Emotional Intelligence Interview Questions & Answers
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Optimize your Emotional Intelligence interview preparation with our curated set of 43 questions. Each question is crafted to challenge your understanding and proficiency in Emotional Intelligence. Suitable for all skill levels, these questions are essential for effective preparation. Don't miss out on our free PDF download, containing all 43 questions to help you succeed in your Emotional Intelligence interview. It's an invaluable tool for reinforcing your knowledge and building confidence.

43 Emotional Intelligence Questions and Answers:

Emotional Intelligence Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

Emotional Intelligence Job Interview Questions and Answers
Emotional Intelligence Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Explain what is personal competence is about?

Personal competence is about

☛ Self Awareness
☛ Self Regulation

2 :: Explain what ways you can successfully resolve a conflict?

To resolve the conflict successfully you can follow the following tips

☛ Manage stress quickly while remaining calm and alert
☛ Control your behavior and emotions
☛ Listen for what is felt as well as said
☛ Be willing to forgive
☛ Focus on the present
☛ Know when to let something go

3 :: What skill or expertise do you feel like you're still missing?

Curiosity and the desire to learn are vital signs that a prospective employee wants to get better at something. "People who struggle with this question are the people who think they already know it all,". "These are the people you want to steer away from."
All information to the brain propagates through our senses, and when this information is stressful or emotional, our instinct take over and we lose the ability to act or react. Also, our memory is strongly linked to emotion. By staying connected to the emotional part of the brain, persons thinking capability and decision-making ability enhances. This is why EQ is related to the person's thinking or working ability

5 :: For which of this option this statement is applicable - "Positive affirmations are effective in boosting self-esteem"?

☛ People with low self-esteem but not for people with high self-esteem
☛ People with high self-esteem but not for people with low self-esteem
☛ No one
It is true for (b)

6 :: Why non-verbal communication matter when it comes to EQ or emotional intelligence?

Non-verbal communication matters because it plays five major roles.

► Repetition: the listener can recall easily what the speaker is communicating and repeat the message the person is making
► Contradiction: they can contradict a message that an individual is trying to convey
► Substitution: It can be a substitute for a verbal message
► Complementing: It may add complement to a verbal message like patting a person on the back
► Accenting: It may accent or underline a verbal message

7 :: List out the tips to improve the nonverbal communication?

To improve the nonverbal communication, you can follow the following tips

► Focus on the other person
► Make eye contact
► Pay attention to nonverbal cues

8 :: Mention what are the characteristics of Emotionally Intelligent people?

The characteristics of emotionally intelligent people are

► They keep lines of communication open even when they are frustrated
► Identify the situation quickly when others are affecting their emotional state
► Express their care for others
► Are open to feedback
► Gel well and quickly with the mood of the room
► Only speak out when it helps the situation


This can set an interviewee off their footing a bit, but in a good way. Ask questions that indicate your lack of understanding and really press for details in the explanation. As you do, does your job candidate seem to fight back frustration and impatience-in their facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice? Or do they ask more questions in order to gather information about what it is you don't get?

Are they able to explain the idea simply and rework their approach to clarifying things when it becomes clear you're still confused? A highly emotionally intelligent candidate naturally assumes responsibility for getting their ideas across. The opportunity to share their knowledge and teach others is exciting, not stress inducing, and takes communication skills that this type of person loves to hone.

10 :: Can you teach me something, as if I've never heard of it before?

A job candidate's answer to this question can reveal several qualities:

► Whether the person is willing to take the time to think before speaking.

► If the candidate has the technical ability to explain something to a person who is less knowledgeable in the subject.

► Whether the candidate asks empathetic questions to the person being taught, such as, "Is this making sense?"

11 :: Mention what are the two factors that may be responsible for resistance to change?

The two factors that may be responsible for resistance to change may be

☛ Fear of the unknown
☛ Possible job losses

12 :: Mention what are the mistakes that emotionally intelligent people should never make?

Five mistakes that emotionally intelligent people should never make are

► Not paying attention to non-verbal signals
► Do believe that emotions should play a role in business or decision-making
► Don't be impatient
► Getting easily offended
► Letting negative emotions reign due to regret or guilt feeling


This will give you a view into what your interviewee values in others and on teams. What sorts of people do they prefer to work with? Do they focus on the people or the outcomes? What's their style of relating to and managing others in order to accomplish shared goals? Do they like to work closely with others, or do they prefer to work independently?

The more you can get away from the traditional interview model, which is mostly geared to probing a candidate's past experience, the better insight you can gain into their emotional intelligence. This means being creative-ask hypothetical questions and don't hesitate to share your own views and experiences.

14 :: Did you build lasting friendships while working at another job?

It takes a while for people to build relationships -- and being able to do so is a sign of solid emotional intelligence. "[A lasting friendship] tells you that relationships and caring about people are important to the person."

15 :: Explain what is empathy in terms of EQ?

In terms of empathy is the ability to understand how other perceive situations, It includes knowing how others feel about a particular set of circumstances or events.

16 :: List out the traits of high EQ for Social Expertness?

For social expertness, the traits of high EQ should have

► Building relationships
► Collaborating with others (inviting)
► Ability to resolve conflicts
► Ability to understand and maneuver within organizations


This one's good to leave open-ended, although you can offer an example of something you've personally achieved in order to get them started. It can be related to their career but doesn't need to be. When the candidate talks about their achievements, do they include and credit others, or are they a one-person show?

Do they talk about how it made others feel-the validation and support they got from family, friends, and coworkers who helped them along the way and celebrated their success? Sometimes great accomplishments really are individual wins, but emotionally intelligent people know that nothing really meaningful ever happens in a vacuum.

18 :: Managing Emotions Based Interview Questions:

► What are your hot buttons (situations that trigger your emotions)?
► Can you tell me about a time you got angry at work?
► Why do people tend to get emotional in negotiations? How do you control your emotions?
► Let's say you have a coworker who seems to trigger negative emotions in you every day. What steps would you take to manage the situation?
► What gets on your nerves?
► How long can you take a stressful situation? Can you give me an example?
► How do you bounce back from failure?
► Do you have self-discipline? Can you give me an example?
► Have you lost control of your emotions in a professional situation? If so, what did you learn from the experience?
► Can you tell me about the most difficult boss you've had? How did you manage the situation?

19 :: Explain how people with better EQ deal with difficult people?

People with better EQ, they would deal with difficult people in following ways

► They establish boundaries with difficult people
► They focus on solutions and not on the problems
► They focus on their strength and weaknesses
► They use previous experience with difficult people
► They ignore negative talk
► They don't involve any type of conflict with difficult people
► They get disconnect themselves with difficult or negative situations
► They stay connected with the likeminded people for support

20 :: Measuring emotional intelligence Interview Questions:

► How will this role help you to achieve what you want?
► What makes you laugh?
► When is the last you time you were embarrassed? (What happened? How did you handle the situation?)
► What activities energise and excite you?
► How do you have fun?
► What are two personal habits that have served you well?
► How good are you at accepting help from others?
► How good are you at asking for help?
► What is one of the internal battles to have each day?
► What makes you angry?
► What aspect are of your work are you passionate about?
► How could you create more balance in your life?
► Who inspires you and why?
► On an average day, would you consider yourself a high energy or low energy person?
► On an average day, is your main focus on results and tasks or people and emotions?


The relationships people build with others can tell you a lot. For that matter, so can the way they perceive those relationships. Based on the candidate's account, how do they see themselves, and what do they value in others? You'll also get some insight into your interviewee's self-awareness. Humor, unless it's sarcastic and demeaning, is always a good sign. If the relationship they describe sounds too formal and humorless to be true, it probably is.

22 :: Questions to ask during the interview process to help determine emotional intelligence competencies:

► Has there ever been a time where your performance was affected by your mood? Please describe.
► How have your life experiences helped or hindered you?
► Describe your top three strengths?
► What tasks or processes are hardest for you? What practices have you implemented to help develop this area?
► Have you ever been in a situation where…
► Tell me about a conflict you had when…
► Is there a person in your life that has influenced your career? How did they influence you?
► What would you want people to say about you at your retirement party?
► What would you put on your tombstone?

23 :: When balancing the types of questions you ask during an interview:

► don't ask questions that can clearly be answered by reading the application or the resume.
► vary the questions you ask - factual questions and situational / behavioral questions.
► make the majority of your questions behavioral description questions.
► determine the type of response you are hoping to receive.

24 :: Sample Emotional Intelligence Interview Questions:

► What is one of your weaknesses? How do you overcome that weakness?
► What motivates you to do your work?
► Describe a stressful work situation you've had. How did you resolve that situation?
► What are one or two things that make you angry or frustrated at work. What do you do when you get angry or frustrated at work?
► Tell me about a time when you received feedback on your performance and you disagreed with the feedback. How did you handle the situation?
► Tell me about a setback you had at work. How did you handle it?
► Describe a time when you made a big mistake at work. How did you handle the situation?
► Tell me about a time when you had to handle multiple work assignments at once. How did you feel? How did you handle the situation?
► Tell me about a time when you took on a task at work that you was new to you. How did you feel doing it?
► How would you handle a coworker who consistently does not pull his weight on group assignments?
► How do your colleagues benefit from working with you?
► Tell me about a time when you did or said something that had a positive impact on an employee, coworker, or customer.
► Have you ever noticed that someone at work was having a bad day? How did you know? What did you do?
► Tell me about a time when you had a dispute with a colleague. What did you do to deal with the situation?
► Describe a time when a colleague came to you with a problem. How did you respond?
► Tell me about a time when understanding someone else's perspective helped you accomplish a task or resolve an issue.
► Tell me about a time when you motivated someone to accomplish a task. How did you motivate him or her?
► Why is it important to develop a rapport with your colleagues?
► How do you build a rapport with your colleagues?

25 :: When hiring staff, look for individuals who display emotional intelligence skills, such as those who:

► are passionate about their work.
► offer a variety of experiences and perspectives.
► interact well with others.
► listens to what is being said and then responds.
► are interested in continuing to develop their own social emotional intelligence skills as well as those of others.
► demonstrate non-verbal cues that match what is being said.
► model the core values of your culture.
► have the ability to focus on everyone in the interview process, not only the leader.
► talk about others in a positive light.
► to the best of your knowledge, answer the questions honestly.
► have the ability to work independently as well as with others.
► have the ability to be in control under stressful situations.
Emotional Intelligence Interview Questions and Answers
43 Emotional Intelligence Interview Questions and Answers