Vital Cardiology Interview Preparation Guide
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Cardiology frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Cardiology. So get preparation for the Cardiology job interview

15 Cardiology Questions and Answers:

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Vital  Cardiology Job Interview Questions and Answers
Vital Cardiology Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: What are the reversible causes of pulseless electrical activity?

6 H's and 6 T's...

hydrogens (acidosis)

thrombosis (MI)
thrombosis (PE)
tension PTX

2 :: Normal JVD is 6-8 cm, what 5 conditions are associated with increased JVD?

Congestive cardiac failure
due to
Ischemic heart disease
Cor pulmonale
Valvular heart disease like mitral stenosis
Congenital heart disease like VSD
Pericarditis and pericardial effusion

3 :: How often will the EKG be abnormal in patients having an MI?

85% of PATIENTS having MI show evidence on EKG.

4 :: What are the electocardiogram findings of a Mobitz type II second degree AV block?

Non Progressive Prolonged PR interval with absent QRS
complex depends on after no of regular P wave.

5 :: What is the effect of inspiration on the return of venous blood to the heart?

due to negative intrathoracic pressure and antigravity direction valvesprevent backward flow of blood

9 :: Who really performed the first open heart surgery, Daniel Hale Williams, or Ludwig Rehn?

daniel hale williams

10 :: What is peripheral resistance?

It is the resistance ofeered to the flowing of blood by the
vesselspresent in the Periphery ie the arteriole whose
diameter varies between 100 to 4oo micromillimeter & also by
the smooth muscle of the precapillary sphincter.

12 :: What is the best most specific and sensitive indicator for a Re-Myocardial Infartion(Post MI)?

CPK-MB's Coz they return normal after 4-5 days but the
Troponins are raised for 4 weeks after 1st MI.

13 :: What is the kussmal sign?

Kussmaul's sign is the observation of a jugular venous
pressure (JVP, the filling of the jugular vein) that rises
with inspiration. It can be seen in some forms of heart
Ordinarily the JVP falls with inspiration due to
reduced pressure in the expanding thoracic cavity.
Kussmaul's sign suggests impaired filling of the right
ventricle due to either fluid in the pericardial space or a
poorly compliant myocardium or pericardium.

15 :: What are the positional changes in pain noted by patients with pericarditis?

Pain due to pericarditis is usually aggravated by thoracic
motion, cough, or deep breathing; it may be relieved by
sitting up and leaning forward
Cardiology Interview Questions and Answers
15 Cardiology Interview Questions and Answers