Deputy Chief Financial Officer Interview Questions And Answers
Strengthen your Deputy Chief Financial Officer interview skills with our collection of 48 important questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in Deputy Chief Financial Officer to ensure you're well-prepared. Whether you're new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Don't miss out on our free PDF download, containing all 48 questions to help you succeed in your Deputy Chief Financial Officer interview. It's an invaluable tool for reinforcing your knowledge and building confidence.
48 Deputy Chief Financial Officer Questions and Answers:
Deputy Chief Financial Officer Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: What is the scope of uniform costing?
Uniform costing method can be advantageously applied:
★ In single organisation having number of branches.
★ In a number of firms in the same industry who are inter connected through trade association.
★ In industries which are similar such as cotton, gas and electricity.
Read More★ In single organisation having number of branches.
★ In a number of firms in the same industry who are inter connected through trade association.
★ In industries which are similar such as cotton, gas and electricity.
2 :: Explain uniform costing?
Uniform costing is the application of the same accounting and costing principles, methods or procedures uniformly by various undertakings in the same industry. It is a particular technique which applies the usual accounting methods like standard costing, marginal costing, and budgetary control.
Read More3 :: What are the main duties and responsibilities of a finance executive?
Recurring Duties:
★ Deciding the financial needs
★ Raising the funds required
★ Allocation of funds
★ Fixed assets management
★ Working capital management
★ Allocation of Income
★ Control of Funds
★ Evaluation of Performance
★ Corporate Taxation
Other duties:
To prepare annual accounts, carrying out internal audit, safeguarding securities, present financial reports to top management. Etc.
Non recurring Duties:
★ Preparation of financial plan at the time of company promotion
★ Financial adjustments in times of liquidity crisis
★ Valuation of the firm at the time of acquisition and merger etc.
Read More★ Deciding the financial needs
★ Raising the funds required
★ Allocation of funds
★ Fixed assets management
★ Working capital management
★ Allocation of Income
★ Control of Funds
★ Evaluation of Performance
★ Corporate Taxation
Other duties:
To prepare annual accounts, carrying out internal audit, safeguarding securities, present financial reports to top management. Etc.
Non recurring Duties:
★ Preparation of financial plan at the time of company promotion
★ Financial adjustments in times of liquidity crisis
★ Valuation of the firm at the time of acquisition and merger etc.
4 :: What is internal structure of a finance department in medium and large businesses?
There is no standard pattern for the organization of finance function. In general, internal structure of finance department can take following form:
★ Board of directors
★ Executive Committee
Vice President(Production)
Vice President(Finance)
-> Financial Controller
★ Accounting and Costing
★ Annual Reporting
★ Internal Auditing
★ Budgeting
★ Statistics and Finance
★ Record Keeping
-> Treasurer
★ Receivables management
★ Taxes and Insurance
★ Cost management
★ Securities
★ Banking Relations
★ Real Estates
★ Dividend Distribution
★ Vice President(Marketing)
Read More★ Board of directors
★ Executive Committee
Vice President(Production)
Vice President(Finance)
-> Financial Controller
★ Accounting and Costing
★ Annual Reporting
★ Internal Auditing
★ Budgeting
★ Statistics and Finance
★ Record Keeping
-> Treasurer
★ Receivables management
★ Taxes and Insurance
★ Cost management
★ Securities
★ Banking Relations
★ Real Estates
★ Dividend Distribution
★ Vice President(Marketing)
5 :: What you feel motivates you?
When an interview question about your motivation is asked it' designed to determine whether you have the right motivation to be a good fit for the company and the position offered.
Make sure you make you describe your motivation in manner that's relevant to the job.
Read MoreMake sure you make you describe your motivation in manner that's relevant to the job.
6 :: Can you persuade others to see your point of view?
In the finance industry financial professionals often have to persuade influential people to count on their expertise, follow their advice, and use their services.
Your interviewer will want to make sure you are able to determine the best approach to achieve what you want by influencing clients.
Read MoreYour interviewer will want to make sure you are able to determine the best approach to achieve what you want by influencing clients.
7 :: Example of a recent win-win situation you successfully negotiated?
Think carefully before you answer, because the object of this question is to explore whether you are capable of communication information and whether you have the ability to communicate in a way that will gain the acceptance and agreement you are seeking.
Read More8 :: How you approach teamwork and what your plan would be to adapt so you could effectively work with the team?
Finance interviewers are looking for team players who can build strong relationships and play an integral role in the team's success.
In the financial industry it's imperative that you can successfully work in a team environment, and that you are highly adaptable.
Read MoreIn the financial industry it's imperative that you can successfully work in a team environment, and that you are highly adaptable.
9 :: Explain Cash System of Accounting?
This system records only cash receipts and payments. This system assumes that there are no credit transactions. In this system of accounting, expenses are considered only when they are paid and incomes are considered when they are actually received. This system is used by the organizations which are established for non profit purpose. But this system is considered to be defective in nature as it does not show the actual profits earned and the current state of affairs of the organization.
Read More10 :: What are biggest opportunities and the biggest challenges that financial professionals face in today's market?
Make sure the interviewer knows you understand the current economic times, the financial sectors issues relating to reputation issues, regulatory changes, cost reduction, industry innovations, and credit availability. If you want to increase your likelihood of getting the position, give this question the attention it deserves.
Read More11 :: Explain Mercantile or Accrual System of Accounting?
In this system, expenses and incomes are considered during that period to which they pertain. This system of accounting is considered to be ideal but it may result into unrealized profits which might reflect in the books of the accounts on which the organization have to pay taxes too. All the company forms of organization are legally required to follow Mercantile or Accrual System of Accounting.
Read More12 :: What is Financial Accounting?
Financial Accounting is the process in which business transactions are recorded systematically in the various books of accounts maintained by the organization in order to prepare financial statements. Theses financial statements are basically of two types: First is Profitability Statement or Profit and Loss Account and second is Balance Sheet.
Read More13 :: Described Cost Accounting?
Cost Accounting is the process of classifying and recording of expenditure incurred during the operations of the organization in a systematic way, in order to ascertain the cost of a cost center with the intention to control the cost.
Read More14 :: What is Management Accounting?
Management Accounting is the process of analysis, interpretation and presentation of accounting information collected with the help of financial accounting and cost accounting, in order to assist management in the process of decision making, creation of policy and day to day operation of an organization. Thus, it is clear from the above that the management accounting is based on financial accounting and cost accounting.
Read More15 :: What is Convention of Conservation?
This accounting convention is generally expressed as to "anticipate all the future losses and expenses, without considering the future incomes and profits unless they are actually realized." This concept emphasizes that profits should never be overstated or anticipated. This convention generally applies to the valuation of current assets as they are valued at cost or market price whichever is lower.
Read More16 :: Explain Convention of Materiality?
This accounting convention proposed that while accounting only those transactions will be considered which have material impact on financial status of the organization and other transactions which have insignificant effect will be ignored.. It gives relative importance to an item or event.
Read More17 :: Explain Convention of Consistency?
This accounting convention proposes that the same accounting principles, procedures and policies should be used consistently on a period to period basis for preparing financial statements to facilitate comparison of financial statements on period to period basis. If any changes are made in the accounting procedures or policies, then it should be disclosed explicitly while preparing the financial statements.
Read More18 :: What are accounting concepts?
Accounting concepts are those basis assumptions upon which basic process of accounting is based. Following are the basic accounting concepts:
1) Business Entity Concept
2) Dual Aspect Concept
3) Going Concern Concept
4) Accounting Period
5) Concept Cost Concept
6) Money Measurement Concept
7) Matching Concept
Read More1) Business Entity Concept
2) Dual Aspect Concept
3) Going Concern Concept
4) Accounting Period
5) Concept Cost Concept
6) Money Measurement Concept
7) Matching Concept
19 :: Explain the Business Entity Concept?
According to this concept, the business has a separate legal identity than the person who owns the business. The accounting process is carried out for the business and not for the person who is carrying out the business. This concept is applicable to both, corporate and non corporate organizations.
Read More20 :: Check Dual Aspect Concept?
According to this concept, every transaction has two affects. This basic relationship between assets and liabilities which means that the assets are equal to the liabilities remains the same.
Read More21 :: Explain Going Concern Concept?
According to this concept, the organization is going to be in existence for an indefinite period of time and is not likely to close down the business in the shorter period of time. This affects the valuation of assets and liabilities.
Read More22 :: Accounting Period Concept?
According to this concept, the indefinite period of time is divided into shorter time periods, each one being in the form of Accounting period, in order to facilitate the preparation of financial statements on periodical basis. Selection of accounting period depends on characteristics like business organization, statutory requirements etc.
Read More23 :: Please name one major achievement in your career?
Choose one of your most notable achievements and why you felt it was important.
Keep it relevant to the finance position you are applying for. Discuss the challenges you faced and tell the interviewer how your achievement can help you succeed in your new position.
Read MoreKeep it relevant to the finance position you are applying for. Discuss the challenges you faced and tell the interviewer how your achievement can help you succeed in your new position.
24 :: Can you do to add value to our organization?
Your answer to this question needs to highlight your knowledge of the company, that you understand the company's goals, achievements, and the challenges it faces.
Read More25 :: Explain Money Measurement Concept?
According to this concept, only those transactions find place in the accounting records, which can be expressed in terms of money. This is the major drawback of financial accounting and financial statements.
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