Professional Ophthalmology Interview Preparation Guide
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Ophthalmology Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that the Ophthalmology is the branch of medicine which deals with the diseases and surgery of the visual pathways, including the eye, brain, and areas surrounding the eye, such as the lacrimal system and eyelids. Learn the Ophthalmology basis and advance concepts or get preparation for job interview of Ophthalmology by our Ophthalmology Interview Questions and Answers Guide.

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Professional  Ophthalmology Job Interview Questions and Answers
Professional Ophthalmology Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Can you still get new eye floaters in the same eye after a complete pvd with no tears, breaks etc?

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2 :: The following are true (Ophthalmology):

* a) The HLA proteins are found within the cytoplasm of the cells
* b) HLA class I antigens are expressed on all cells with nuclei
* c) HLA class II antigens presents the virus infected cells to cytotoxic T lymphocytes
* d) HLA genes are found on chromosome 6
* e) HLA tissue typing is carried out in all forms of transplantation to prevent rejection

Answer a. F b. T c .F d. T e. F

3 :: True statements about chromosome include:

* a) There are 23 pairs of autosomal chromosome traits
* b) 23 chromosomes are found in germinal cells
* d) In female only one chromosome is activated
* c) The Barr body is due to inactivated X chromosome
* e) Klinefelter's syndrome result from an extra X chromosome in male

Answer a. F b. T c. T d. T e .F

4 :: The following are true about the DNA in mitochondria:

* a) They are found in the ovum and not the spermatozoan
* b) They have their own genome
* c) They are expressed in muscle cells
* d) An affected male with mitochondrial disorder can pass it on to his daughter only
* e) They are responsible for coding enzymes used in oxidation

Answer a. T b. T c. T d. F e. T

5 :: The following enzymes on the left are responsible for the synthesis of the neurotransmitters on the right:

* a) Monoamine oxidase: noradrenaline
* b) Cholinesterase: acetylcholine
* c) Catechol-o-methyl transferase: dopamine
* d) Dopa decarboxylase: adrenaline
* e) Glutamic acid decarboxylase: gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)

Answer a. F b. F c. F d. T e. T

6 :: Recognized virulence factors in bacteria include:

* a) Ig A-proteases
* b) Beta lactamases
* c) gonococcal pili
* d) Streptococcal M protein
* e) The capsular polysaccharides in Haemophilus influenzae

Answer a. T b. F c. T d. T e.

7 :: The following are true about the viruses:

* a) They contain either RNA or DNA nuclei acids only
* b) HIV virus is a DNA virus
* c) Cytomegalovirus is a DNA virus
* d) All herpes viruses are sensitive to acyclovir
* e) Viral replication within the host cells is inhibited by interferons

Answer a. T b. F c. T d .F e. T

8 :: With regard to immunoglobulin A:

* a) It is the heaviest immunoglobulin
* b) It is the first immunoglobulin to be produced when the body is invaded by viruses
* c) It is secreted by the lacrimal gland
* d) It is secreted in the breast milk
* e) It is an effective defense against gonococcus

Answer a. F b. F c. T d. T e. T

9 :: In allergic reaction:

* a) Arthus reaction is a type IV reaction
* b) Anaphylaxis occurs in patients who have had no previous exposure to the offending substance
* c) Contact dermatitis is a type IV reaction
* d) Positive Mantoux test is a type III reaction
* e) Urticaria is a type II reaction

Answer a. F b. F c. T d. F e. T

10 :: True statements about the nucleic acid include:

* a) Contains purine and pyrimidine which are bound together by covalent bonds
* b) There is always an equal concentration of purine and pyrimidine
* c) In RNA, thymine is replaced by uracil
* d) Introns is more common than exons on the DNA
* e) The histones mark the excision site

Answer a. F b. T c. T d. F e. F

11 :: At the adrenergic synapse, the concentration of adrenaline in synaptic cleft:

* a) Increased by cocaine which inhibit reuptake of adrenaline
* b) Decreased by MAO (monoamine oxidase) - inhibitors
* c) Controlled chiefly by the activity of the enzyme COMT
* d) Increased by noradrenaline receptor blockers
* e) Increased by partial agonist of noradrenaline receptors

Answer a. T b. F c. F d. T e. T

12 :: True statements about chloroquine include:

* a) Is safer than hydroxychloroquine at equivalent dose
* b) Can cause corneal deposition
* c) Causes posterior subcapsular cataract
* d) Chloroquine is bound to the melanin of the retinal pigment epithelium
* e) Causes reversible toxic maculopathy

Answer a. F b. T c. F d. T e F

13 :: Impaired accommodation occurs with

* a) Phenothiazine
* b) Topical pilocarpine
* c) Topical atropine
* d) Topical phenylephrine
* e) Topical cocaine

Answer a. T b. F c. T d. F e. T

14 :: The effects of topically applied anticholinesterase on the eye include:

* a) Conjunctival hyperaemia
* b) Raised intraocular pressure
* c) Ciliary muscle contraction
* d) Sphincter pupillae muscle relaxation
* e) Retraction of the upper lids

Answer a. F b. F c. T d. F e. F

15 :: Acetazolamide causes the following:

* a) Metabolic acidosis
* b) Hyperkalaemia
* c) Hypernatraemia
* d) Renal calculi
* e) Hypercalcaemia

Answer a. T b. F c. F d. T e. F

16 :: Following an acute inflammation, the following may occur:

* a) Complete resolution
* b) Abscess formation
* c) Chronic inflammation
* d) Scar tissue formation
* e) Loss of function

Answer a. T b. T c. T d. T e. T

17 :: The following virus is associated with human cancer:

* a) Herpes zoster
* b) Epstein-Barr virus
* c) Human papillovirus
* d) Hepatitis type A
* e) Human immunodeficiency virus

Answer a. F b. T c. T d. F e. T

18 :: Endotoxins:

* a) Is involved in botulism
* b) Elicit an antibody response, which may protect the host from future attack
* c) Is produced mainly by Gram positive bacterial
* d) Can often survive autoclaving
* e) Is found in the vesicle of bacterial cytoplasm

Answer a. F b. F c. F d. T e. F

19 :: The following are true:

* a) Fusidic acid is used in staphylococcus aureus infection
* b) Intravenous vancomycin is useful in treating post-operative endophthalmitis
* c) Rifampicin is only effective against tuberculosis
* d) Gentamicin is effective against Gram-positive coccus
* e) Penicillin is effect against Gram-positive coccus, Gram-negative bacilli and coccus

Answer a. T b. F c. F d. F e. F

20 :: Gram-negative rods that are known to cause ocular diseases include:

* a) Proteus vulgaris
* b) Serratia marcescans
* c) Pseudomonas aeruginosa
* d) Moraxella lacunata
* e) Haemophilus influenza

Answer a. T b. T c. T d. T e. T

21 :: Regarding interferon:

* a) It is a virus specific molecule
* b) It acts by neutralizing exotoxin
* c) It enhances the histocompatibility antigen on cell surface and thereby activates the T cells
* d) It exerts its effect by integrating itself with the DNA of virus-infected cells
* e) It can inhibit cell division in normal tissue

Answer a. F b. F c. T d. F e. T

22 :: In the inner ear

* a) endolymph is found in the tunnel of Corti
* b) The lowest tone that be heard is 300 Hz
* c) The perilymph has the same composition as the cerebrospinal fluid
* d) The longer fibers of the basilar membrane are found at the apex
* e) Linear acceleration is detected by maculae of the utricles

Answer a. F b. F c. T d. T e. T

23 :: The following are true about blood coagulation:

* a) Heparin inhibits blood coagulation through its interference with vitamin K metabolism in the liver
* b) Addition of vitamin K to freshly drawn blood delays clotting
* c) Thrombin converts fibrinogen to fibrin
* d) Platelets are essential for blood clot
* e) Vitamin K is responsible for the production of factors II, VII, IX and X

Answer a. F b. F c. T d. T e. T

24 :: With regard to the autonomic nervous system:

* a) The dorsal root ganglia is made up mainly of the cell bodies of the sympathetic nerves
* b) The preganglionic sympathetic fibers are usually longer than preganglionic parasympathetic fibers
* c) Acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter at the ganglia of both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system
* d) Botulin toxin blocks acetylcholine receptors
* e) Hemicholinium blocks the synthesis of acetylcholine

Answer a. T b. F c. T d. F e. T

25 :: Glycocylated haemoglobin:

* a) Is absent in the plasma of people without diabetes mellitus
* b) The levels of Hb A1C are a good index of glucose-induced arteriolar dilatation and consequent damage to renal function in diabetics
* c) Results from the combination of a HbA and a sugar
* d) When measured as HbA1c in plasma gives more accurate retrospective estimates of blood sugar levels than other glycosylated products
* e) Is increased in diabetic patient with concurrent sickle cell disease

Answer a. F b. T c. T d. F e. F
Ophthalmology Interview Questions and Answers
61 Ophthalmology Interview Questions and Answers