Web Designing Interview Questions & Answers
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Optimize your Web Designer interview preparation with our curated set of 59 questions. Each question is crafted to challenge your understanding and proficiency in Web Designer. Suitable for all skill levels, these questions are essential for effective preparation. Get the free PDF download to access all 59 questions and excel in your Web Designer interview. This comprehensive guide is essential for effective study and confidence building.

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Web Designer Job Interview Questions and Answers
Web Designer Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: What are the new form element types in HTML 5?

New form elements introduced in HTML 5:
★ Color
★ Date
★ Datetime-local
★ Email
★ Time
★ Url
★ Range
★ Telephone
★ Number
★ Search

2 :: Described datalist in HTML 5?

Datalist element in HTML 5 helps to provide autocomplete feature in a textbox.

HTML code for DataList feature:
<input list="Country">
<datalist id="Country">
<option value="India">
<option value="Italy">
<option value="Iran">
<option value="Israel">
<option value="Indonesia">

3 :: How page structure of HTML 5 is different from HTML 4 or previous HTML?

A typical web page has headers, footers, navigation, central area and side bars. Now if we want to represent the same in HTML 4 with proper names to the HTML section we would probably use a DIV tag.
But in HTML 5 they have made it more clear by creating element names for those sections which makes your HTML more readable.
More details:
★ <header>: Represents header data of HTML.
★ <footer>: Footer section of the page.
★ <nav>: Navigation elements in the page.
★ <article>: Self-contained content.
★ <section>: Used inside article to define sections or group content in to sections.
★ <aside>: Represent side bar contents of a page.

4 :: DEFINE selectors in CSS?

Selectors help to select an element to which you want to apply a style. For example below is a simple style called as 'intro" which applies red color to background of a HTML element.

5 :: How to use column layout in CSS?

CSS column layout helps you to divide your text in to columns. For example consider the below magazine news which is one big text but we need to divide the same in to 3 columns with a border in between. That's where HTML 5 column layout comes to help.

6 :: Define SVG?

SVG stands for scalable vector graphics. It's a text based graphic language which draws images using text, lines, dots etc. This makes it lightweight and renders faster.

7 :: Define w3c?

w3c stands for world web consortium. w3c Standards compliance in web development is where everything is (hopefully?) going. Don't ask them to recite the w3c's mission statement or anything, but they should at least have a general idea of who they are.

8 :: Can you please explain the difference between cookies, session-Storage, and local-Storage?

Cookies are small text files that websites place in a browser for tracking or login purposes. Meanwhile, local-Storage and session-Storage are new objects, both of which are storage specifications but vary in scope and duration. Of the two, local-Storage is permanent and website-specific whereas session-Storage only lasts as long as the duration of the longest open tab.

9 :: Can you please explain the difference between SGML and HTML?

SGML (Standard generalized markup language) is a standard which tells how to specify document markup. It's only a Meta language which describes how a document markup should be. HTML is a markup language which is described using SGML.

10 :: Can you please explain the difference caching between HTML5 and the old HTML?

An important feature of HTML5 is the Application Cache. It creates an offline version of a web application. and stores website files such as HTML files, CSS, images, and JavaScript, locally. It is a feature that speeds up site performance.

11 :: Suppose if I do not put <! DOCTYPE html> then will HTML5 work?

No, browser will not be able to identify that it's a HTML document and HTML 5 tags will not function properly.

12 :: What are the major new API's that come standard with HTML5?

Name of a few one's are:
★ Media API
★ Text Track API
★ Application Cache API
★ User Interaction
★ Data Transfer API
★ Command API
★ Constraint Validation API
★ History API.

13 :: Define Web workers?

Web Workers are background scripts that do not interfere with the user interface or user interactions on a webpage, allowing HTML to render uninterrupted while JavaScript works in the background.

14 :: Can you please explain the difference between HTML5 interaction in Sencha and Twitter/Bootstrap?

Sencha and Twitter/Bootstrap are both HTML development frameworks that integrate HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. The major difference is that in Sencha, the three languages are all comingled together in code, whereas in Bootstrap, HTML and CSS and decoupled.

15 :: For what data- attributes are good?

The HTML5 data- attribute is a new addition that assigns custom data to an element. It was built to store sensitive or private data that is exclusive to a page or application, for which there are no other matching attributes or elements.

16 :: What are some new HTML5 input attributes?

There are many new form elements including: datalist, datetime, output, keygen, date, month, week, time, number, range, email, and url.

17 :: Can you please explain the difference between SVG and <Canvas>?

<Canvas> is an element that manipulates two-dimensional (2D) pixels while Scalable Vector Graphics works in 2D and three-dimensional (3D) vectors. Essentially, <Canvas> is to SVG as Photoshop is to Illustrator.

18 :: What are the HTML5 image elements?

Canvas and WebGL. <Canvas> is a new element that acts as a container for graphical elements like images and graphics. Coupled with JavaScript, it supports 2D graphics. WebGL stands for Web Graphics Language, a free cross-platform API that is used for generating 3D graphics in web browsers.
HTML5 has strong support for media. There are now special <audio> and <video> tags. There are additional A/V support tags as well: <embed> is a container for 3rd party applications. <track> is for adding text tracks to media. <source> is useful for A/V media from multiple sources.

20 :: What elements have disappeared in HTML5?

<frame> and <frameset> have been eliminated. Other elements that are no longer supported include: <noframe>, <applet>, <bigcenter> and <basefront>.

21 :: List some new HTML5 markup elements?

There are several:
<article>, <aside>, <bdi>,
<command>, <details>, <figure>,
<figcaption>, <summary>, <header>,
<footer>, <hgroup>, <mark>,
<meter>, <nav>, <progress>,
<ruby>, <rt>, <section>,
<time>, and <wpr>.

22 :: Define new DOCTYPE?

Instead of typing out a ridiculously long DOCTYPE statement to tell the browser how to render your webpage, this long line of code has been truncated to <!doctype html>.

23 :: Can you please explain the real difference between HTML and HTML5?

A lot of. From a broader perspective, HTML was a simple language for laying out text and images on a webpage, whereas HTML5 can be viewed as an application development platform that does what HTML does that and more, including better support for audio, video, and interactive graphics. It has a number of new elements, supports offline data storage for applications, and has more robust exchange protocols. Thus, proprietary plug-in technologies like Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silver-light, Apache Pivot, and Sun JavaFX are no longer needed, because browsers can now process these elements without additional requirements.

24 :: Can you please explain the difference between HTML and HTML5?

Trick question, there is no difference. HTML5 is a continuum of HTML and just a souped up version of the original HTML. There has been no major paradigm shift.

25 :: Can you please explain the difference between <div> and <frame>?

A <div> is a generic container element for grouping and styling, whereas a <frame> creates divisions within a web page and should be used within the <frameset> tag. The use of <frame> and <frameset> are no longer popular and are now being replaced with the more flexible <iframe>, which has become popular for embedding foreign elements (ie. Youtube videos) into a page.
Web Designer Interview Questions and Answers
59 Web Designer Interview Questions and Answers