Pathology Interview Questions And Answers
Elevate your Pathology interview readiness with our detailed compilation of 166 questions. Each question is designed to test and expand your Pathology expertise. Suitable for all experience levels, these questions will help you prepare thoroughly. Access the free PDF to get all 166 questions and give yourself the best chance of acing your Pathology interview. This resource is perfect for thorough preparation and confidence building.
166 Pathology Questions and Answers:
Pathology Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: What is a "gene expression signature" for a tumor?
A collection of genes that are expressed consistently higher or lower in the tumor than is the population norm for non-tumorous tissue of the same type.
Read More2 :: What are the benefits of high-throughput expression analysis in molecular biological investigations?
These techniques allow simultaneous analysis of the expression of many genes. Patterns of increased or decreased expression is associated with disease may then be identified and may contribute to improved diagnosis and prognosis.
Read More3 :: To what 2 aspects of a usability assessment should the word "representative" apply?
(1) Representative tasks
(2) Representative users
Read More(2) Representative users
4 :: Dr Jones is a pathologist who has recently developed a virtual microscope program for teenagers to use while they are hospitalized. He thinks that teens might use this program to learn more about their illness and the role that pathology plays in the hospital. He has heard that usability is important, so he asks a few of his colleagues to try the program out in their free time and to e-mail their comments to him. Describe 3 specific things that Dr Jones should have done differently in order; to more appropriately assess the usability of his program.
(1) Have teens test the program, not physicians;
(2) select specific representative tasks for the assessment (not just "try the program out"); and
(3) observe the participants using the program and have them think aloud during the session rather than e-mail comments.
Read More(2) select specific representative tasks for the assessment (not just "try the program out"); and
(3) observe the participants using the program and have them think aloud during the session rather than e-mail comments.
5 :: There are about 40 000 human genes and ESTs (expressed sequence tags) available on the Affymetrix Gene Chips for gene expression. Make some reasonable assumptions and estimate, for a normal organ, the number of genes that will appear to be expressed significantly greater than or less than the population norm (95% confidence interval).
If we assume that each gene is independent and occurs in a normally distributed population, then one might expect approximately 5% of 40 000 or 2000 genes to appear over expressed or under expressed.
Read More8 :: In ionizing radiation, cells experiencing hypoxia are vulnerable to radiation damage?
Read More9 :: In ionizing radiation granulation tissue, formation is delayed in wounds, which have been radiated?
Read More10 :: In ionizing radiation, undifferentiated tumors are usually more sensitive to radiation than differentiated tumors.
Read More20 :: The blood vessels surrounding an acutely inflamed site usually show progressive vasodilatation from the time of injury.
Read More22 :: With regard to cell growth, hypocalcaemia can lead to enlargement of the parathyroid gland.
Read More24 :: With regard to cell growth, in metaplasia, there is a change of a type of differentiated cell to a type of undifferentiated cell
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