Microbiology Question:
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A physician calls from an outlying hospital to report that his patient has passed a large, white, round worm with pointed ends that is about 8 inches long. He is concerned this could be Echinococcus but the only parasite that matches this description is Ascaris lumbricoides. Which of the following is false regarding Ascaris lumbricoides?


* A. Most infected humans are asymptomatic
* B. Large numbers of larvae passing through the lung can cause asthma type symptoms
* C. Large numbers of adult worms in the gut can cause obstruction
* D. The fertilized unembryonated egg passed in the stool requires a period of time to embryonate before it becomes infectious
* E. Heavy infection has been associated with rectal prolapse

Correct Answer: E

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An elderly Tongan male was diagnosed with multiple myeloma (a form of cancer) and has been treated with chemotherapy agents for two months. He was then admitted to the hospital with new-onset asthma symptoms that became worse when he was treated with steroids. Many small larvae were found in his sputum and he was found to have a hyper-infection with Strongyloides stercoralis. Which statement is false regarding Strongyloides?Humans are the definitive host for Diphyllobothrium latum or the fish tapeworm which competes for Vitamin B12 with its human host. Vitamin B12 deficiency can result in an anemia with production of very large red blood cells, called macrocytic anemia. All of the following would prevent the spread of this disease but one. Which one would not be a method of prevention?