Telesales Lady Interview Questions & Answers
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Elevate your Telesales Lady interview readiness with our detailed compilation of 48 questions. These questions will test your expertise and readiness for any Telesales Lady interview scenario. Ideal for candidates of all levels, this collection is a must-have for your study plan. Get the free PDF download to access all 48 questions and excel in your Telesales Lady interview. This comprehensive guide is essential for effective study and confidence building.

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Telesales Lady Job Interview Questions and Answers
Telesales Lady Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Please explain is Unwanted Telemarketing A Crime?

Yes. Vermont law also imposes criminal penalties on telemarketers who call a Vermont telephone number without having first registered with the Vermont Secretary of State, unless the company is a federally-regulated financial institution (e.g. a federal bank), or is already regulated by, or registered or licensed with, one of the following Vermont governmental agencies: Secretary of State, Public Service Board, Department of Banking, Insurance, Securities and Health Care Administration, or Department of Taxes.

2 :: Explain who Supplies The Data?

The client does. This can be bought from people like there are two main reasons for this:

☛ a) some telemarketing companies will add a margin on top and sell you the same data.
☛ b) The data is licensed to you and not the telemarketing company. No telemarkting company I know holds data in house of specific data.

3 :: Please explain how Do You Think Telemarketing Can Be Made More Effective?

To make telemarketing more efficient every call should be planned with an objective in mind. The opening statements made by the telecaller should be made interesting to grab interest. It is the contribution of each tele-caller that makes telemarketing successful and thus each tele-caller should be motivated enough to make a deal and be clear with his objective. The objection for tele callers in the sector are easy to crack and thus a response to each should be prepared in advance to cross the hurdle and make sale.

4 :: Tell us how Will Campaign Results Be Reported?

On a daily basis, we will split the data into several sections. The main section will remain as it is, but we will copy and paste things like, Appointments, Short Term Leads, Long Term Leads, Info requests, and client to deal with, into seperate sections for easy access. Normally done in Excel.

5 :: Can you tell us what Issues Can Rise From Paying Per Appointment?

Here are a list of problems which are associated with paying per appointment:

☛ 1. Poor quality.
☛ 2. Rate of conversion is low.
☛ 3. Requirements for more meetings is not solved.
☛ 4. High competition.
☛ 5. Suppliers face a lot of problems.
☛ 6. Quality is deteriorated by quantity.

6 :: Please explain what If People Want Info?

This can happen a lot, and it is not just a palm off, you get to recognise which are genuinely interested and which are timewasters simply by asking a few questions before you end the call, many of the products we promote are things that people will not hand a creditcard over for, theytend to be in the thousands of pounds and therefore take consideration before making a decision. Always have something you can send that will add favour to a potential client.

7 :: Can you explain what Should Be The Priority In Telemarketing According To You?

According to me customers should be the priority, if they do not buy we can not sell and thus they should be the foremost priority. The whole marketing sector runs due to end consumer so it should be our responsibility to make sure we have our customers satisfied and deliver what they expect from us. This can be only achieved if every individual from a telecaller to the ceo takes up the responsibility of delivering to the customer and works on their part the right way. If this little bit is done then telemarketing can be made more effective, easy and set to the right perspective.

8 :: Can you please explain what Are The Common Telemarketing Fraud?

Following are the common telemarketing fraud:

☛ 1. Charity purpose.
☛ 2. Asking for advance payment or fee.
☛ 3. Fraud by over capturing increased payments.
☛ 4. Bank related frauds.
☛ 5. Lottery
☛ 6. False representation of office supplies.
☛ 7. False verification calls.

9 :: Explain how Does The Telezapper Zap Telemarketers?

The TeleZapper uses the technology of telemarketers' automatic dialing equipment against them. When you or your answering machine picks up a call, the TeleZapper emits a special tone that "fools" the computer into thinking your number is disconnected.

Instead of connecting you to a salesperson, the computer stores your number as diconnected in it's database. Over time, as your number is removed from more and more databases, you'll see a dramatic decrease in the number of annoying telemarketing calls you receive.

10 :: Tell us how Do Telemarketing Calls Work?

There are several hundred telemarketing call centers around the world., with the majority of telemarketing calls being dialed by a computer known as an auto dialer or predictive dialer. Predictive dialers can dial 3-5 numbers simultaneously and can make as many as 500,000 calls between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m.

When you answer your phone, the computer connects you to a live telemarketer who tries to sell you something. If you are not home or if the computer gets your answering machine, your number will be put back in the database to be called again later.

11 :: Please explain how Much Time Do You Need To Put Together A Campaign?

One working week, so we can prepare the data, brief the telemarketer and make sure everything is in place to start.

12 :: Please explain what Is Deceptive Telemarketing And How Can It Be Avoided?

Telemarketing is termed deceptive when misleading information of product is conveyed to attract customers.

Deceptive telemarketing can be avoided by taking the following measures :

☛ No telemarketer should represent a product with false or misleading information.
☛ Lottery, chance and skill based offers should not be offered where :
☛ Delivery of prize is conditional and is not conveyed at begining.
☛ Information about the prize is incorrect.
☛ Offering products at no cost or less price when based on terms and conditions not specified before purchase should not be carried out.
☛ Selling products at a very high rate.

13 :: Explain me are All Telemarketing Calls Prohibited?

Certain calls are not covered by the federal registration law, including calls from political organizations, charities, telephone surveyors, and companies from which you have bought something or received a delivery in the past 18 months.

If you do not want to get calls from companies that fall into any of these groups, tell the company or charity to put your phone number on their own “Do Not Call” list. Every company and charity is obliged to keep such a list.

14 :: Tell us how Will A Typical Campaign Run?

Before a single call is made everything must be agreed by both parties, from qualification process to what is being said, communication throughout the campaign is paramount, if things are not going to plan you have to choices,

a) moan about it and blame the telemarketing company your working with.

b) work with them to find out what is going wrong, is it a bad time of year, is it that people do not really understand the product//service. There is always an answer for any campaign going wrong, you just need to find the right angle.

15 :: Please explain do You Use An Auto Dialer?

We do not use an auto dialer. To provide the highest quality program possible for our clients, we need to have solid discussions with qualified prospects not volumes of calls with mechanically read scripts. We do constantly look at technology to make sure we are using every tool possible to achieve this level of service.

16 :: Please explain what Amount Of Time Is Needed For A Telemarketing Campaign?

I would suggest 20 days, although we do do 10 days as a minimum, this gives us the opportunity to not only get leads from those on the phone there and then but also deal with call backs and further info requests that may take time to convert, any less than this and you wil not be giving yourself the opportunity for it to succeed.

17 :: Do you know what Are Good Telephone Etiquettes?

When attending a client or customer on phone some basic telephone etiquettes should be followed.

Following are telephone etiquettes that should be followed by a tele caller :

☛ 1. Be quick in answering the phone.
☛ 2. Always make sure that the customer is greeted well.
☛ 3. When putting a line on hold take permission prior to it from the customer on the other end.
☛ 4. When transferring a call make sure you do it the right way and make it polite.
☛ 5. At the end of a call make sure that the customer is satisfied and does not have any query or doubt in mind.

18 :: Can you please explain what motivates you to sell?

This question sets the stage for highlighting your positive attributes as a sales rep. But when put on the spot, it can be hard to elaborate on exactly what motivates you. Don't give a generic or vague response. This is a personal question, so you'll want to dig deep and answer this.

Use this question as an opportunity to provide insight into your character. Are you motivated by goals, pleasing your employer, or being among the highest performing sales reps? This lets your interviewer know whether you'll be a good fit in the company and how to motivate you if you're offered the job.

19 :: Can you explain what Are The Different Categories And Sub-categories Of Telemarketing?

Marketing can be broadly classified into two categories:

☛ 1. B2B - business to business
☛ 2. B2C - business to customer

The categories can be further classified into four categories based on the process carried out which are :

Generating lead - Process of identifying a potential customer to make sale.

Sales - Selling out products

Outbound - Calls are made to the customers.

Inbound - Calls are received from the customer.

20 :: Tell us how Does My Number Get On Telemarketing Lists?

You can get on telemarketing lists in many ways:

☛ By having a listed telephone number.
☛ Through a reverse phone book organized by neighborhood.
☛ When you dial an 800 number that uses an Automatic Number Identification system (ANI) to record your number
☛ Via credit information services, such as Equifax, etc.
☛ By ordering products or services from direct marketers or catalogs, whether you order through the mail, from web sites, or via 800 numbers.
☛ By printing or including your telephone number on your personal checks.
☛ Even by simply paying your monthly bills.

21 :: General Job Interview Questions as Telesales Lady:

☛ What is your experience in sales/customer service?
☛ What telecom technologies have you used in the past?
☛ In telemarketing you don’t have the benefit of face-to-face contact. How can you fill this gap?
☛ Have you worked with quotas? Did you manage to meet them?
☛ What is the difference between B2B and B2C? How does each concept change how you approach a prospect?
☛ How do you engage the prospect’s attention?
☛ What do you have to say when answering a call?
☛ What factors, in your opinion, are more likely to close a deal?
☛ How do you deal with rejection?
☛ What do you know of our company’s products?

22 :: Basic Job Interview Questions as Telesales Lady:

☛ Here is a script that can be used during a call. What do you like about it and what would you change?
☛ Choose one of our products and sell it to me
☛ If you needed to put a prospect on hold, what would you do to avoid upsetting them?
☛ Walk me through a call assuming the prospect is moderately interested

23 :: Fresh Job Interview Questions as Telesales Lady:

☛ Sometimes telesales reps are faced with suspiciousness. How do you overcome this barrier?
☛ Have you ever had to deal with an aggressive prospect? How did you handle it?
☛ What was the most successful sale you made in your previous job?
☛ Have you ever implemented a change that resulted in higher sales?
☛ Have you ever made a mistake during a call? What did you learn?
☛ Have you ever had to call someone more than once to make a sale?

24 :: Tell us what Will You Do When A Customer Needs To Be Put On Hold But Is Not Agreeing To It?

Many times the customer on the end line objects to be put on hold as he fears to be kept long on hold, in such situations following tips can be helpful :

☛ 1. Request the customer that it is important that he is put on hold. Make sure this is conveyed in a very polite way.
☛ 2. Clear out the objective due to which the line needs to be put on hold.
☛ 3. If the customer is very persistent on being on line as a co employee to retrieve the information that requires you to put the line on hold. During this be on line and keep the customer attended.
☛ 4. You can also ask the customer to disconnect the line for now and that you will give him a call back.

25 :: Tell me what Are The Factors That Contribute To Projecting A Positive Image Of Yourself To The Customer?

In the telemarketing industry it is critical that you know how to use your voice and choose your words to project a positive image while placing or taking a call. Factors that impact image over the telephone are:

☛ Vocal quality
☛ Vocal tone
☛ Rate of speech
☛ Pitch of the tone
☛ Attitude
☛ Body language
☛ Use of appropriate words
Telesales Lady Interview Questions and Answers
48 Telesales Lady Interview Questions and Answers