handle if a co-worker is rude to customers?

That would depend on what kind of a rapport I had with him. If I felt comfortable, I would probably mention that being rude is probably going to be bad for him in the long run, since unhappy customers reflect badly on the sales associate. Otherwise, I would mention to the supervisor what I had witnessed and let him handle it.

3 :: How would you handle the negative comments from the angry and frustrated customers?

Show your warm, friendly and professional character. Only express it and do not tell your customers about that. Keep it in mind and you should demonstrate your ability in controlling and your power so that you are authorized to make dialogue (while your listening skills are maintained) and you will not be bull dozed or effected by the sentiment of the complainant.

4 :: How do you advise the customer if a customer does not know what he needs and comes to you for an advice about the product?

In order to find out what product characteristic or other demands which the customer requests, I make some related questions. It is usually useful to make a conversation, so you can examine any special requests or preferences. Once I receive that information, I will tell the customer some ideas and show how they satisfy the customer's needs. Customers only have lots of information. This information can come to customers from different sources, and it is normally not able to say which product is the one they want. Through the conversation, the customer can express their expectations from the product and up to them, you can give the exact advice.

5 :: How would you explain the philosophy of good customer service?

My career's philosophy is to take responsibility to keep the customer in good relationship and bringing out a clearly experience for the individual customer by appraising the customer's demands, by satisfying the customer's requests, keeping the promises and listening to the customer's needs.

6 :: Tell me what are your biggest strengths in customer service?

☛ Identify which you are good at: Knowledge, Experience, Skills, Abilities.
☛ Prepare a list of your strong points.
☛ Review the recruitment requirements: You should review carefully the recruitment requirements to know for sure which requirements are the most important to the employer.
☛ Make a list of your strong points in your resume/cover letter: List and describe your strong points in your resume and cover letter orderly. You should make descriptions to those points in your resume.

7 :: Tell me about your career goals in customer service?

Levels of career goals:
You are not sure about your goals, then answer:
I'm rather busy with my duties and goals of the Company, as a result, I have not focused much on my long-term personal goals.

8 :: How would you handle if you are in a company and the company is not serving the needs of the customers?

Base on the quality of the job, you need to understand the products, services and systems and you should observe the actions from both sides, the company's point of view as well as (more important) the customer's.

9 :: What would you do to deny a request from a customer?

It is the right time for your diplomacy, characters and calmness to shine. A brilliant basic for your answer is a simple but not a complete explanation. An important thing with all businesses is to be able to keep customer, particularly in the fierce argument so it is best to mention this customer faith.

10 :: How will you answer accurately to the customers?

Explain to the interviewer that you realize that you are the first point of contact for the customer and how very important it is to speak politely, accurately and professionally. Throw in this quote: You never get a second chance to make a first impression.

11 :: Explain me how would you deal with difficult customers?

I listen to the customer and concentrate on the customer's matter. I do not argue or debate over any problems. I find out the useful solution or other effective ideas that are comfortable with the customer. Your track of the business circumstance is expressed in this answer.

12 :: What would you do to get things moving when there is so much of traffic of customers and more coming in?

I build a quick line system, one line will helps anybody with jobs that can be done fast, while the other one for slower moving customer matters. One or two people are appointed to solve the customer's issues. That decreases the numbers and pushes the difficult jobs faster. Quick service should be given to customers. A long waiting line is the good basic for getting complaint. The demand for efficient time frames is realized in the good customer service practice.

13 :: Can you please tell me about a routine day of a customer service representative?

List whatever tasks you perform each day. Some of these may be among them:
Answering requests, responding to calls, maintaining and updating records, providing service information, dealing with misapplied payments and billing.

14 :: Tell me how would you handle complaints as a customer service representative?

The customer's complaint about goods or services needs to follow the specific policies and formalities. In order to make customers understand the process, I take them into each part and interpret clearly these guidelines. I do not show any ideas on the result of the complaint. This is the strict book method and it is the unique truly exact response. No ideas are suitable in such situation.

15 :: How important is customer satisfaction to you?

It means that how you should have to do in order to deal with customers in a proper or positive way. Each customer has different preference or demand so the key task of a customer service employee is what he/she must make for a variety of customers to understand that they are also take care of their problem. In order to penetrate into customer's psychology and preference, you need to create customer care service and assist him/her in accordance with their requirement and satisfaction.

16 :: Do you think you are good at interacting with people?

Describe your style. Put your best foot forward if applicable, use words such as friendly, enthusiastic, informed, quick, patient and lucid.
These are just some of the commonly asked interview questions for customer service representatives.

17 :: Tell me do you think you are successful over the phone as a customer service representative?

Mention profitable product sales, positive/fruitful customer instruction, customer care with patience and any communication which leads to improved customer service or a sale.

18 :: Will you be able work in a computerized environment as customer service representative?

Describe your ability to work with Microsoft Office or other relevant programs and any computer experience, such as placing orders in the company computer or saving digital records of services and closed deals.

19 :: Tell me do you have experience answering phones, handling requests?

Talk about relevant experience, even if it was not a telephone service. Mention any job related to serving customers and interacting with clients. Speak about your ability to communicate with many customers each day while maintaining composure under a heavy workload and time pressure.

20 :: Do you think you have strong communication skills?

You can relate success stories and any interesting interactions you had with clients, especially if it portrays good customer service skills. Explain how you have solved problems and created positive relationships with customers.

21 :: Tell me do you have any sales experience?

The ability to negotiate and sell products may be an important part of the job. If so, mention any experience with selling, telemarketing and promotions.

22 :: Tell me about your qualifications for customer service representative?

Mention educational qualification, including high-school diploma or higher or any professional coursework. Also specify any relevant job skills such as written and verbal communication expertise, ability to type efficiently, professional demeanor and strong work ethics.

23 :: Tell me about your experiences?

Be prepared to give relevant facts and information about your previous jobs and any customer service experience. Make sure that your facts and figures are correct. This is the most important aspect of the customer service interview.

24 :: How would you define the face of the company?

You believe in presenting a well-mannered, well-meaning and intelligent face of your company to the caller.

25 :: Tell me what would you do if a customer wants to return a package of food that is open and half gone?

Clearly, this is a delicate judgement call. Generally speaking, I would take the package back and replace it with another, unless I was certain that the customer was really trying to take advantage of the situation. Sometimes taking a small loss can pay off in customer loyalty.
Customer Service Interview Questions and Answers
42 Customer Service Interview Questions and Answers