Server Support Interview Questions & Answers
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Prepare comprehensively for your Server Support interview with our extensive list of 63 questions. Each question is designed to test and expand your Server Support expertise. Suitable for all experience levels, these questions will help you prepare thoroughly. Secure the free PDF to access all 63 questions and guarantee your preparation for your Server Support interview. This guide is crucial for enhancing your readiness and self-assurance.

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Server Support Job Interview Questions and Answers
Server Support Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: How to apply users to the policy and organizational unit in windows 2003 server?

to create an OU in active directory users and computers you would right click your domain and select new then OU name it what you create or assign a GPO to said OU you can right click the OU and selct properties then select the group policy tab you will then have many option (add, new)

2 :: How to create a policy and organizational unit in windows 2003 server?

Policy is collection of users settings and configuration.Through policy you can deny and permit user for specific settings.

3 :: What is CVS and What is its functionality?

CVS - Content Versions System (opensource)

In a nutshell, both of these keep track of all work and all changes done in a set of files (e.g. application source code), and allows several developers to collaborate.

4 :: What is VSS and What is its functionality?

VSS - Visual Source Safe (from MS)

5 :: Explain how to configure Microsoft Exchange in windows 2000 server?

Assuming this will be the First Exchange install.

Make sure that Windows 2000 Server is part of the Active Directory.
We have proper reposne for the nslookup from this box.
Install IIS along with the components SMTP & NNTP.
Decide with the database and log files drives, seperate drives recommended.
Run the forestprep and domain prep before going with Exchange installtion.
What will be the Exchange Organization name?
Once installed apply latest SP and along with the August RollUp.

6 :: Explain about Active Directory & LDAP with industry usage?

An Active Directory is a centralized database where it contains information about objects like users, groups, computers, printers, OUs, contacts and shared folders.

LDAP - Light Weight Directory Access Protocol
DN-(Distinguished Name), RDN-(Relastive Distinguished Name), UPN-(User Principal Name), GUID-(Golbal Unique Identifier) are the naming convention used by LDAP.

7 :: Tell me how can a mapping a user to its directory folder: Meaning i want the user to have access to a drive call "G"?

Try to use the net use command to map the g : drive

Eg:net use g: Drive Nameshared Folder Name

8 :: What are the steps to create a child domain in windows 2003 advance server?

You can create a new child domain under Windows Server 2003 using the steps

1. On the member server, you want to turn into a domain controller, click
Start, and click Run and launch the Active Directory Installation Wizard. Click
next and next again and Select Domain controller for a new domain. Click next.
Select Child domain in an existing domain tree. Click Next.

2. Type in the appropriate network credentials. Click next and then type the
domain name of the parent domain. Then type in the new name of the child domain.
Click Next.

3. Click Next to accept the default settings. Select the permission level you
want to use then type in a password for the Directory Services Restore Mode
Administrator Password. Click Next. From the Summary dialog box, click next.
Click Finish.

Click Restart Now.

9 :: What are the different version in Windows 2003 and the differences between them?

I am currently finishing getting my degree as a Network Security Professional/Administrator. I am working with a book "Network + Guide to Networking, 4th Edition by Tamara Banks. I am confused about the Windows Server 2003 and the different Editions. There is Standard Edition, Web Edition, Enterprise Edition, and Data center Edition. I do understand from my reading that the Standard Edition would be for a small working environment. My question is do each of this Editions build upon the previous or would you need to installed each different Edition for let say a large health-care insurance provider. I understand the requirements for each Edition. If anyone has had this class please give me some in sight to this so that I can answer the Case Project correctly. I have had 8 years experience building networks but that was about 5 years ago due to husband's health and death.
You would need to install each different Edition

10 :: How to create restore point in Server 2003?

For windows XP restore point is available at Start -> Program Files -> Accessories -> System Tools – > System restore. I looked in Windows Server 2003 and it was not there. I search on google and found a really good link that shows the way how to install restore point on Windows Server 20003.

11 :: Explain how to find problem in server for taking support of event logs?

To access the Event Viewer, select the Programs | Administrative Tools | Computer Management from the Start menu. When the Computer Management console loads, navigate through the console tree to Computer Management (Local) | System Tools | Event Viewer. When you expand the Event Viewer container, you’ll see a list of the various event logs appear beneath it.

12 :: Explain the changes included with Windows 2003 Server R2?

The follwing are the improvements that we find in Windows server 2003 R2:

A) Identity and access management
B) Branch office Server management
C) Storage set-up and management
D) Application development inside and outside organozational traditional boundaries.
E) Improved MMC
F) Hardware management
G) Identity management with UNIX

13 :: How to set the security to the firewall?

Firewall is an appliance set at the gateway of your network to protect your network from kind of vulnerabilities (Security Threats).
It is a kind of Operating System (OS) to make your own rules to protect your network.

14 :: How to configure mirrored volume in Windows 2003 server?

Open Computer Management (Local).
In the console tree, click Computer Management (Local), click Storage, and then click Disk Management.
Right-click the unallocated space on one of the dynamic disks on which you want to create the mirrored volume, and then click New Volume.
In the New Volume Wizard, click Next, click Mirrored, and then follow the instructions on your screen

17 :: Explain what is the advantage of using application server?

To avoid installing application on every machine.
To centralise the database of the application.
Easy to manage the application ie installing,patching,etc..

19 :: Without having the terminal server installed we can get the desktop of a system on a remote system through Remote Desktop Connection by enabling remote desktop. Then what is use of Terminal Service?

Terminal services is a component of microsoft windows operating systems (both client and server versions) that allows a user to access application or data stored on a remote computer over a network connection. Terminal services is Microsoft's take on server centric computing, which allows individual users to access network resource easily.

20 :: Suppose one DC running on Windows 2003 with its objects, but now i want to transfer it to another machine, without having changing from previous systems permission and object resources?

To transfer domain controller one system to another frist of all we need to take backup of current windows server by performing these steps-: start-programe-Accessories-System tool-backup. After selecting the beckup option you have to chosse the frist option from the backup wizard ""backupfile and setting" then press next and then chosse second option " Let me choose what to back up" then press next and then "click on my computer option" when this option will clicked the lisk of options will be display at the right side part of the wizard from there you have to chose the "system state option" then press next button and specify the path where you want to store the back of server after that press next button the system will start to take backup after the sevral minuts the back will be ready.
After that take that backup in some pen drive or cd. after performing this procedure instal the windows server 2003 in new pc and give similar name etc to the server and while installing active directory to that system choose the backup option and give the path of pendrive or cd where you store the backup of previous server.

22 :: Tell us can RAID be constructed by using different size hard disks?

Yes it is possible but if you configure raid 1 you will get only the least size HDD

24 :: Explain what does locality of reference mean in term of operating system?

In order to run a computer, several data locations needs to be referenced in a short period of time. Such data locations consists are in relatively well predictable clusters. This concept of frequently accessing same or related value storage locations is known as Locality of Reference. It is also known as "principle of locality" / "locality principle".

Few special cases of locality are as follows:

1. Temporal locality,
2. Spatial locality,
3. Equidistant locality
4. Branch locality.
The directory database is ntds.dit contains on the folder: c:\windows
tds and there is a folder sysvol contains information of registry setting and group policy settings.
Server Support Interview Questions and Answers
63 Server Support Interview Questions and Answers