Artificial Intelligence Algorithms Question:

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A problem solving approach works well for:
a) 8-Puzzle problem
b) 8-queen problem
c) Finding a optimal path from a given source to a destination
d) Mars Hover (Robot Navigation)

Artificial Intelligence Algorithms Interview Question
Artificial Intelligence Algorithms Interview Question


d) Mars Hover (Robot Navigation)
Problem-solving approach works well for toy problems and real-world problems.

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The _______ is a touring problem in which each city must be visited exactly once. The aim is to find the shortest tour.
a) Finding shortest path between a source and a destination
b) Travelling Salesman problem
c) Map coloring problem
d) Depth first search traversal on a given map represented as a graph
A solution to a problem is a path from the initial state to a goal state. Solution quality is measured by the path cost function, and an optimal solution has the highest path cost among all solutions. State whether true or false.
a) True
b) False