Static Analysis of Groups Interview Questions & Answers
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Elevate your Static Analysis interview readiness with our detailed compilation of 35 questions. These questions are specifically selected to challenge and enhance your knowledge in Static Analysis. Perfect for all proficiency levels, they are key to your interview success. Download the free PDF now to get all 35 questions and ensure you're well-prepared for your Static Analysis interview. This resource is perfect for in-depth preparation and boosting your confidence.

35 Static Analysis Questions and Answers:

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Static Analysis Job Interview Questions and Answers
Static Analysis Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Typical defects discovered during static analysis are?

★ Referencing a variable with undefined value
★ Variables declared but used nowhere
★ Dead code
★ Programming standards and syntax violation
★ Security vulnerabilities

2 :: Who leads a walk through?

Author presents the document to audience where a goal can be knowledge sharing or communication purpose.

5 :: What is a formal review technique?

Walk through and peer to peer are informal review techniques.

6 :: During review meeting, defects are logged by?

During review meeting, author or scribe logs a defect.

7 :: Different roles in review are assigned during:

Different roles in review are assigned during planning phase so same defects are not found by reviewer.

8 :: Entry criteria is determined during which phase?

Entry criteria is determined during planning phase where document under review is checked to see whether it fulfills certain standards to ensure that whole review process will not be waste of time if document has too many small mistakes.

9 :: What are the benefits of static testing?

★ Early feedback of a quality
★ Less rework cost
★ Increased developmental productivity

10 :: Which can be found using static testing techniques?

Static testing is method of reviewing a product without executing it so it will find defects. If, we execute the product with defect we encounter a failure.

11 :: What is static analysis tools?

It gives quality information about code without executing it.

12 :: Most of the time compilers can be used as static analysis tools.

Static analysis tools are an extension of compiler technology so mostly compiler offers static analysis functionalities.

13 :: Who generally uses static analysis tools?

Static analysis tools are generally used by developer during development and unit testing.

14 :: The defects found in static testing and dynamic testing are same.

During static analysis, program is not executed yet so defects such as missing requirements,programming standard violation etc. can be found while during dynamic testing, program is actually executed so failures can be found.

15 :: Static analysis is not useful & cost effective way of testing.

Static analysis helps to find defects in documents by reviewing them so defects does not transmit to next phase.

16 :: Look at the output on p. 470. Which of the following statements is true of the effect of age and group differences?

1. The effect of group differences and the effect of age cannot be compared as they are measured differently and represent different variables.
2. The effect of group differences is larger than the effect of age.
3. The effect of group differences and the effect of age are roughly the same.
4. The effect of group differences is smaller than the effect of age.

The effect of group differences is larger than the effect of age.

20 :: Using the example in the text book (which begins on p. 471), which variable is the covariate in this study?

1. Errors on a driving simulator.
2. Driving experience.
3. Alcohol condition.
4. Both alcohol level and driving experience.

Driving experience

23 :: In the example in question 12 there are 3 groups to consider. If you found that the groups differed significantly on reading ability, what might you use to further explore these group differences?

1. You would have to examine partial eta squared to see which of the groups the difference was between.
2. You would have to examine Pearson's correlations to see which of the groups the difference was between.
3. You would have to examine pair wise correlations to see which of the groups the difference was between.
4. You would have to examine pair wise comparisons to see which of the groups the difference was between.

You would have to examine pair wise comparisons to see which of the groups the difference was between.

25 :: Refer to the example from question 2 again. If you were conducting your analysis in SPSS, what would the fixed factor be?

1. Relationship satisfaction.
2. Depression.
3. Relationship satisfaction and depression are both fixed factors.
4. Attachment style.

Attachment style
Static Analysis Interview Questions and Answers
35 Static Analysis Interview Questions and Answers