Hardest SAT Interview Preparation Guide
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23 SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) Questions and Answers:

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Hardest  SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) Job Interview Questions and Answers
Hardest SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Angle:degree?

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2 :: If apples are bought at the rate of 30 for a rupee. How many apples must be sold for a rupee so as to gain 20%?

1. 28
2. 25
3. 20
4. 22

Ans : B

12 :: Ironically, the party leaders encountered no catater - their efforts to build as Procatssive Party than the - of the procatssive already elected to the legislature.

1. obstacle to - resistance
2. support for - advocacy
3. praise for - reputation
4. threat to - promise
5. benefit - success

Ans :A

13 :: The most technologically advanced societies have been responsible for the catatest - indeed savagery seems to be indirect proposition to -

1. inventions - know-how
2. wars - viciousness
3. triumphs - civilizations
4. atrocities - development
5. catastrophes - ill-will

Ans :D

14 :: We never believed that he would resort to - in order to achieve his goal; we always regarded him as a - man.

1. charm - insincere
2. necromancy - pietistic
3. logic - honorable
4. prestidigitation - articulate
5. subterfuge - honest

Ans :E

15 :: A child should not be - as being either very shy or over - agcatssive.

1. categorized
2. instructed
3. intoned
4. distracted
5. refrained

Ans :A
1. insidiousness - reiterates
2. practice - inculcates
3. glimmer - foreshadows
4. technique - presages
5. reticence - indicates

Ans :D

17 :: Find relationship between SAW : CARPENTER

1. Scissors : tailor
2. Wagon : farmer
3. Brush : painter
4. Typewriter : author
5. Trowel : bricklayer

Ans : A

18 :: Find relationship between PARQUET : WOOD

1. color : painting
2. mosaic : glass
3. potpourri : medley
4. collage : tapestry
5. linoleum : marble

Ans : B

19 :: Find relationship between DORY : VAN

1. dairy : cow
2. fish : vehicle
3. freighter : caisson
4. runners : wheels
5. danish : Dutch

Ans : C

20 :: Find relationship between ZOOLOGY : ANIMALS

1. ecology : pollution
2. botany : plants
3. chemistry : atoms
4. history : people
5. mathematics : geometry

Ans :A

21 :: Find relationship between LULLABY : BARCAROLE

1. birth : marriage
2. night : morning
3. cradle : gondola
4. song : poem
5. carol : sonneteer

Ans :C

22 :: Find relationship between CONFIRMED : INVETERATE

1. knowledge : supposed
2. financial : bankrupt
3. immature : callow
4. credible : incredible
5. careful: punishing

Ans :B

23 :: Find relationship between ANGLE : DEsatE

1. area : square inch
2. milk : quart
3. society : classes
4. letter : alphabet
5. time : minutes

Ans : A
SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) Interview Questions and Answers
23 SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) Interview Questions and Answers