Fixed Assets Interview Questions & Answers
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Strengthen your Fixed Assets interview skills with our collection of 46 important questions. Each question is crafted to challenge your understanding and proficiency in Fixed Assets. Suitable for all skill levels, these questions are essential for effective preparation. Get the free PDF download to access all 46 questions and excel in your Fixed Assets interview. This comprehensive guide is essential for effective study and confidence building.

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Fixed Assets Job Interview Questions and Answers
Fixed Assets Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Tell me what are the journal entries which get passed from asset purchasing to asset retirement?

At the time of addition

Assets NA account -------dr

To asset clearing account ----CR

At the time of retirement

the nbv amount has been moved to the gain & loss account.

In sale case

we need to pass a journal entry to transfer the amount from gain & loss account cr and asset sale clearing account cr.

2 :: Tell me can Loading, Unloading and Installation Charges during the time of shifting of the company be capitalized?

Loading, Unloading and Installation Charges during the time of shifting of the company cant be capitalised as such these Expenses are of (Opex) Operating Expenses nature.

3 :: Explain example for all depreciation methods?

Following are the depriciation methods that are used in FA module:

1. Flat rate method
2. Calculated method
3. Table method
4. Formula method
5. Production method
6. STL
8. Time-Hour

4 :: Explain how to determine whether an expense is an asset or not? When you receive an invoice that shows that the company has purchased a tool or something, what makes you think this thing is an asset or its an expense. Is it the price of it or what?

The expenses can only be capitalised in the following circumstances:
1. It must be related with the asset.
2. It must be essential to make the asset in working condition.
3. It must be above the capitalisation limit as per the prescribed policies.

5 :: Do you know how many types of fixed assets?

There are two types of fixed assets tangible and intangible assets.

Tangible assets: A physical asset whose presence can be felt and touched.
Ex. Furniture and Fixtures, Plant and Machinery

Intangible Assets: Assets whose presence cannot be felt or touched.
Ex: Goodwill, patents, trademarks.

6 :: Explain what is Asset life cycle?

Asset life cycle means the cycle in which the asset canprovide or help provide futureeconomic benefits. Each asset has a specific life cycle, it can be measured by evaluating the asset itself.

7 :: Tell me which depreciation is superior WDV or SLM and Why?

We can decided which method of deprecation is best on the basis of usefulness (benefits) provided by the asset.
When we prefer SLM:-
we preferred SLM where the equal amount of benefit is derived from the asset through the useful life of the asset. e.g A room's capacity of storing the goods remain same in each year weather old or new.
When we prefer DBM:-
we preferred DBM where resulting benefit from the asset diminishing (decreasing) year by year.

8 :: What is written down Value method?

Diminishing Balance Method or Written Down Value Method

Under this method, depreciation is charged at a fixed rate every year but on
reducing balance i.e., on balance reduced each year during the economic life of
the asset by the amount of depreciation till the asset is reduced to its scrap

For example, if the cost of the asset is Rs. 1,000 the rate of depreciation
is 10 % on Rs. 1,000 i.e., Rs. 100, in the second year, it will be 10 % on Rs
900 i.e., Rs. 90 is the third year, it will be 10 % on Rs 810 (900-90) i.e., Rs.
81 and so on.

9 :: Explain Straight Line Depreciation Calculation?

(Purchase Price of Asset - Approximate Salvage Value) Estimated Useful
Life of Asset

Example: You buy a new computer for your business costing approximately
$5,000. You expect a salvage value of $200 selling parts when you dispose of it.
Accounting rules allow a maximum useful life of five years for computers. In the
past, your business has upgraded its hardware every three years, so you think
this is a more realistic estimate of useful life, since you are apt to dispose
of the computer at that time. Using that information, you would plug it into the

($5,000 purchase price - $200 approximate salvage value) 3 years estimated
useful life

The answer, $1,600, is the depreciation charges your business would take
annually if you were using the straight line method.

10 :: Which are the methods of depreciation?

Types of Depreciation

1) Straight Line Method

2) Written down value method

11 :: Tell me if we do why it would not appreciate in value?

Depreciation refers to decrease in the value of assets due to fear of obsolete and use, in-fact most of the assets have limited useful life. but there are some examples like land value of which almost not depreciate because value of land not decreased and it has its unlimited life. so we can say that if the value of assets not decreased due to impact of time then its value should not be depreciated, item like antique 7 paintings normally increase as they pass the time so in my opinion it should not be depreciated.

12 :: Tell me why do we calculate loans & advance on the asset side of the balance sheet?

advances on asset side are those advances which are paid for now but realize at future date. so it is an assets to the company. And Loan on assets side ate those loans which are given by the company and to be recovered in future with interest. so it is an asset to the company.

13 :: What is the current rate(%) of PF and ESI in private ltd. company?

PF Contribution Rate : 12 % by employee & 12 % by Company on BASIC SALARY + DA + HRA

ESI Contribution Rate : 1.75% by Employee & 4.75 % by Company on BASIC SALARY + DA + HRA

14 :: Explain what are direct and indirect tax? what do you mean by appreciation of assets? Explain with an example?

Direct taxes are nothing but , collecting tax by govt directly from the specified assesses, example is Income tax , wealth tax.
Where as indirect taxes are collecting indirectly from consumers say u are bearing excise duty on all manufactured products, Examples are VAT, Excise duty , customs duty, Service tax

15 :: Tell me can start up costs associated with getting a new location up and running within your business be capitalized even though they are non-capital items?

As per Accounting standard 16 specified by ICAI , Borrowing cost, Interest cost even though non capital in nature which must be capitalized if they incurred for acquisition of Qualifying capital asset, but those cost shall be capitalized only up to the date of commencement of production utilizing such capital asset, Any amount of interest incurred after commencement of production shall not be capitalized and shall be debited to Profit and loss account.

16 :: Explain what is capitalization of Fixed Assets?

If a company purchase plant & machinery for its factory use by investing large amount of money and assume that expected life of P&M is 10 years and which generates revenve for the company more one financial year. Hence this investment cannot be treated expenses for one Financial year therefore same to be kept as fixed asset under P&M head and depricaication will be charged every year based on applicable % & transferred to profit and loss a/c.

17 :: What is asset book and what are the mandatory setups for this & what are the validation types in Fixed assets?

Fixed asset is which ever item is not transferable into cash easily is nothing but fixed asset

18 :: Explain about customization of Depreciation areas?

Following are the steps:

1.First activate the Dep areas(book & tax) in asset class.
2.Assigng Dep key to Dep Areas either at Asset class level or Asset master data level.
3.Assign Screen layout to dep areas.
4.Determine how Dep Areas post to general ledger.
5.Assign G/L accounts.
6.Define posting rules and document type for Depriciation

19 :: Explain the nature and accounting treatment for fixed asset?

Once the asset is purchased it is recorded in the books of accounts by using money measurement concept. It takes in to account only the expenditure incurred for purchasing the asset.

As per the company procedures depreciation will be calculated. Depreciation fund will be maintained.

20 :: Explain what is asset accounting in sap fico?

Asset Accounting component in SAP is meant for managing and supervising fixed assets and their values.

21 :: Tell me what is the difference between the different depreciation methods?

In Revaluation Method,the amount of depreciation at the end will be deducted from the beginning Eg. Bottles,Tools.....

In sinking fund method, the amount of depreciation will be invested outside the business & this will be used for Replacement of Asstes,Buying a new assets.

22 :: Tell me what experience have you had in fixed assets accounting?

Fixed asset means it gives long term benefits to the organisation by year end we should find the accurate value of the asset for this purpose we must calculate the depreciation.

23 :: What is Depreciation?

Depreciation is a Gradual Diminishing or Decrease in the value of fixed assets due wear & tear, Obsolence.

24 :: Tell me what are the various means of calculating depreciation?

Straight Line - divide the NBV by the number of periods of it's useful life. 4-4-5 - similar to straight line but calculated by number of weeks in a period.

25 :: Explain can a rental expense for equipment be treated as Construction in Progress?

Yes, as it will be added to the cost of the project
Fixed Assets Interview Questions and Answers
46 Fixed Assets Interview Questions and Answers