Lady Doctors Interview Questions & Answers
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Lady Doctors related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with professional career as Lady Doctors. These list of interview questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts

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Lady Doctors Job Interview Questions and Answers
Lady Doctors Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Tell us will you travel if job demands as Lady Doctor?

In case of medical emergencies, various hospitals call doctors to treat the patients. So, if you are ready to travel when called even to distant places to treat the patients then you should mention it, while you are in the interview. This will help the hospital to develop goodwill and will add to its advantage in various other ways.

2 :: Tell us what, to date, is your greatest medical success story?

This question gives candidates an opportunity to display their medical ability or emotional intelligence. Look for stories where candidates utilized good listening or perceptive skills to understand a patient's problems.

3 :: Tell me what are some of your notable achievements?

Nobody enjoys a braggart but if you’re asked about your achievements, you should not hide them. Detailing awards and scholarships that you have received and seminars/conferences that you have attended is not only to subtly suggest that you’re an exceptional doctor. It is to emphasize your serious dedication to the profession.

4 :: Explain me about your experience and how it makes you a suitable candidate?

I've written in another post about how this question is often just asked in the shortened version. “Tell us about your experience.” In which case its a very lazy question. Its often asked because sadly on some resident medical officer interview panels the panellists are slotted in the day before and do not have time to review your application and CV.

5 :: Tell us what are the traits of a successful doctor in this environment?

What traits and metrics make a new hire successful? Are you looking for any specific clinical skills? Knowing these answers ensures you won’t be expected to do something you don’t have experience with.

6 :: Why did you choose this profession as Lady Doctor?

Chou notes that healthcare is a “service industry”and providing service goes beyond “talent and quality.”

7 :: Tell me what do you know about our hospital?

This is a typical hospital interview question that is asked by interviewers to gauge how much you have researched about the job you’re applying for and the hospital you want to work in. In order to answer this question, you have to study the hospital’s history including its current rules and regulations. You should also be familiar with its policies and highlight some of its remarkable achievements.

8 :: Tell us what process do you follow when counseling a terminally ill patient?

This question indicates the candidate’s compassion and ability to effectively counsel patients.

9 :: Tell us what strengths do you bring to this role?

This is sometimes answered alongside a request for weaknesses (see also below). If also asked for weaknesses. Start with weaknesses first and give just one. Then end with two or three strengths.

For strengths. Try to come up with something reasonably unique and remember it needs to be relevant to the role.

10 :: Explain me how often should women have breast examinations done?

Demonstrates the candidate's industry knowledge and experience.

11 :: Tell me how have your listening skills helped you to diagnose and treat patients?

This question illustrates the candidate’s ability to effectively listen.

12 :: Tell us where do you see yourself five to ten years as Lady Doctor?

Once again, your best foot forward is honesty. It is fair for you and the employer to be both informed of your plans with your career in the future. It is even acceptable to answer that you’re still not too sure of where you will be a decade from now if you really don’t know yet.

13 :: Please explain is your current job satisfactory enough, then why are you leaving it?

You should answer this question after a thought. You shall always give a valid reason for this question. The reason you give to this question should satisfy the interviewer.

14 :: Tell me why should our hospital hire you as Lady Doctor?

Hospitals look for talented doctors that could work well with others and serve patients well. Their medical team must also preserve the hospital’s goodwill and support its policies. You must take note of all three when coming up with the answer for why you are the perfect fit for the available position. Be careful about overselling yourself. You must be realistic with your motives and what you can bring into the fold.

15 :: Tell us how would you go about explaining unfavorable test results to patients?

Demonstrates the candidate's ability to convey sensitive information, empathy, and patience.

16 :: Please explain how can you contribute to our hospital?

You should show that you will do your best to treat the patients and to build and maintain the goodwill of the hospital. People place their trust in doctors and you will try to become their guide in case of need. You will not do anything which can harm your patients or spoil the goodwill of the hospital.

17 :: Please explain how do you prevent committing medical malpractice?

Like the previous interview question, this one is also specific to physicians. When answering questions like this one, you must stress how serious and dedicated you are when treating your patients. This means having extensive knowledge of the patient’s condition which you will learn along the way through patient communication and the processes of conducting examinations. You must also mention that in cases where you are uncertain how to proceed with treatment, you are always mindful to consult with other doctors and even refer the patients to specialists outside your field if necessary.

18 :: Tell us can you recall a disruptive patient?

One way to ascertain whether a candidate is a good fit is to see how he or she relates to the nonclinical challenges patients often pose.

Chou’s group engages prospective physician associates in behavior interviewing, but their questions do not entail creating hypothetical “what-if” scenarios.

19 :: Please explain what are your long term career goals and why this hospital?

If you have written a Career Goal Statement that is tailored to the job description then you pretty much have the basis of the answer of this question.

This question is digging into whether you have done your appropriate research. Have you identified a reason why the hospital will help you in your career? For example, does it have good exam pass rates. Or is there a particular subspecialty that is not available elsewhere?

Whatever the case you should be able to identify something of value in the position that will help you. Make sure that you are emphasising that its a positive factor about the health service or hospital. Interview panels want to hear nice praise about their institution. But also make sure that you quickly bring it back from your personal needs to what you can give to the hospital.

20 :: Please explain what steps do you take to prevent medical malpractice?

I take my job very seriously, and so I do my best to get a broad understanding of the symptoms through communication with my patients, examinations, and further testing. I feel that it is also helpful to consult with other physicians in cases where I am not certain of treatment, and I am careful to refer patients to specialists for matters outside of the typical scope of my practice.

21 :: Please explain do you have any knowledge about the hospitals in our area?

The interviewers are keen to know what knowledge you have about their rival hospitals in the same area. These days hospitals also need to earn profits because they have employees who need to be paid. So, before going for an interview you should do a little research about the local hospitals and the various doctors who visit them. Also, the various types of facilities these hospitals provide to their patients should be acknowledged.

22 :: Explain why did you choose to become a doctor as Lady Doctor?

This is one of the most common questions asked to physicians during interviews. The medical profession is held in high regard by many and it is perceived as a noble career path. However, some also see it as a lucrative livelihood. Employers want to hire physicians who regard the profession as the former. Interview panels at hospitals do not enjoy hearing doctors say that they’ve joined the profession for the money. A satisfactory answer would be to say earnestly that you desire to help other people by dedicating yourself to preserving human life.

23 :: Tell us an experience you had in dealing with an emotionally distressed patient. How did you overcome the situation?

Family Doctors are expected to deal with emotionally distressed patients. They should talk about demonstrating good interpersonal skills to effectively communicate with them, manage to calm them down and provide them with the reassurance that they will be taken care of.

24 :: Explain me what would you do if a patient admitted to having lied to her partner about being on birth control pills?

Demonstrates the candidate's ability to maintain doctor-patient confidentiality, and interpersonal skills.

25 :: Tell us what kind of information should you gather when seeing a patient for the first time?

Demonstrates candidates' attention to detail and the ability to take an accurate patient history.
Lady Doctors Interview Questions and Answers
60 Lady Doctors Interview Questions and Answers