Pre Engineering Interview Questions And Answers
Elevate your Pre-Engineering interview readiness with our detailed compilation of 45 questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in Pre-Engineering to ensure you're well-prepared. Whether you're new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Don't miss out on our free PDF download, containing all 45 questions to help you succeed in your Pre-Engineering interview. It's an invaluable tool for reinforcing your knowledge and building confidence.
45 Pre-Engineering Questions and Answers:
Pre-Engineering Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: Tell me can You Solve Problems with Your Hands as Well as Your Head?
It’s one thing to tackle engineering problems in a theoretical, cerebral context. But often you’ve literally got to get your hands dirty to make something work the way it’s supposed to.
Do you tinker on your own car? Are you handy around the house? You’ll probably get interview questions like these “as a measure of [your] practical knowledge,” says Dominic Halsmer, dean of the School of Science and Engineering at Oral Roberts University.
Read MoreDo you tinker on your own car? Are you handy around the house? You’ll probably get interview questions like these “as a measure of [your] practical knowledge,” says Dominic Halsmer, dean of the School of Science and Engineering at Oral Roberts University.
2 :: Explain me in block work seawalls what is the purpose of slip joints?
Joints which are formed from the cope level to the toe level of seawalls through a complete vertical plane are known as slip joints. Such joints are designed so as to handle the differential settlements between the seawalls adjacent panels. In the slip joints the aggregates inside the half-rounds channels enables some vertical movements. These vertical movements are induced by differential settlements. This enables in the interlocking of the adjacent panels of the seawalls to link the panels in one unit against the earth pressure ( lateral ) which is exerted on the seawalls.
Read More3 :: The electrical energy consumed by a coil is stored in the form of:
A. an electrical field
B. a force field
C. an electrostatic field
D. a magnetic field
D. a magnetic field
Read More4 :: Tell us what Software Do You Really Know?
When Crawford Hentz questions mechanical engineering candidates about their experience with software packages like SolidWorks, Pro/ENGINEER and AutoCAD, she’s looking for more than surface-level working knowledge. “I ask, ‘What’s the coolest thing you know how to do with the package?’” she says.
Here, the employer is attempting to gauge fluency, or applied expertise. It’s nice to merely be familiar with, say, COSMOSWorks, says Crawford Hentz. It’s another thing entirely to use the program for finite-element analysis on the LEDs Osram Sylvania manufactures, which “don’t mind getting cold but hate to get hot,” she says.
Read MoreHere, the employer is attempting to gauge fluency, or applied expertise. It’s nice to merely be familiar with, say, COSMOSWorks, says Crawford Hentz. It’s another thing entirely to use the program for finite-element analysis on the LEDs Osram Sylvania manufactures, which “don’t mind getting cold but hate to get hot,” she says.
5 :: Explain me what do you understand by “preset” during the installation process of bridge bearings?
During the installation of bridge bearings the size of the upper plates is reduced to save the material costs. This process is known as preset. Generally the upper bearing plate comprises of the following components:
> Length of bearing
> 2 x irreversible movement.
> 2 x reversible movement.
The bearing initially is placed right in the middle point of the upper bearing plate. No directional effects of irreversible movement is considered. But since the irreversible movement usually takes place in one direction only the displaced direction is placed away from the midpoint. In such cases the length of the upper plate is equal to the length of the length of the bearing + irreversible movement + 2 x reversible movement.
Read More> Length of bearing
> 2 x irreversible movement.
> 2 x reversible movement.
The bearing initially is placed right in the middle point of the upper bearing plate. No directional effects of irreversible movement is considered. But since the irreversible movement usually takes place in one direction only the displaced direction is placed away from the midpoint. In such cases the length of the upper plate is equal to the length of the length of the bearing + irreversible movement + 2 x reversible movement.
6 :: Explain me in case if concrete box girder bridges how is the number of cells determined?
When the depth of a box girder bridge exceed 1/6th or 1/5th of the bridge width then the design recommended is that of a single cell box girder bridge. But in case the depth of the bridge is lower than 1/6th of the bridge width then a twin-cell or in some cases multiple cell is the preferred choice. One should also note that even in the cases of wider bridges where there depths are comparatively low the number of cells should be minimized. This is so as there is noticeably not much improvement in the transverse load distribution when the number of cells of the box girder is higher than three or more.
Read More7 :: Explain me why is propping required for long structures once the formwork is removed?
Once the process of concreting is performed the striking of the form works should be done as soon as possible as delay in this process can lead to the discoloration of the concrete structures. In case of long structures particularly long span structures once the structures have attained enough strength to support themselves it is essential to provide them with propping as creep deflection can take place which can greatly reduce the integrity of the structure. Due to the above mentioned reasons propping should be done after the removal of form work. Also the props should not be made to stand long as it can lead to over stress for the structures.
Read More8 :: Please explain why concrete barriers have curved surface profiles?
The concrete safety fencings are made to contain vehicles in their carriageway being travelled so as to reduce the chances of rebounding into the roads leading to more hazards. In the case of normal fencings upon vehicle crashes the fencings give away so as to absorb as much energy as possible henceforth reducing the impact on the vehicles. But in the case of concrete barriers their purpose is not to absorb energy of vehicles crashing into the barrier but to retain them. They have a curved design so as to allow the vehicles that hit them to slightly go up on the barrier but not overturn. They also prevent the vehicle from again getting back on the road by rebounds. This helps in vastly reducing the chances of other vehicle hazards.
Read More9 :: In reclamation works what are the importance of geotextiles and sand?
The primary purposes of geotextiles and sand in reclamation works are as follows:
☛ Geotextiles: They are used to separate the marine mud from the reclamation fill. Also geotextiles are used as reinforcements in reclamation processes to increase its stability. It is still debated as to whether the usage of geotextiles is better or are the old processes followed are better as the performance has not been comparable to the conventional methods.
☛ Sand: In reclamation process sand is used to spread the load of any future public dumps placed on top of it. Sand also acts as a drainage for the excess pore water pressure of band drain installations.
Read More☛ Geotextiles: They are used to separate the marine mud from the reclamation fill. Also geotextiles are used as reinforcements in reclamation processes to increase its stability. It is still debated as to whether the usage of geotextiles is better or are the old processes followed are better as the performance has not been comparable to the conventional methods.
☛ Sand: In reclamation process sand is used to spread the load of any future public dumps placed on top of it. Sand also acts as a drainage for the excess pore water pressure of band drain installations.
10 :: As current travels within a conductor:
A. the magnetic field aids the current
B. a magnetic field is developed around it
C. the wire tries to point north
D. an electrostatic field opposes the current
B. a magnetic field is developed around it
Read More11 :: Explain are You Keeping Pace Technically and Technologically?
Just because you felt technically and technologically up-to-date two years ago, it doesn’t mean you’ll be viewed that way today.
“The half-life of knowledge for mechanical engineers is shrinking,” says Greg Hutchins, principal engineer for Quality Plus Engineering. So, he advises, ask yourself: “What are you doing to keep current in technology?”
If you want to be taken seriously, be able to share a detailed listing of thoughtfully chosen continuing education activities with the interviewer. Perhaps you’re pursuing your professional engineering license, or maybe you’re completing a short online course on sensor technology.
Read More“The half-life of knowledge for mechanical engineers is shrinking,” says Greg Hutchins, principal engineer for Quality Plus Engineering. So, he advises, ask yourself: “What are you doing to keep current in technology?”
If you want to be taken seriously, be able to share a detailed listing of thoughtfully chosen continuing education activities with the interviewer. Perhaps you’re pursuing your professional engineering license, or maybe you’re completing a short online course on sensor technology.
12 :: Tell me briefly the various methods of concrete curing?
Curing is the process of maintaining the moisture and temperature conditions for freshly deployed concrete. This is done for small duration of time to allow the hardening of concrete. The methods that are involved in saving the shrinkage of the concrete includes:
(a) Spraying of water: on walls, and columns can be cured by sprinkling water.
(b) Wet covering of surface: can be cured by using the surface with wet gunny bags or straw
(c) Ponding: the horizontal surfaces including the slab and floors can be cured by stagnating the water.
(d) Steam curing: of pre-fabricated concrete units steam can be cured by passing it over the units that are under closed chambers. It allows faster curing process and results in faster recovery.
(e) Application of curing compounds: compounds having calcium chloride can be applied on curing surface. This keeps the surface wet for a very long time.
Read More(a) Spraying of water: on walls, and columns can be cured by sprinkling water.
(b) Wet covering of surface: can be cured by using the surface with wet gunny bags or straw
(c) Ponding: the horizontal surfaces including the slab and floors can be cured by stagnating the water.
(d) Steam curing: of pre-fabricated concrete units steam can be cured by passing it over the units that are under closed chambers. It allows faster curing process and results in faster recovery.
(e) Application of curing compounds: compounds having calcium chloride can be applied on curing surface. This keeps the surface wet for a very long time.
13 :: Tell me why should curing not be done by ponding and polythene sheets?
The primary purpose of curing is to reduce the heat loss of concrete that is freshly placed to the atmosphere and in order to reduce the temperature gradient across the cross-section of the concrete. Ponding is not preferred for curing as this method of thermal curing is greatly affected by cold winds. In addition to that in ponding large amounts of water is used and has to be disposed off from the construction sites. Polythene sheets are used on the basis that it creates an airtight environment around the concrete surface henceforth reducing the chances of evaporation over fresh concrete surfaces. But the usage of polythene can be a drawback as it can be easily blown away by winds and also the water lost by self-desiccation cannot be replenished.
Read More14 :: Tell me briefly the advantages and disadvantages of using plastic and timber fenders?
The advantages and disadvantages of using plastic fenders are as follows:
Plastic fenders are low in strength with a relatively high resistance to abrasion. Plastic fenders are resistant to chemical and biological attacks. Plastic fenders have moderate energy absorption capacity. The berthing reactions are also comparatively moderate and depends on the point of contact. Also since they are made from recycled material they are environmental friendly.
The advantages and disadvantages of using timber fenders are:
timber fenders are low in strength and are very susceptible to marine borer attacks and rotting. The energy absorption capacity is very low. Also generally the contact pressure between the vessels and the fender are high.
Read MorePlastic fenders are low in strength with a relatively high resistance to abrasion. Plastic fenders are resistant to chemical and biological attacks. Plastic fenders have moderate energy absorption capacity. The berthing reactions are also comparatively moderate and depends on the point of contact. Also since they are made from recycled material they are environmental friendly.
The advantages and disadvantages of using timber fenders are:
timber fenders are low in strength and are very susceptible to marine borer attacks and rotting. The energy absorption capacity is very low. Also generally the contact pressure between the vessels and the fender are high.
15 :: Explain me in the roof of a pumping station explain briefly the components of a waterproofing system?
The components of a typical waterproofing system on the roof of a pumping station are as follows:
☛ Right above the structural finish level of the roof ( concrete ) a uniform thickness screed is applied so as to facilitate the application of the waterproofing membrane. The surface provide for the membrane should always possess good cohesion properties and must be thin so as to prevent any un-uniformity. This thin layer also acts as a layer of thermal insulation.
☛ Right above this layer the waterproofing membrane is deployed to secure the water tightness of the roof.
☛ In order to enhance the thermal insulation of the roof an insulation board is sometime placed right above the waterproof membrane. The insulation board helps in the maintenance of a stable temperature in both weathers.
Read More☛ Right above the structural finish level of the roof ( concrete ) a uniform thickness screed is applied so as to facilitate the application of the waterproofing membrane. The surface provide for the membrane should always possess good cohesion properties and must be thin so as to prevent any un-uniformity. This thin layer also acts as a layer of thermal insulation.
☛ Right above this layer the waterproofing membrane is deployed to secure the water tightness of the roof.
☛ In order to enhance the thermal insulation of the roof an insulation board is sometime placed right above the waterproof membrane. The insulation board helps in the maintenance of a stable temperature in both weathers.
16 :: What is magnetic flux?
A. the number of lines of force in webers
B. the number of lines of force in maxwells
C. the number of lines of force in teslas
D. the number of lines of force in flux density
A. the number of lines of force in webers
Read More17 :: Explain what are the steps involved in the concreting process?
The major steps involved in the process of concreting are as follows:
1. Batching
2. Mixing
3. Transporting and placing of concrete
4. Compacting.
☛ Batching: The process of measurement of the different materials for the making of concrete is known as batching. batching is usually done in two ways: volume batching and weight batching. In case of volume batching the measurement is done in the form of volume whereas in the case of weight batching it is done by the weight.
☛ Mixing: In order to create good concrete the mixing of the materials should be first done in dry condition and after it wet condition. The two general methods of mixing are: hand mixing and machine mixing.
☛ Transportation and placing of concrete: Once the concrete mixture is created it must be transported to its final location. The concrete is placed on form works and should always be dropped on its final location as closely as possible.
☛ Compaction of concrete: When concrete is placed it can have air bubbles entrapped in it which can lead to the reduction of the strength by 30%. In order to reduce the air bubbles the process of compaction is performed. Compaction is generally performed in two ways: by hand or by the use of vibrators.
Read More1. Batching
2. Mixing
3. Transporting and placing of concrete
4. Compacting.
☛ Batching: The process of measurement of the different materials for the making of concrete is known as batching. batching is usually done in two ways: volume batching and weight batching. In case of volume batching the measurement is done in the form of volume whereas in the case of weight batching it is done by the weight.
☛ Mixing: In order to create good concrete the mixing of the materials should be first done in dry condition and after it wet condition. The two general methods of mixing are: hand mixing and machine mixing.
☛ Transportation and placing of concrete: Once the concrete mixture is created it must be transported to its final location. The concrete is placed on form works and should always be dropped on its final location as closely as possible.
☛ Compaction of concrete: When concrete is placed it can have air bubbles entrapped in it which can lead to the reduction of the strength by 30%. In order to reduce the air bubbles the process of compaction is performed. Compaction is generally performed in two ways: by hand or by the use of vibrators.
18 :: Basic Pre-Engineering Job Interview Questions:
☛ What is rigging?
☛ What are the techniques to measure road difference?
☛ Explain major differences between routing maintenance and major maintenance.
☛ What you understand by Richter scale?
☛ How do we calculate the power of centrifugal pump?
☛ What is a tensile strength? What is the tensile strength of wood?
☛ Difference between pre-tensioning and post-tensioning.
☛ Explain the difference between shear and tensile strength.
☛ Why the statue of liberty is made of Copper?
☛ What is the difference between TOR steel and TMT steel?
☛ Which code is used for TOR & TMT steel bar?
☛ Explain major difference between auto level and dumpy level?
☛ What is the L/D ratio of cantilever beam?
☛ What is the ratio of steel and concrete to use in slabs , beams, columns ?
☛ What is pre-stressed concrete?
☛ What are the ingredients of pre-stressed concrete?
☛ What do you mean by honeycomb in concrete?
☛ Why is concrete cube test carried out?
☛ How do you calculate the power of centrifugal pump?
☛ What is aggregate?
☛ What is absolute pressure? How absolute pressure is calculated?
☛ What is the absolute pressure scale?
☛ What is gravity flow?
☛ What is a projection line?
☛ What is horizon or horizontal mining?
Read More☛ What are the techniques to measure road difference?
☛ Explain major differences between routing maintenance and major maintenance.
☛ What you understand by Richter scale?
☛ How do we calculate the power of centrifugal pump?
☛ What is a tensile strength? What is the tensile strength of wood?
☛ Difference between pre-tensioning and post-tensioning.
☛ Explain the difference between shear and tensile strength.
☛ Why the statue of liberty is made of Copper?
☛ What is the difference between TOR steel and TMT steel?
☛ Which code is used for TOR & TMT steel bar?
☛ Explain major difference between auto level and dumpy level?
☛ What is the L/D ratio of cantilever beam?
☛ What is the ratio of steel and concrete to use in slabs , beams, columns ?
☛ What is pre-stressed concrete?
☛ What are the ingredients of pre-stressed concrete?
☛ What do you mean by honeycomb in concrete?
☛ Why is concrete cube test carried out?
☛ How do you calculate the power of centrifugal pump?
☛ What is aggregate?
☛ What is absolute pressure? How absolute pressure is calculated?
☛ What is the absolute pressure scale?
☛ What is gravity flow?
☛ What is a projection line?
☛ What is horizon or horizontal mining?
19 :: Strengths and Weaknesses Based Pre engineered building interview questions:
☛ Would you rather write a report or give it verbally?
☛ Who else have you applied to/got interviews with?
☛ What would be your ideal working environment?
☛ When was the last time you were in a crises?
☛ Your greatest weakness in school or at work?
Answer as sincerely as possible. Don't lie as if you are discovered, it shall be very bad situation. Think of actual examples you can use to describe your skills. Try to include improvement activities that relate to the job.
Read More☛ Who else have you applied to/got interviews with?
☛ What would be your ideal working environment?
☛ When was the last time you were in a crises?
☛ Your greatest weakness in school or at work?
Answer as sincerely as possible. Don't lie as if you are discovered, it shall be very bad situation. Think of actual examples you can use to describe your skills. Try to include improvement activities that relate to the job.
20 :: Situational Pre engineered building interview questions:
☛ What parts of your education do you see as relevant to this position?
☛ You have not done this sort of job before. How will you succeed?
☛ What relevant experience do you have?
☛ Have you ever had difficulty working with a manager?
☛ How do you think you can make a contribution to this company?
Read More☛ You have not done this sort of job before. How will you succeed?
☛ What relevant experience do you have?
☛ Have you ever had difficulty working with a manager?
☛ How do you think you can make a contribution to this company?
21 :: Electricity may be generated by a wire:
A. carrying current
B. wrapped as a coil
C. that has neutral domains
D. passing through a flux field
D. passing through a flux field
Read More22 :: Explain me under what circumstances should pot bearings be used instead of elastomeric bearings?
Pot bearings are preferred over elastomeric bearings in situations where there are chances of high vertical loads in combinations of very large angle of rotations. Elastomeric bearings always require a large bearing surface so that a compression is maintained between the contact surfaces in between the piers and the bearings. This is not possible to maintained in high load and rotation environment. Also the usage of elastomeric bearings leads to the uneven distribution of stress on the piers. This results in some highly induced stresses to be targeted at the piers henceforth damaging them. Due to the above reasons pot bearings are preferred over elastomeric bearings in such cases.
Read More23 :: In the given circuit, what will the voltage be across R3 25 mu.gifs after the switch is moved to position 2?
A. 2.88 V
B. 5.9 V
C. 8.34 V
D. 14 V
B. 5.9 V
Read More24 :: Explain me in the design of bridge arguments what considerations should be made to select the orientation of the wing walls?
Some of the most common arrangements of wing walls in cases of bridge arguments are as follows:
☛ Wing walls parallel to abutments: This method is considered to take least amount of time to build and is simple as well. But on the downside this method is not the most economical. The advantage of this type of design being that they cause the least amount of disturbance to the slope embankment.
☛ Wing walls at an angle to abutments: This design method is considered to be the most economical in terms of material cost.
☛ Wing walls perpendicular to abutments: The characteristic of this design is it provides an alignment continuous with the bridge decks lending a support to the parapets.
Read More☛ Wing walls parallel to abutments: This method is considered to take least amount of time to build and is simple as well. But on the downside this method is not the most economical. The advantage of this type of design being that they cause the least amount of disturbance to the slope embankment.
☛ Wing walls at an angle to abutments: This design method is considered to be the most economical in terms of material cost.
☛ Wing walls perpendicular to abutments: The characteristic of this design is it provides an alignment continuous with the bridge decks lending a support to the parapets.
25 :: Tell me during reclamation how can the occurrence of mud waves can be rectified?
There are several solution to the rectification of the problem of mud waves:
☛ Complete removal of all the disturbed mud: This method can be considered to be one of the fastest methods. As soon as the disturbed mud is removed some filling material is used to replace the disturbed mud. But economically this method can be expensive as compared to others.
☛ Accelerated consolidation of disturbed mud: In this method surcharging loads are placed on top of the mud waves. Along with this band drains are installed to accelerate the consolidation process. This method is quite slow compared to the other methods.
☛ Partial removal of the disturbed mud: This method is the hybrid of the above two methods where the top layer is removed whereas the lower level is treated with the surcharging process.
Read More☛ Complete removal of all the disturbed mud: This method can be considered to be one of the fastest methods. As soon as the disturbed mud is removed some filling material is used to replace the disturbed mud. But economically this method can be expensive as compared to others.
☛ Accelerated consolidation of disturbed mud: In this method surcharging loads are placed on top of the mud waves. Along with this band drains are installed to accelerate the consolidation process. This method is quite slow compared to the other methods.
☛ Partial removal of the disturbed mud: This method is the hybrid of the above two methods where the top layer is removed whereas the lower level is treated with the surcharging process.