Biomedical Engineer Interview Questions & Answers
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Prepare comprehensively for your Biomedical Engineer interview with our extensive list of 58 questions. These questions are specifically selected to challenge and enhance your knowledge in Biomedical Engineer. Perfect for all proficiency levels, they are key to your interview success. Access the free PDF to get all 58 questions and give yourself the best chance of acing your Biomedical Engineer interview. This resource is perfect for thorough preparation and confidence building.

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Biomedical Engineer Job Interview Questions and Answers
Biomedical Engineer Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: What piece of equipment do you enjoy working on the most?

Every kinde of equipment, probably I would say those with configuring or something that has to do with softewr.

2 :: What equipment do you find most challenging?

I feel the the most challenging instrument would be the X-ray machine.

3 :: What would you do if you had to switch careers?

Stay in e field that had to do something close with biomedical technician.

4 :: How long do you plan on staying in this area?

This is my home,so there isn't any plans tomove.

5 :: Would you like to advance your career in any other technical fields?

No, this field in itself is very broad and have various options and as this field is constantly evolving it keeps us on our feet and helps us learn new things everyday.

6 :: What is DNA fingerprinting?

DNA fingerprinting or genetic fingerprinting is a technique wherein a DNA sequence is used for identification of an individual. It is mostly used in forensics. Polymerase Chain Reaction and Short Tandem Repeats techniques are commonly used for DNA fingerprinting.

7 :: What is Alzheimer's disease?

Alzheimer disease is the most common form of dementia. It is a brain disease caused due to tau protein misfolding. This disease is incurable. This is degenerative disease. It can be diagnosed through MRI scan or PET. This disease is found in generally above 65 years of age. Its symptoms include irritation, confusion, mood swings and aggression. This disease is named after German psychiatrist and neuropathologist Alois Alzheimer in 1906.

8 :: How often did you call days off at your previous employment?

I feel as a Biomedical Technician Engineer it is more important for a person to be available for on-call services and I have learnt this from my past experience which has trained me in giving my most to this position.

9 :: Explain what is blood brain barrier?

Blood brain barrier is caused in central nervous system, when blood circulation is separated from the brain extra cellular fluid (BECF). This phenomenon occurs along all capillaries. It consists of tight junctions around the capillaries that do not exist in normal circulation. Cells of the barrier actively transport metabolic products such as glucose across the barrier with specific proteins. This barrier also consists of astrocytic end feet and also includes a thick basement membrane.

10 :: Tell us what do you understand by MRI?

MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. This technique uses medical imaging that provides a detailed structure of internal organs; especially soft tissues.MRI provides good contrast between different soft tissues. A strong magnetic field is used in MRI which generates images and models of the specified organ. MRI works on the principle of nuclear magnetic resonance to generate image of nuclei of atoms inside the body.

11 :: What is gram staining method?

This method is used to identify bacterial species into two communities i.e. Gram positive and gram negative. This method is based on chemical and physical properties of their cell walls. It can be used to detect peptidoglycan, which is present in a thick layer in Gram positive bacteria. Purple/blue colour refers to the gram positive bacteria. Red colour stain refers to the gram negative bacteria. This method is very popularly used in the identification of bacterial organism.

12 :: Do you know what is LMO? State some of its importance?

LMO stands for living modified organism. LMO are those organisms that have been genetically modified through the application of biotechnology. LMO also includes organisms that have been modified by novel recombinant DNA techniques as well as those that have been modified by mutagenesis or classical breeding and selection techniques. Importance of LMO's is that they can eat hazardous waste.

13 :: Do you know what is therapeutic cloning?

Cloning is a method of duplicating a DNA or a part of the DNA. Therapeutic cloning otherwise called somatic cell nuclear transfer is a process where an embryo is utilized. The embryo contains stem cells, which can be used in regeneration applications. Embryonic stem cells have the capability of renewing and are pluripotent that is it can transform or grow into more than 220 types of cells of the human body.

14 :: What is technique of gene conversion?

Gene conversion refers to the event in DNA genetic recombination. This event occurs at high frequencies during meiotic division but which also occurs in somatic cells. Through this process we can transfer DNA information from one DNA helix to another DNA helix, whose sequence is altered. Gene mutation can also be accomplished through this process. IT may lead to non-Mendelian inheritance. This phenomenon has often been recorded in fungal crosses.

15 :: How would you handle a situation that required you to fix two pieces of equipment in the same time?

I would manage my time according to the urgency of the equipment required.

16 :: What is RCCS? What is its lifespan?

RCCS stands for rotary cell culture system. It is a device designed to grow three-dimensional cell clusters in microgravity. This device was developed by NASA to study the cell tissues of mammals-including humans-in microgravity. Tissues grown in the RCCS are larger and three-dimensional, with structural and chemical characteristics similar to normal tissue. RCCS has no moving parts, thus cells are less prone to damage and hence provides longer life span.

17 :: What is method of perfusion. State some of its drawbacks?

Perfusion is the process of delivery of blood to a capillary bed in the biological tissue. Tests of adequate perfusion are a part of the patient assessment process performed by medical or emergency personnel. The most common methods include evaluating skin color, temperature, condition and capillary refill. Perfusion can be of two types over perfusion and under perfusion. Types of perfusion is classified according to the average level of perfusion across all tissues in an individual body, Tissues like the heart are considered overperfused and receive more blood than would be expected to meet the metabolic needs of the tissue.

18 :: Tell us about a problem that you solved in a unique or unusual way. What was the outcome? Were you satisfied with it?

While fixing the Sphygmomanometer the mercury wasnt able to rise and I was unable to find the problem or any holes in the rubber bulb and the cuff. So I removed the arm cuff with air in it and immersed it in the water. And I saw bubbles which identified the problem and confirmed that the arm cuff needed the replacement.

19 :: Describe to me your education, what equipment did you specialize in during your training?

I have a associates in science with a background in computer science. I learned alot of skills ranging from programming to computer repair. I am more than willing to be trained in a more specific piece of equipment related to biomed.

20 :: Tell me what is EEG scan? Explain the wave patterns seen in an EEG scan?

Electroencephalography is commonly known as EEG. It is the recording of the electrical activity along the scalp. This technique can measure the fluctuations in voltage resulting through the ionic flow of current within the neurons of the brain. In EEG multiple electrodes are placed on the scalp which is used to record brain's spontaneous electrical activity over a short period of time. EEG can be used for the diagnosis of coma, encephalopathies, and brain death.
Wave patterns commonly observed in EEG are delta - state of sleep, theta - drowsiness, alpha - relaxation, and beta - active thinking and gamma.

21 :: Working on million dollar equipment can be stressful, how have you prepared to handle this?

Working in the manufacturing industry could be stressful,so I have learned from experience to take a step back and analyze the situation.

22 :: Tell me about a situation when it was important for you to pay attention to details. How did you handle it?

Being a team leader I was in charge of doing resets in store. I had to pay attention to how the merchandise manager wanted specific things done that were not listed. I was not afraid to have a pen and paper to get what I had to get done.

23 :: Performing work in a timely manner is very important for hospitals, and our services, tell me about your time management skills?

I was a team leader for several years, and i had to manage my time between running my piece of equipment and handling other problems that could arise from my team mates.

24 :: Explain the biological neuron model. How is it different from artificial neuron?

Biological neuron is also commonly known as spiking neuron model. This model is mathematical description of the properties of the nerve cell or neuron. This model is formulated to predict and describe the biological processes. This is different from artificial neuron because, artificial neuron is based on computational effectiveness. Artificial neuron is based on the synaptic weight for determining the neuron output.

25 :: Do you know what is epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder. It occurs due to abnormal signals in the human brain. These abnormal signals cause seizures and unconsciousness.
Biomedical Engineer Interview Questions and Answers
58 Biomedical Engineer Interview Questions and Answers