Nonprofit Accounting Interview Questions & Answers
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Nonprofit Accounting Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Nonprofit Accounting. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job test and quickly revise the concepts

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Nonprofit Accounting Job Interview Questions and Answers
Nonprofit Accounting Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: List the steps involved in Project implementation?

Step involved in project implementation:
★ Identification of the need
★ Idea generation and screening of ideas
★ Feasibility Study
★ Project Development
★ Implementation
★ Controlling

2 :: What is daily accrual and booking?

Meaning of Accrual: Revenues and costs are accrued (gathered), that is recognized as they are earned or incurred (and not as money is received or paid) and recorded in the financial statements of the periods to which they relate. Accrual basis of accounting is one of the fundamental accounting assumptions underlying the preparation and presentation of financial statements.

3 :: Explain the difference between inactive accounts and dormant account?

Dormant accounts are those accounts in which there are transactions in the recent history (the stipulation may vary according to the company's rules). Inactive accounts are those accounts in which transactions are being made for long time.

4 :: Explain customer account?

Debtors account and bills receivable account are theoretically same. Both are called as receivables. When we sold goods to debtors account is debited. If we receive a bill from that debtor, we open bills receivable account by closing that debtor account. Thus, bills receivable account is nothing but debtor account. If the bill is dishonored on the due date, we again debit the debtor account in our books. For information and accounting purpose, we use both debtor account and bills receivable account.

5 :: What is retail banking?

Retail banking refers to the banking done with the retail client (e.g. the normal people) rather than business or organizational customers.

6 :: Explain calendar maintenance?

Calendar maintenance means update the sales, purchase and accounts records. Simply meaning is maintaining the records monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, and yearly.

7 :: Explain operative accounts?

Operative Accounts means Account is running/operating regularly, transaction is running from the account (debit/credit and deposit/withdrawal from account) this is known as Operative Account.

8 :: Explain turnover?

The turnover refers to the sales volume for a specific period like quarterly, semi annually or annually. It can be measured with sales volume figure or no. of days taken.

9 :: Explain meant by balancing?

Balancing means equalizing debit and credit side totals in a T-account.
If there is a deficit on side that is, debit, or credit a suspense account is opened with the balancing figure.

10 :: Explain shadow balance?

Shadow Balance in bank accounts is the balance unto which the subsequent debits can be posted.
Shadow Balance = Book Balance - Debit (yet to be authorized for posting).

Example: Book balance is 1000. There is a debit of 500. The debit is posted in the system and is sent for authorization. Now the Account shows a Shadow Balance of 500.

11 :: Can you define premises in accounting sense?

Premises is and Fixed Assed in the accounting sense which is shown in the balance sheet in final accounts Vat adjustment is out put tax - input tax the vat which is paid on purchase will be deducted from vat collected from sales this adjustment is known as vat adjustment.

12 :: Define premises in accounting sense?

Premises is and Fixed Assed in the accounting sense which is shown in the balance sheet in final accounts Vat adjustment is out put tax - input tax the vat which is paid on purchase will be deducted from vat collected from sales this adjustment is known as vat adjustment.

13 :: Described the functions of manger -accounts and manager-finance? Explain in detail?

When we see their difference from broad organizational review, the function of accounts manager are- The approval of the accounting system utilization and calculated amounts in supportable documents ,for example in journal vouchers and the approval of the accounting method. Also, change of the accounting procedures of the company.

14 :: Described fictitious assets?

These are like intangible assets, which cannot be seen or touched. Actually, these are not assets but some expenditure, which cannot turn to profit and loss account of a particular period that is why these items are shown on assets side of balance sheet to be written off to P&L account in reasonable years.

15 :: Described extraordinary items?

Transactions that happened due to catastrophic events i.e. unusual circumstance example: earthquake, flood, tsunami etc are called extraordinary items.

16 :: Explain bank reconciliation statement?

A Bank reconciliation statements are prepared if balance of bank account as shown in cashbook differs from balance as shown in passbook. This statement shows the reasons or transactions because of which balances as shown in cashbook and passbook are not tallying with each other.

17 :: How to do credit control?

1. Make the creditor, your debtor
2. For good creditor, give discounts & offers
3. For bad creditor, inform your position of willingness but inability to sustain relationship keeping in mind our business position.

18 :: Explain your role in planning?

It is a common question in interview, based on CV Planning is a group work, so we find what work we done on the planning process. Every work is group work so we find what work we done in every part of Accounting.

19 :: Explain MIS reports and do you prepare it?

MIS is management information system. In addition, MIS report is reporting information of reports like efficiency of wing or a department of a company.

IF we take BPO (Call center) sector as example, MIS consists of efficiency of agents, Average time taken hold time etc, and passing this to the management level for their analysis.

20 :: Explain deferred account?

A best example of a deferred account is advertisement expense account. This account are those where an investment or expense is don't with an expectation of making a intangible profit which cannot be measured or directly linked to expense.

21 :: Explain bills receivable?

Bills Receivable , in merchant accounts, are all promissory notes, bills of exchange, bonds, and other evidences or securities which a merchant or trader holds, and which are payable to him.

22 :: Explain capital gain?

Capital gain: when any capital asset is sold and it is sold at a higher price than its book value then that extra gain is called capital gain. The word profit generally means revenue profits. While capital gain is generally received infrequently.

23 :: Define cash flow and fund flow?

Cash flow and funds flow: cash flow means direct entry of cash in your business and exit of the same funds flow means entry of funds (cash funds or non cash funds) and their exit non cash funds may mean rise in current assets or fall in current liabilities which was not due to any cash movement.

24 :: Explain depreciation?

Depreciation and its types: Depreciation means reducing/lowering value of an asset because of its use. Like machines/vehicles gets rusty/slow because of consistent use.

25 :: Can you please explain the difference between Accounts and Finance?

Account is the detailed record of a particular asset, liability, owners' equity, revenue, or expense.
Financial Accounting is the area of accounting concerned with reporting financial information to interested external parties.
Nonprofit Accounting Interview Questions and Answers
61 Nonprofit Accounting Interview Questions and Answers