Navigation Teacher Interview Questions & Answers
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Strengthen your Navigation Teacher interview skills with our collection of 70 important questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in Navigation Teacher to ensure you're well-prepared. Whether you're new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Download the free PDF to have all 70 questions at your fingertips. This resource is designed to boost your confidence and ensure you're interview-ready.

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Navigation Teacher Job Interview Questions and Answers
Navigation Teacher Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: What is meridian?

A Meridian is a Great Circle line which passes through the poles of the earth. A local Meridian is one that passes through the observer's local position. The Greenwich Meridian passes through Greenwich, England, and is defined as having 0° Longitude.

2 :: What is sector Lights?

Sector Lights is light emitted from a single position which will show up as either red, white or green depending on the angle of the observer, designed to indicate a safe navigational area.

3 :: What is limb?

Limb is when taking a sun or moon sight it is difficult to guess where the center is so the observer aligns either the top edge (Upper Limb) or more usually the bottom edge (Lower Limb) of the object on to the horizon. The sight is then corrected using the appropriate correction tables.

4 :: What is running fix?

Running fix is advancing a LOP or previous line of position forward to a current line of position. A fix based on two separated bearings of the same fixed object and the distance run between the bearings.

5 :: What is Local Noon?

Local Noon is the time when the sun reaches its highest altitude at your position and is directly north or south of you. it will then be at your Zenith and its GHA will correspond to your longitude.

6 :: What is celestial sphere?

Celestial sphere is an imaginary sphere with the earth at its center, on whose surface the stars, planets and other heavenly bodies appear to be situated.

7 :: What is snellius construction?

Snellius construction is a method for combining three compass bearings to obtain a position fix, one where magnetic variation and deviation need not to be taken into account.

8 :: What is ITCZ, Intertropical Convergence Zone?

ITCZ, Intertropical Convergence Zone is the varying area of normally still air lying approximately between 5⁰ north and south of the equator.

9 :: What is position, Estimated?

The Estimated Position is the latitude and longitude at which the observer estimates his position to be, before fixing his actual position with the use of a sextant.

10 :: What is declination?

Declination is the angular distance to a point on the celestial sphere measured north and south from the celestial equator along the hour circle.

11 :: What is mercator projection?

Mercator projection is a method for representing the spherical globe as a flat map with lines of latitude and longitude intersecting at right angles. Devised by Geradus Mercato in 1569.

12 :: What is cardinal Marks?

Cardinal Marks is buoyage marks indicating the direction of safe water with reference to the cardinal points.

13 :: What is international Date Line?

International Date Line is the imaginary line in the Pacific Ocean at which the date changes. This line varies from the 180⁰ meridian to avoid populated land areas.

14 :: What is great Circle?

A plane through the centre of the earth intersects the surface of the earth on a Great Circle. So the centres of Great Circles are always at the centre of the earth.

15 :: What is drying height?

Drying height is the height above chart datum, on a chart, of any areas which are uncovered at low water.

16 :: What is course?

Course is the direction in which a vessel is heading or is intended to be steered, the direction through the water.

17 :: What is quadran?

Quadrant is a precursor to the sextant as an instrument used to measure altitudes up to 90° or one quarter of a circle, hence the name. First proposed by Ptolemy as an improvement on the astrolabe.

18 :: What is jetsam?

Jetsam is are objects that have been thrown overboard from a vessel, originally stuff jettisoned by a ship which was in trouble.

19 :: What is geographical Position or GP?

Geographical Position or GP is in celestial navigation it is the point on the earths surface directly beneath the Zenith, and the bit of the surface you are standing on is your body’s Geographical Position or GP.

20 :: What is conversion tables?

Conversion tables is used to convert units of one system to units in another.

21 :: What is electronic logs or E log books?

Electronic logs or E log books is a method of standardising the keeping of logs digitally on commercial vessels.

22 :: What is cocked hat?

Cocked hat is a triangle formed by a series of three LOPs which do not meet at an exact point.

23 :: What is apparent wind?

Apparent wind is the wind as felt on board, this will be the actual wind modified by the wind created by the vessels movement.

24 :: What is refraction?

Having passed through the vacuum of outer space, the light from the celestial body has to pass through the atmosphere before it is observed using a sextant. The atmosphere tends to bend the path of the light as it passes through, so that the celestial body appears higher in the sky than it would be if there was no atmosphere.

A calculated Altitude assumes the earth has no atmosphere, so the sextant Altitude has to be corrected for Refraction so that it can be compared to the calculated Altitude. Refraction tables are always included in Almanacs used for celestial navigation.

25 :: Azimuth?

Azimuth is the horizontal angular distance from a reference position to a celestial body, usually measured clockwise in degrees from the direction of the nearest pole.
Navigation Teacher Interview Questions and Answers
70 Navigation Teacher Interview Questions and Answers