Geography Interview Questions And Answers
Strengthen your Geography interview skills with our collection of 102 important questions. These questions are specifically selected to challenge and enhance your knowledge in Geography. Perfect for all proficiency levels, they are key to your interview success. Get the free PDF download to access all 102 questions and excel in your Geography interview. This comprehensive guide is essential for effective study and confidence building.
102 Geography Questions and Answers:
Geography Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: What is the hottest place on earth?
The hottest air temperature ever recorded on earth:
In 2005, the Lut Desert in Iran at 70.7° Celsius, which is 159.26° Fahrenheit.
Previous to this on Sept. 13, 1922 El Azizia in Libya 57.8 °C (136°F)
Previous to that: Death Valley, California, USA, where it got up to 57.8°C (134°F) on July 10, 1913.
It is very likely that temperatures have reached higher than this in places on the earth, however, the lack of meteorological equipment and people to read said equipment in the hottest areas of the earth means that it has gone unrecorded.
Read MoreIn 2005, the Lut Desert in Iran at 70.7° Celsius, which is 159.26° Fahrenheit.
Previous to this on Sept. 13, 1922 El Azizia in Libya 57.8 °C (136°F)
Previous to that: Death Valley, California, USA, where it got up to 57.8°C (134°F) on July 10, 1913.
It is very likely that temperatures have reached higher than this in places on the earth, however, the lack of meteorological equipment and people to read said equipment in the hottest areas of the earth means that it has gone unrecorded.
2 :: What are decomposers in a temperate deciduous forest?
In the Deciduous Forest, some decomposers that are living there include fungi, bacteria, and yes, even worms.
Read More3 :: What is a floodplain?
If a river tends to flood, the most practical solution may be to designate a more or less flat area along the river as the "floodplain". This Area is allowed to flood and thus save other, more valuable areas from flooding. Obviously, no buildings should be erected on the floodplain and it is usually unsuitable for farming, too.
Read More4 :: What is relative location?
Relative location is the location of something in relation of another place.
Read More6 :: What is a Green resort?
A 'Green' resort, like a 'Green' business is an entity that is environment friendly. They might have low-volume-flush toilets, automatic light switches that turn off when no one is in the room, etc., anything that will reduce emissions and reduce pollution and waste.
Read More7 :: Why is the population density different in various parts of the world?
Population density is the amount of people living in an area per square mile (miles, for ex.). The number of people living in any one area is determined by the desirability of the area.
Read More8 :: For the intermediate directions, why is north and south listed first?
As arbitrary as it may be, it is up and down, side to side. The x and y-axis' it is the way maps were first drawn and have always been. A compass points north. The sign of the cross starts N S E W.
Read More9 :: What is the closest capital to the equator?
Quito, Ecuador. It's closest to the equator (0º14'S / 78º30'W) closely followed by Kampala, Uganda (0º19'N / 32º35'E), Sao Tome (0º20'N / 6º44'E) and Libreville, Gabon (0º30'N / 9º25'E)
Read More10 :: What is the easiest way to remember compass directions?
The earth rotates, so the sun is shown to appear rising on the east part of the world as we see it. No matter which way you are facing other than up or down, east are the morning sun, and west are get ready for nighttime. On the other hand, assume looking at the globe being on a clock with it being sown as a normal world instead of upside down or other abnormal configuration. 3 are east, 12 is north, 6 is south, and 9 is west.
Read More11 :: How is a rural community different from an urban community?
Rural communities are places outside of the cities. For example, if you live in Chicago, IL you live in an urban area. If you live Mendota, IL then you live in a rural area.
Read More13 :: Describe the features of Moai?
Moai are monolithic human figures on Easter Island.
Moai Seamount is a submarine volcano in the Pacific Ocean west of Easter Island.
Read MoreMoai Seamount is a submarine volcano in the Pacific Ocean west of Easter Island.
14 :: Where is the longest bar in the world?
The longest bar in the world is in Put-in-Bay, OH, a village located on South Bass Island on Lake Erie.
Read More15 :: Where are bogs found?
Bogs are most abundant in the Northern Hemisphere, especially in a broad belt including the northern part of the deciduous forest zone and the central and southern parts of the boreal forest zone. Farther south, and in drier climates farther inland, they become sporadic and restricted to specialized habitats. To the north, peat lands controlled by mineral soil water (aapa mires) replace them as the dominant wetlands.
Bogs are much less extensive in the Southern Hemisphere because there is little land in cold temperate latitudes. In these Southern Hemisphere peat lands, Sphagnum is much less important, and Epacridaceae and Restionaceae replace the Ericaceae and Cyperaceous of the Northern Hemisphere.
Read MoreBogs are much less extensive in the Southern Hemisphere because there is little land in cold temperate latitudes. In these Southern Hemisphere peat lands, Sphagnum is much less important, and Epacridaceae and Restionaceae replace the Ericaceae and Cyperaceous of the Northern Hemisphere.
16 :: What is the general locations world wide for the humid tropical climate?
They are found in the latitude range of 10 degrees south and 25 degrees north.
Read More17 :: What is a Map Locator?
A locator map is a map that shows a certain area’s specific place.
Read More19 :: What are some things you could use to help us locate places on the map?
An atlas or map comes with an index use it to pinpoint the place you are looking for.
Read More20 :: What is the lowest spot on earth that you can visit?
The Dead Sea at 1,378 ft below sea level is the lowest place on earth.
Read More21 :: An imaginary line from which other meridians are measured the degree is 0 of the line?
The equator
Read More22 :: Is there more land mass above or below the equator?
There is more land above/north of the equator. The only continent completely south of the equator is Oceania. This fact is clearly illustrated in the movie "an inconvenient truth".
Read More23 :: What is the definition of a peninsula?
It is a long strip of land that juts out into the sea.
The best examples are southern Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia or Spain.
Read MoreThe best examples are southern Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia or Spain.
24 :: What are the four types of vegetation?
The four types of vegetation are Forest, Grassland, Desert, and Tundra.
Read More25 :: How far is the ocean horizon line from the shore eye view?
About 17 miles but this distance greatly varies on the weather conditions and the height of the eye above sea level.
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