Teacher High School Interview Questions And Answers
Enhance your High School Teacher interview preparation with our set of 52 carefully chosen questions. Each question is crafted to challenge your understanding and proficiency in High School Teacher. Suitable for all skill levels, these questions are essential for effective preparation. Download the free PDF now to get all 52 questions and ensure you're well-prepared for your High School Teacher interview. This resource is perfect for in-depth preparation and boosting your confidence.
52 High School Teacher Questions and Answers:
High School Teacher Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: What's your favorite book?
Sometimes, interviewers ask this question to simply find out if your child reads for pleasure and not just for school. Therefore, your child should mention a few books that have been interesting to them and elaborate. Have them discuss the character development or themes, but more importantly, what this book means to them. Also, encourage them to discuss the author's inspiration for writing the book and why it was relevant at the time it was published.
Read More2 :: Why are you a good fit for this school?
Here, your child clearly must rely on knowledge specific to this institution. For example, if the school has a flawless 100% of its students go to college, your child can discuss their goals of eventually getting into an Ivy League (or at least very prestigious) university.
Read More3 :: What are your academic interests?
You don't have to know what you'll major in, but be able to explain your academic interests, why they interest you, and how you can pursue those interests at their college. Colleges are looking for students who are excited about learning, not students who feel they need to get a college degree but aren't sure why.
Read More4 :: Tell us more about what you do outside of school?
This one is a no-brainer. Students should be prepared to speak eloquently about their area of interest, whether it's music, drama, sports, or another area. They might also explain how they will continue this interest while at the school, as admissions committees are always looking for well-rounded applicants.
Read More5 :: What ways do you assess and evaluate the students?
In assessing students, I make use of different methods. I use formal and informal assessment procedures to promote social, academic, and physical development. The usual
assessment that I use is written quizzes (case studies, discussions) and examinations. Throughout the semester, I also grade and assess students on their class participation
such as recitations, reports, group activities, and seat work. I also assess and grade students based on their completion of assignments and timeliness in submission. I
also use authentic/alternative assessments, in which the student shows they can perform a task, such as making a speech or writing a story. I like to use written, oral, and day-to-day assessments.
Read More6 :: Explain what would your master teacher or cooperating teacher say about you?
My master teacher would say that I am incredibly energetic in teaching because I love what I do! She would say that I am the type of person who also goes the extra mile to help my students learn and comprehend their lessons regardless of their abilities. She would say that I also try to teach values that are important in life, including the value of
Read More7 :: Tell me a bit about your family?
This is a common interview question, and one that is unfortunately filled with minefields. Applicants can talk about who's in their immediate and extended family, but they should steer away from difficult or potentially embarrassing subjects. It's fine to state that the child's parents are divorced, as this fact will be obvious to the admissions committee, but the applicant shouldn't speak about topics that are too personal or revelatory.
Read More8 :: Tell us what will you do to modify your teaching to meet the needs of a gifted student?
A gifted student in the midst of the regular students can be a challenge in terms of addressing his or her particular needs and capabilities. What I will do is to modify his
work assignments in expectation or length to fit his abilities. His tasks will require a higher level of understanding compared to the regular students. During class discussions, I can direct questions to him or her that require higher-level thinking skills. I also would
encourage the gifted student to take a leadership role in group work so that his classmates can emulate and be inspired by him.
Read More9 :: What current events are you following closely?
Encourage your child to follow the news, particularly in education. If your child can contribute thoughtful comments on how foreign schools are outperforming American schools, or the importance of STEM classes, he/she will surely outshine other students. The more detailed the answer, the better.
Read More10 :: Why did you choose a teaching career?
Why are you interested in working for our school?
prepare a brief explanation. Focus on love of children, desire to give, enthusiasm for learning, and whatever motivated you.
Read More11 :: What book have you read in the last year that has special meaning to you and why?
This interview question frequently comes up and is an easy one to prepare an answer to. Try not to pick a book that you were assigned to read for class, but if you do, try not to mention that it was an assignment. "Know about a book and don't just stop at the name of the book and the author. Know something about the book and something that you enjoyed about that book … You have to know the answer to this one," Taylor says. Use this opportunity to share something about yourself. Talk about why the book had special meaning for you and try to reveal your interests and personality in the process.
Read More12 :: Explain what is your classroom management plan?
My general classroom management plan is to make my classroom feel like a home to every student. I want them to feel valued, intelligent, safe, and comfortable. I want
them to respect me, the teacher, and each other and to show that respect by treating everyone with kindness and caring.
The class environment must be conducive to learning so I welcome everyone's opinions and encourage and respect student differences. I try to understand the expectations
of my students and make them aware of my expectations. I always make it a point to clearly communicate my expectations at the beginning of the school year. In this
way, I ensure that the students and I are moving toward the same goal - learning for all. I establish firm, but fair and consistent discipline. I try to maintain a regular schedule each day. If the classroom is well-managed and teaching is effective, the participants in this learning environment will learn, grow, and become responsible
Read More13 :: Explain us discipline philosophy?
You use lots of positive reinforcement. You are firm, but you don't yell. You have appropriate consequences for inappropriate behavior. You have your classroom rules posted clearly on the walls. You set common routines that students follow. You adhere to the school's discipline guidelines. Also, emphasize that you suspect discipline problems will be minimal because your lessons are very interesting and engaging to students. Don't tell the interviewer that you "send kids to the principal's office" whenever there is a problem. You should be able to handle most discipline problems on your own. Only students who have committed very serious behavior problems should be sent to the office.
Read More14 :: Questions about homework (overload):
► The way you evaluate your teaching performance and teaching needs. How do you use resources?
► Your teaching tools and methods, namely - the Internet, team-teaching and external resources.
► How do you handle the needs of children with high abilities as compared to the needs of low-skilled children?
► How do you meet the needs of children with ADHD?
► What are your teaching objectives?
► How do you provide feedback?
You should explain the cutting edge teaching principles you utilize to meet your teaching goals and objectives for enhancing students' skills such as - reading, social skills, technical skills etc. prepare and rehearse your remarks. Speak professionally.
Read More► Your teaching tools and methods, namely - the Internet, team-teaching and external resources.
► How do you handle the needs of children with high abilities as compared to the needs of low-skilled children?
► How do you meet the needs of children with ADHD?
► What are your teaching objectives?
► How do you provide feedback?
You should explain the cutting edge teaching principles you utilize to meet your teaching goals and objectives for enhancing students' skills such as - reading, social skills, technical skills etc. prepare and rehearse your remarks. Speak professionally.
15 :: Questions about classroom discipline and the way you establish your authority:
► How do you handle a discipline problem? What about noise in the classroom?
► Are you a "tough" teacher or an "understanding" teacher?
► How do you handle a gifted child who is a discipline problem?
By having a set of classroom rules and consistently following your own guidelines - a clear set of behavioral expectations with clear consequences - you have a good chance of controlling the class. Give examples of rules and consequences. Simultaneously, present yourself as a good listener and adapter, flexible to individual students' needs. If possible, give an example of where you had to work around your rule for a difficult student.
Read More► Are you a "tough" teacher or an "understanding" teacher?
► How do you handle a gifted child who is a discipline problem?
By having a set of classroom rules and consistently following your own guidelines - a clear set of behavioral expectations with clear consequences - you have a good chance of controlling the class. Give examples of rules and consequences. Simultaneously, present yourself as a good listener and adapter, flexible to individual students' needs. If possible, give an example of where you had to work around your rule for a difficult student.
16 :: Let's pretend it is almost the first day of school and you are a first grade teacher. How would you prepare your classroom?
This question tests how well you will manage the classroom. The philosophy is that the more organized you are, the more well-run your classroom will be. Don't give the panel just a few words… they may be using a checklist to see how many items you mention. Plus, as a teacher, you should be very excited about this question and be able to speak for a while, but limit the response to two minutes.
Your response must provide them with an idea of how nurturing and inviting your classroom will be to students. Come up with some creative decorating ideas, making sure they are student-centered. You could also mention a huge welcome sign, the daily schedule, age-appropriate posters, name tags for students, labeled desks (how will they be arranged?) and lockers, a list of class rules/consequences/rewards, and other labeled areas (e.g., the classroom library, manipulative storage, computer area), etc. Or, mention that you might invite parents and students to visit the classroom the day before school starts, with the administrator's permission. If you have a portfolio with have pictures of other first days of school, this is a great chance to share them with the panel.
Next, make it clear that you will have organized the textbooks, your lesson plan book, your grade book and other materials well before school begins. Mention several activities you might include during the first day of school, including an ice-breaker, a trip to the restrooms, and a fun art project.
The real key to this question is to show your enthusiasm, passion, excellent organizational skills, and how you will create a warm and captivating environment in which students will feel safe, where learning will be maximized, so that children will look forward to coming to school each day.
Read MoreYour response must provide them with an idea of how nurturing and inviting your classroom will be to students. Come up with some creative decorating ideas, making sure they are student-centered. You could also mention a huge welcome sign, the daily schedule, age-appropriate posters, name tags for students, labeled desks (how will they be arranged?) and lockers, a list of class rules/consequences/rewards, and other labeled areas (e.g., the classroom library, manipulative storage, computer area), etc. Or, mention that you might invite parents and students to visit the classroom the day before school starts, with the administrator's permission. If you have a portfolio with have pictures of other first days of school, this is a great chance to share them with the panel.
Next, make it clear that you will have organized the textbooks, your lesson plan book, your grade book and other materials well before school begins. Mention several activities you might include during the first day of school, including an ice-breaker, a trip to the restrooms, and a fun art project.
The real key to this question is to show your enthusiasm, passion, excellent organizational skills, and how you will create a warm and captivating environment in which students will feel safe, where learning will be maximized, so that children will look forward to coming to school each day.
17 :: Explain what are some of the trends, issues, and methodologies in education that relate to your specific curriculum area or grade level?
Here are some trends, issues, and methodologies that relate to most subjects and grade levels. You might say:
It seems that increasingly students have more information and knowledge than ever before due to access to the internet. A teacher has to be aware of what the internet
is, how it can be used in positive ways, and how to protect students from negative influences on the internet.
It can be a powerful learning tool for students. In addition, technology in general has changed education greatly. Using computers, videos, and other kinds of technology makes lessons more interesting and more fun. It also makes it easier to teach students with varying needs. A computer with internet access can open the world up to the classroom.
An issue that is important is teaching to state standards. School time is limited and we must make the best use of it that we can, so I try to relate every lesson and activity to a grade level standard. That keeps me focused on the overarching goal of improving education and helping children do better academically.
One of the most important methodologies in my opinion is teaching through multiple intelligences. Children learn in so many different ways. I try to reach everyone by teaching through the senses, using visual, auditory, and sense of touch to impart information. When possible, I try to include the senses of taste and smell, too!
Read MoreIt can be a powerful learning tool for students. In addition, technology in general has changed education greatly. Using computers, videos, and other kinds of technology makes lessons more interesting and more fun. It also makes it easier to teach students with varying needs. A computer with internet access can open the world up to the classroom.
An issue that is important is teaching to state standards. School time is limited and we must make the best use of it that we can, so I try to relate every lesson and activity to a grade level standard. That keeps me focused on the overarching goal of improving education and helping children do better academically.
One of the most important methodologies in my opinion is teaching through multiple intelligences. Children learn in so many different ways. I try to reach everyone by teaching through the senses, using visual, auditory, and sense of touch to impart information. When possible, I try to include the senses of taste and smell, too!
18 :: What if your students don't "get it"? In other words, if a lesson is not working for all your students, do you have a plan for remediation? How do you carry out that plan?
All good teachers are effective when the students 'get it,'. I am looking for those teachers who have several alternate plans in mind when kids don't understand the material.
Read More19 :: Do you know what is going on in education today? Do you have a passion for the profession? In other words, do you stay current?
Here is a possible answer for this question.
I love education. I think that it is imperative to be a lifelong learner when one is a teacher. I plan to continue my education by (fill in this blank with your own plans).
Technology continues to evolve into a strategic part of education. Tablet PCs and hand held devices are the newest gadgets on the market for students to use; the internet is
an incredible resource. Technology provides interactive, individualized learning experiences, increasing student engagement and efficiency - in safer and more secure
Multiculturalism and securing equal opportunities for all are important themes in education.
And, of course, teaching to state standards to upgrade student academic progress is very important.
Read More20 :: If your greatest supporter was in the room with us today, what five words would he or she use to describe you as a person, a teacher, or a colleague?
That question shows whether candidates can think on their feet -- and if they can truly sum up themselves using just five words!". "The question allows us to see if the person is self-confident and whether or not he or she is willing to share some depth in a single-word set of answers.
Read More21 :: How will you contribute to this campus?
This question comes in different forms including, "In what ways have you contributed to your high school?," "How will you be a valuable addition to the college?" Before the interview, pick a few positive adjectives that describe you and explain why. Then turn that into the answer to any of these questions. For example, "I'm very self-motivated. If I see that something needs to get done, I take it upon myself to do it. In my high school glee club, for instance …" An answer like this will work for more than one type of question. "Don't just give the three adjectives though. Pretend you were thrown a ball and now you have to run with the ball. Relax and answer the question, but give more than just the answers,"
Read More22 :: Tell me how have the Common Core State Standards guided your lesson preparation? Or, how have your state or local standards guided your lesson preparation?
The standards are certainly a starting point, a focus point. In my college classes, we started our plans with the standard, and then developed a student objective that would demonstrate mastery. Next, we determined how to focus students, do a quick review to tie the material to something already learned and how to engage the students with the new material. We always assessed each lesson in some way, formally or informally. Having posted standards helped students monitor their own learning, too.
Read More23 :: As a grade one teacher, how would you motivate parents to become involved in classroom and in their child's education?
What is critical to communicate in your response to this question is your understanding of the importance of parental involvement and how you always encourage participation to strengthen student-teacher-parent relationships. (Grandparents can also be encouraged to
participate.) Talk about some of the things that parents can volunteer to do in the classroom, such as: reading with students, preparing project materials, creating bulletin
boards, sorting materials, setting up learning centers, hanging up students' work, etc.
Parental involvement means much more than just attending parent-teacher interviews. You must set goals to keep the parents abreast of what is going on in the classroom. You can communicate that information and ask for volunteers through weekly or bi-weekly newsletters. You might inform parents when you are starting a new unit or specific projects and make sure they clearly understand the homework assignments each week. Make sure that parents are invited to any momentous or appropriate events.
You should contact or speak to parents not just when a child is having difficulty, but also when they are doing well. Tell the hiring panel that you will call parents and send notes home complimenting students on good behavior. Also mention that you try to recruit bilingual parents to help with communication as necessary.
Let the hiring committee know that you coach parents on how they can help their child succeed academically. You may have read some resource book(s) to gain ideas that you could implement. If so, let the panel know. Holding a parent appreciation lunch or tea to acknowledge those who have helped in the classroom is a great idea. Consider attending some of the PTA meetings. If your portfolio contains any past newsletters or parental communication letters, make sure you show these to the panel.
Read MoreParental involvement means much more than just attending parent-teacher interviews. You must set goals to keep the parents abreast of what is going on in the classroom. You can communicate that information and ask for volunteers through weekly or bi-weekly newsletters. You might inform parents when you are starting a new unit or specific projects and make sure they clearly understand the homework assignments each week. Make sure that parents are invited to any momentous or appropriate events.
You should contact or speak to parents not just when a child is having difficulty, but also when they are doing well. Tell the hiring panel that you will call parents and send notes home complimenting students on good behavior. Also mention that you try to recruit bilingual parents to help with communication as necessary.
Let the hiring committee know that you coach parents on how they can help their child succeed academically. You may have read some resource book(s) to gain ideas that you could implement. If so, let the panel know. Holding a parent appreciation lunch or tea to acknowledge those who have helped in the classroom is a great idea. Consider attending some of the PTA meetings. If your portfolio contains any past newsletters or parental communication letters, make sure you show these to the panel.
24 :: What would your previous employer or college adviser say were your greatest strengths for teaching, and what areas would they suggest were areas that need growth? And do you agree with those assessments?
That's a question Stokes often asks. "The question helps me gauge the applicant's understanding of where they are in the developmental process to becoming a great teacher," explained Stokes. "Then I always ask what plan the applicant has to grow in those areas. I want to see if they plan to do some reading, attend workshops, observe a specific teacher who has fine-tuned those needed skills"
Principal also asks candidates to focus on areas in greatest need for professional development. "This lets me know where weaknesses may be without being negative or making the candidate feel uncomfortable,"
Read MorePrincipal also asks candidates to focus on areas in greatest need for professional development. "This lets me know where weaknesses may be without being negative or making the candidate feel uncomfortable,"
25 :: Give an example of a difficult phone call to a parent:
► How do you handle parent complaints about teaching methods?
► How often do you report to parents? What is your communication method with parents?
Your goal is to work in the child's best interest, together with the parents. In general, you report as often as required and welcome parents' contribution. Complaints and problems that have not been resolved are addressed to the school principal if necessary. Communication can be any possible way - text, email, phone or a note home. When parents object to teaching method, it is best to have a principal explain and defend the teacher. Parents are not usually as knowledgeable as they think.
If a child is caught cheating or continuously disturbs, this would be a difficult call to make. I would first look over all the child's work and make a list of his/her good qualities and accomplishments. After reporting that pleasantness, I would factually describe the problem, making sure not to exaggerate. End with another nice comment, and listen to parents. Next I would try to work out a plan with them, or interest them in the plan I worked out. Close with a nice comment about how easy it was to speak with them, or some such compliment and wish them well.
Read More► How often do you report to parents? What is your communication method with parents?
Your goal is to work in the child's best interest, together with the parents. In general, you report as often as required and welcome parents' contribution. Complaints and problems that have not been resolved are addressed to the school principal if necessary. Communication can be any possible way - text, email, phone or a note home. When parents object to teaching method, it is best to have a principal explain and defend the teacher. Parents are not usually as knowledgeable as they think.
If a child is caught cheating or continuously disturbs, this would be a difficult call to make. I would first look over all the child's work and make a list of his/her good qualities and accomplishments. After reporting that pleasantness, I would factually describe the problem, making sure not to exaggerate. End with another nice comment, and listen to parents. Next I would try to work out a plan with them, or interest them in the plan I worked out. Close with a nice comment about how easy it was to speak with them, or some such compliment and wish them well.