Chemistry Teacher Interview Questions & Answers
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Prepare comprehensively for your Chemistry Teacher interview with our extensive list of 79 questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in Chemistry Teacher to ensure you're well-prepared. Whether you're new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Get the free PDF download to access all 79 questions and excel in your Chemistry Teacher interview. This comprehensive guide is essential for effective study and confidence building.

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Chemistry Teacher Job Interview Questions and Answers
Chemistry Teacher Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Tell me what is mole?

Mole is the unit used to define the number of chemical substance present in a substance. It is the amount of substance which consists of the same number of chemical units as there are atoms in exactly 12 gram of pure carbon-12.

2 :: Explain what is Valency?

A valency is a property of a groups or atoms, equal to the number of atoms of hydrogen that the group or atom could combine with or displace it in forming compounds.

3 :: Explain me what qualities do you look for in a principal?

This kind of question is made in order to ask your opinion about a successful principal and which qualities that a teacher and a principal must have. Having a vision and a clear goal, planning and motivating, communicating and visibility, consistency and accountability, caring, nurturing and developing staff and students are the qualities which must be concentrated on.

4 :: Do you know what makes a molecule into organic molecule?

In a molecule when hydrogen atom is less than the ratio of carbon atom, then such molecules are referred as an organic molecule.

5 :: Tell me what are your personal and professional goals?

Teachers who are also learners themselves are being looked for by many schools. Show your goals that deal with self- improvement in the teaching skills and the profit which the students, the school and the community can get. Think twice before entering an interview so you can present your goals easily and fluently when being asked.

7 :: Tell me why graphite rod is used in nuclear reactor?

Graphite rod is used in nuclear reactor to convert fast moving neutrons into thermal neutrons.

9 :: Explain what is the difference between Molarity and Normality?

Both techniques are used to the amount of chemical present in the solution. However they are almost similar but differs in

☛ Molarity is used to know the total amount of molecules in a 1 litre solution
☛ It is expressed as moles of a compound per litre of solution

☛ Normality is used to know the total number of reactive units in 1 litre of solution
☛ It is expressed in equivalent per litre

11 :: Tell me how would you describe (needed chemistry teacher or your) work style?

My work style matching exactlty what cashier job requires by: analyzing information and using logic to address work-related issues and problems, being honest and ethical, developing one's own ways of doing things, guiding oneself with little or no supervision, and depending on oneself to get things done, a willingness to take on responsibilities and challenges, being reliable, responsible, and dependable, and fulfilling obligations.

14 :: Explain me how do you evaluate the success of your teaching?

There is no know-it-all teacher and everyone has to try to be better. According to the assessment, you can recognize which teaching skills are good and which need to be improved. Describe an example in which your lessons are reflected clearly and positives and negatives are stressed. Show the specific approaches of self-evaluation that you used. It is helpful for you to make successes and enhance if necessary. Some other useful approaches are the feedback about sessions from students.

17 :: Explain me a lesson that went well?

A lesson that goes well is one aligned to a critical learning target and which engages students in full participation to mastery of lesson objective. A: I taught a lesson on Mendelian principles of independent assortment and creating Punnett squares. The culminating project for the lesson was working in their learning teams to apply their knew knowledge to the Aussie Shepherd case study and create a poster to state their conclusion supported with evidence. During the gallery walk students assessed each other's posters and gave positive feedback. R: Students were fully engaged at all times and I could tell by the posters and the comments and questions that they had successfully applied the concepts to solve a real world problem.

20 :: Tell me what is oxidation and reduction reaction?

☛ Oxidation = When there is a loss of hydrogen or electrons, OR gain of oxygen is known as Oxidation reaction.
☛ Reduction = When there is a gain of hydrogen or electron OR loss of oxygen is known as reduction reaction

Example of oxidation-reduction reaction is observed in human body, when an electron is transferred into the cell and oxidation of glucose take place from which we get the energy.

25 :: Tell me which method of water purification does not kill microorganism?

Chemistry Teacher Interview Questions and Answers
79 Chemistry Teacher Interview Questions and Answers