Geology Interview Questions & Answers
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Prepare comprehensively for your Geology interview with our extensive list of 67 questions. Each question is designed to test and expand your Geology expertise. Suitable for all experience levels, these questions will help you prepare thoroughly. Download the free PDF to have all 67 questions at your fingertips. This resource is designed to boost your confidence and ensure you're interview-ready.

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Geology Job Interview Questions and Answers
Geology Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: What is the purpose of dams?

irrigation reservoir
flood control
human consumption

2 :: What is migmatite?

Migmatite is a rock that is a mixture of metamorphic rock and igneous rock. It is created when a metamorphic rock such as gneiss partially melts, and then that melt recrystallizes into an igneous rock, creating a mixture of the un-melted metamorphic part with the recrystallized igneous part.

3 :: What is u.n.f.c?

1. The United Nations Framework Classification (UNFC) for energy & Mineral Resources is a universally applicable scheme for classifying/ evaluating energy and mineral reserves & resources. Most importantly, it allows a common and necessary international understanding of these classifications/evaluations. The Classification is designed to allow the incorporation of currently existing terms and definitions into this framework and thus to make them comparable and compatible.
2. UNFC aims the use of a three-digit code clearly indicating the essential characteristics of extractable energy and mineral commodities in market economies, notably (i) degree of economic/commercial viability; (ii) field project status and feasibility; and (iii) level of geological knowledge.

4 :: What is difference between minor and major minerals?

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5 :: Why does marble rarely contain fossils?

This is because of the way that it is formed. When you have a rock that is formed through metamorphosis then it has been created through heat and pressure acting on other rocks.

Fossils are inherently delicate things and therefore precious little would withstand the conditions that are required to create marble - and therefore marble hardly ever contains fossils as a direct result of this.

6 :: Why does a glacier move?

It moves because the huge pressure of the ice and snow lowers the freezing point of its lower layers, causing them to melt.

7 :: Why did the continents spread apart?

This is due to the heat generated from the earth's interior and earthquakes - the convection currents deep within the earth because the movement of the material that sits on top.

8 :: Which type of rock is critical for the formation of geysers?

Liquid rock is needed for geysers to form in the form of what is called magma - which is the geological name for liquid rock. Without that, you cannot get geysers forming.

9 :: Which of the Earths interior layers have been drilled and sampled? What are the deepest drilling projects on record?

The lower section of the Earth's crust has been reached. The possibility of the mantle is not far away. Depths of over 4,500 feet have been reached.

10 :: Which kind of volcano is the most destructive?

Well each type of volcano can be very destructive and if you are talking in human loss of life terms than the answer is any type of volcano that is near dense population.

The most destructive type of volcano though that is generally acknowledged; as such, independent of people is that which is called the stratovolcano.

11 :: Which is the largest reef?

This is the Great Barrier Reef off the northeast corner of Australia.

12 :: Which carbonate mineral reacts readily with cool dilute hydrochloric acid to produce visible bubbles of carbon dioxide gas?

Many carbonate minerals will do this. However since this is a chemistry homework question - I'm guessing for GCSE - then almost certainly the answer they are looking for is calcium carbonate, because this equation often needs to be learnt and then perhaps balanced in an exam question.

13 :: Where would you expect to find the oldest basalt on the floor of the Atlantic Ocean?

The oldest sea floor in the Atlantic that is made of basalt is to be found closest to the continents, the further into the ocean away from land that you go, the newer the sea floor.

This is because new sea floor is still being added in the middle of the ocean and therefore the banding and age of the rocks gets increasingly older the further you move from the centre of the ocean.

14 :: Where are Mountains of the Moon?

These are a mountain range, along Zaire and Uganda in East Africa.

15 :: When does an atoll start to form?

This begins to form when tiny marine animals - coral polyps - attach themselves to rocks on the seabed.

16 :: What ways can igneous rock form two ways?

Igneous rocks - got to that stage of your geography or chemistry class already?

Well here is a little information for you on the ways in which igneous rocks can form.

Igneous rocks are created when melted material crystallizes, e.g. from magma.

There are two formation methods, the first is that they form on the surface and these are called extrusive igneous rocks, or they can form inside the crust, and these ones are called intrusive igneous rocks.

17 :: What time period can carbon-14 dates have?

Carbon 14 has a half-life of 5,730 years, and therefore it can be used to date very accurately a large majority of things, particularly wood and so on.

It is only not useful for ancient things where all the carbon 14 will have gone, or almost gone - and for these there are other isotopes of other elements, that can be used with a much longer half-life.

18 :: What separates the outer core from the mantle above it?

There is a gradual transition caused by a change in temperature and reducing pressure.

19 :: What minerals attract lightning?

Tall structures and things that are metal attract lightning, also trees do.

In fact, anything that is metallic containing mineral may seem to attract the lightning for instance things like iron.

20 :: What makes mountains appear purple?

This is to do with light and the atmosphere.

The way the rays of light strike the mountains at a greater height than us, then reflect and reach our eyes below the height of mountains, coupled with the air in-between, leads to them looking purple, in a similar way to the process with different wavelength light makes the sky look blue on a sunny day.

21 :: What layer of the earth does magma form?

Magma is part of the layer just under the crust.

It reminds us that whilst everything seems solid underfoot actually that is not quite so, and there are only relatively thin layers on top that move and float on a sea of magma underneath, it is this that moves the continents around the surface of the planet, all be it very slowly indeed.

22 :: What is the rate of species and how does this relate to finding transitional species?

The rate of species depends on the time and particular species and environment at the time, therefore there is no one absolute figure that can be used.

However clearly the rate of species can be used to estimate where in transition each species is and when the next variations will come along.

23 :: What is the name of the largest volcano in the world?

The largest volcano in the world over ground is called Mauna Loa.

Mauna Loa is to be found in Hawaii, now a US State.

24 :: What is the minimum depth needed for a feature to be considered a canyon?

In fact, it is a bit like considering when a few grains of sand become a heap of sand: there is no absolute point where something turns from a depression to a canyon.

The definition is simply a deep, narrow steep-sided valley, but the minimum depth is not absolute.

25 :: What is the mantle made of?

Earth's mantle - what is it made of - well, many things indeed, but mainly the following:

Compounds of the following metals or semi-metals, along with oxygen compounds:

1) Iron compounds

2) Magnesium compounds

3) Aluminum compounds

4) Silicon compounds
Geology Interview Questions and Answers
67 Geology Interview Questions and Answers