Chemistry Teacher Interview Questions And Answers

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Prepare comprehensively for your Chemistry Teacher interview with our extensive list of 79 questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in Chemistry Teacher to ensure you're well-prepared. Whether you're new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Get the free PDF download to access all 79 questions and excel in your Chemistry Teacher interview. This comprehensive guide is essential for effective study and confidence building.

79 Chemistry Teacher Questions and Answers:

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Chemistry Teacher Job Interview Questions and Answers
Chemistry Teacher Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Tell us what is buffer?

A buffer is an aqueous solution which has highly stable pH. It is a blend of a weak acid and its conjugate base or vice versa. On adding small amount of base or acid to buffer, its pH hardly changes.
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2 :: Tell me what is the difference between fractionation and distillation?

Both methods are used to separate the components present in the solution based on the melting points

☛ Distillation : This technique is used when boiling point of chemicals are different in the mixtures
☛ Fractionation : This technique is used when boiling point of chemicals are close to each other in the mixtures
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3 :: Explain what is Avogadro’s law?

According to Avogadro’s law, at same temperature and pressure equal volume of gases contains the same number or molecules regardless of the chemical nature and physical properties.

Avogadro’s number = 6.023 X 10 (-23)
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4 :: Tell me what is the monomer of polyethene?

The monomer of polyethene is ethylene
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5 :: Do you know what is dextro-rotatory and levo-rotatory?

Levorotation and Dextrorotation is referred to the properties of plane polarized light, when light rotates clockwise when it approaches the observer is then known as dextro-rotation and when the light rotates anti-clockwise then it is referred as levo-rotation.

A compound which exhibits a dextro-rotation is referred as dextro-rotatory and which exhibits levo-rotation is referred as levo-rotatory.
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6 :: Please explain the abilities you have in order to work with us as chemistry teacher?

I have the ability to communicate information and ideas in speaking so others will understand, apply general rules to specific problems to produce answers that make sense, combine pieces of information to form general rules or conclusions (includes finding a relationship among seemingly unrelated events), listen to and understand information and ideas presented through spoken words and sentences, read and understand information and ideas presented in writing.
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7 :: Tell me what are your areas of strength in the curriculum?

You need to have an honest self-evaluation of your strengths. Present a clear understanding curriculum and explain why you consider those special districts as your strengths. Identify strengths that you want to enhance and the steps you will or are following to catch your goals.
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8 :: Suppose a lesson went wrong what would you do?

Things don't always go according to plan and it is wise to be able to quickly notice and adapt a lesson. A: For example, I designed a lesson plan around an apartment analogy to teach students how to populate electrons around the nucleus of an element. Even though I ran my idea for the poster project by my lesson planning team, when I actually did it with my students I saw too many not understanding the steps. R: I reflected on the gaps and revised the guided practice portion to give more opportunities together. The next class had more success creating and using their posters to write electron configurations.
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9 :: Tell me why did you decide to become a teacher?

I am passionate about science, I enjoy working with young people, and when it came time to consider re-entering the work force I thought back to the best job I have had and that was working as a chemist. At the same time, I was volunteering as a tutor and classroom aid for a chemistry teacher at my daughter's high school. I was good at it and I loved it. The teacher and the principal both encouraged me to put the two things together into a mid-life career change and then helped me during my application process to the MAT program at University of Portland. The past three years I have been a substitute teacher in chemistry, biology and freshman physics classrooms working daily and long term. LT subbing has made my desire to teach stronger than ever and I hope to find a teaching job for the coming school year.
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10 :: Tell me how does addition of ethylene dibromide help to petrol?

Elimination of lead oxide
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11 :: Tell us how must have metals used to make wires for safety fuses?

Low resistivity and low melting point
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12 :: Do you know which group of gases contribute to the "Green House effect"?

Carbon dioxide and Methane
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13 :: What is the term Aliquot and Diluent?

Aliquot : It is a measured sub-volume of original sample
Diluent: Material with which sample is diluted
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14 :: Explain me the formula to calculate pH of a solution?

In order to calculate the pH of a solution you have to use the formula pH= -log [H+] or pH = -log [H3O+]
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15 :: Tell me what is the formula you will use to calculate how many millilitres of 5.5 M NaOH are required to prepare 400 mL of 1.5M NaOH?

To know the amount or volume of NaOH to prepare 400 mL of 1.5 M NaOH, we use formula

M1 X V1 = M2 X V2

V1 = M2 X V2/ M1

But before that we will convert 400 mL into litre = 0.4 L

5.5 X V1 = 1.5 M x 0.4 L

V1 = 1.5 M X 0.4L/ 5.5

V1= 0.10 L

V1 = 100mL

So, you need 100mL of 5.5 NaOH
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16 :: Explain me what are the skills required for chemistry teacher employee in order to success in his work?

Talking to others to convey information effectively, Giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times, Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems, Understanding written sentences and paragraphs in work related documents, Using scientific rules and methods to solve problems.
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17 :: Explain about a teacher who has inspired you and what did you learn from him or her?

This kind of teacher interview question is created to discover your values and motivation. You need to prepare some examples in which show their behavior and teaching styles that inspired you. How have you tried to transmit the lesson you learned from him or her to your students? Emphasize qualities that would be valuable in the teaching position you are applying for in your answer.
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18 :: Tell me what is your greatest weakness that is really a weakness, and not a secret strength?

I have a lot of ideas for activities and I am not always a linear thinker. When I was student teaching, I expected my students to be able to move with me through lesson plans that often incorporated too many untried technologies and jumped around from one task to another. (like the time students' videotaped an assignment and then we couldn't upload and share them on EDMODO). To address this weakness, I started creating lists of my ideas and bringing them to our lesson planning team or my cooperating teacher where I would sort them and relate each one to a learning standard. This helped me prioritize and choose an anchoring activity or lab around which I was able to plan bursts of direct instruction followed by practice and formative assessment. My students noticed the change and the dynamics of the classroom moved from chaos to more orderly intentional activity. Substitute teaching has really helped me continue to strengthen my lesson organization. By teaching block lesson plans created by seasoned teachers I have been able to keep students engaged and learning in high priority activities tied to learning targets.
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19 :: Tell me which element forms the highest number of compounds in the periodic table?

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20 :: Tell me what is a tick paste of cement, sand and water called?

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21 :: Tell me a liquid initially contracts when cooled down to 4 degree Celsius but on further cooling down to zero degree Celsius, it expands. What is the name of liquid?

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22 :: Do you know how buffer works?

In buffer when hydrogen ion is added, it will neutralized by the base in buffer. Hydroxide ion will be neutralized by the acid. On the overall pH of the buffer solution, these neutralization reactions will not show much effect.

While when you select an acid as a buffer solution, try to use an acid acid that has a pH closed to your desired pH. This will help your buffer to achieve nearly equivalent amount of acid and conjugate base, so that it will enable to neutralize as much as H+ and OH.
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23 :: Tell me what is the metal used to extract copper from the solution of copper sulphate?

Fe or ferrous is the metal that is used to extract copper from the solution of copper sulphate.
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24 :: Tell me what is iron ore consists of?

Iron ore is consists of Fe2O3
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25 :: Tell me what are the main job duties and responsibilities of chemistry teacher employee?

chemistry teacher responsibilities are to evaluate and grade students' class work, laboratory performance, assignments, and papers; maintain student attendance records, grades, and other required records; plan, evaluate, and revise curricula, course content, and course materials and methods of instruction; prepare course materials such as syllabi, homework assignments, and handouts; maintain regularly scheduled office hours to advise and assist students; compile, administer, and grade examinations, or assign this work to others; keep abreast of developments in the field by reading current literature, talking with colleagues, and participating in professional conferences; initiate, facilitate, and moderate classroom discussions; collaborate with colleagues to address teaching and research issues; advise students on academic and vocational curricula and on career issues; participate in campus and community events; establish, teach, and monitor students' compliance with safety rules for handling chemicals, equipment, and other hazardous materials; select, order, and maintain materials and supplies for teaching and research, such as textbooks, chemicals, and laboratory equipment; supervise students' laboratory work; serve on committees or in professional societies; prepare and deliver lectures to undergraduate or graduate students on topics such as organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, and chemical separation; participate in student recruitment, registration, and placement activities; serve on academic or administrative committees that deal with institutional policies, departmental matters, and academic issues; prepare and submit required reports related to instruction; act as advisers to student organizations; write grant proposals to procure external research funding; compile bibliographies of specialized materials for outside reading assignments; conduct research in a particular field of knowledge and publish findings in professional journals, books, or electronic media; supervise undergraduate or graduate teaching, internship, and research work; perform administrative duties such as serving as a department head; provide professional consulting services to government or industry.
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