Physical Product Designer Interview Questions & Answers
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Elevate your Physical Product Designer interview readiness with our detailed compilation of 66 questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in Physical Product Designer to ensure you're well-prepared. Whether you're new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Don't miss out on our free PDF download, containing all 66 questions to help you succeed in your Physical Product Designer interview. It's an invaluable tool for reinforcing your knowledge and building confidence.

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Physical Product Designer Job Interview Questions and Answers
Physical Product Designer Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Tell me how does my design behave in the process?

Producing good and constant quality at reasonable cost is what injection moulding is all about. Plastic components must be designed with the process in mind. It is therefore important for the designer to understand what happens in the mould during the production cycle. A few basic principles and some imagination are all that is needed for elementary flow and cooling analyses. How does the melted plastic flow, where does it (prefer to) go first? What happens when the material cools? How do the effects manifest themselves in the product and how should they be considered in the design? There is always some deviation in the process.

2 :: Explain me about a project you've completed that has made you the most proud?

You want to determine if the type of client work your agency does will make this designer feel fulfilled in his work. You should screen for someone who will be a long-term fit, and this means you might not want to hire someone who finds value in having his name attached to work or is more interested in becoming a famous illustrator or artist. You want to find someone who is truly excited by the idea of solving brand problems through design.

3 :: Tell me who in the industry do you follow and read?

Don’t fudge this question! Find some members of the design community now that you admire and start reading — there are a lot of incredible designers out there to source inspiration. If you don’t have a list, check out LinkedIn, Medium, Twitter or design blogs to get started. If you’re feeling brave, reach out to members in the community and begin to cultivate a relationship. It’s remarkable how friendly people in the design circle can be.

4 :: Tell me how do you get inspired?

Sometimes it’s good to stop doing design or whatever it is you’re doing and just shut your brain off. It helps you take a step back.

Nature is pretty inspiring. It removes me from the screens I’m glued to all day, and it’s just natural and beautiful.

Traveling, seeing other cultures, new cities, and meeting different people helps keep my mind fresh too. When I visited Japan, there was so much to inspire me from the balance between traditional and modern parts of society, to Japanese textile prints and even the ‘cute’ culture. Life sort of becomes a visual library full of fodder for new ideas.

5 :: Tell us why do you want to work at [company x]?

I like to talk about the company from a design perspective. Focus on mentorship, design culture, co-workers and the type of design challenges the company is currently facing. Make it personal and demonstrate a vision. Being able to talk about how the company melds with your past and how it will elevate you to where you want to be in your future shows a clear understanding of what you want and how to get it.
When I was applying for full-time jobs, I had just left a contract gig where I was the sole designer. I knew that I was looking for something different — a place where I could be mentored, level up in a thriving design culture, and solve problems at scale. I found companies that fit my focus and demonstrated how I was aligned with the team.

6 :: Tell me how do you define UX/design?

Focus on crafting a unique and specific definition that sheds light on who you are as a designer. Use this also as an opportunity to tell a story that provides context for your design perspective. However you define UX, make this a chance to add something personal.
I focused my definition around empathy and the importance of understanding the people I’m designing for. It allowed me to touch on my background in psychology, allude to past experiences I had doing anthropological research, and brought to light the importance of designing human-centered experiences.

7 :: Tell us what are the differences between hardness, strength and stiffness?

Understanding mechanical loads and being able to choose the most suitable materials and design structures in response requires the theoretical and practical knowledge of physics. If you are planning to outsource design services, you can test candidates by asking them to define the difference between strength, stiffness and hardness. If they are unable to do that it is best not to proceed no matter how simple the product is. Technical understanding is the backbone of good plastic design, but it is worthless without the ability to apply it in practice.

8 :: Explain me about a project that you’re most proud of?

This is a tricky question because it puts candidates at ease, which, in turn lets the interviewer ask follow-up questions that dig into process, thinking, and interactions with other team members. It allows the interviewer to assess the candidate’s depth and skill without directly asking about it. As a result, it’s best to keep your answer truthful and clear. Don’t exaggerate your contribution to a project.

9 :: Tell us what are the strengths and limitations of the plastics I use?

The spectrum of different plastic grades seems not only confusing but also indefinite. If you look at the plastic components produced by an average company, however, it is likely that 95% of them are made of roughly 8-12 different plastic grades. The understanding of different materials begins with comprehending the difference between amorphous and semi-crystalline plastics. Knowing the strengths and limitations of 5-8 different of each will take you quite far. Which ones they are depends on the business area you are in. Seen from this angle, the world of plastics is not as complicated as it may seem.

11 :: The physical properties of a good product material are
a) density
b) melting point
c) specific heat
d) all of the mentioned

d) all of the mentioned
Explanation: Physical properties include density, melting point, specific heat, thermal and electrical conductivity, thermal expansion, and magnetic properties.

13 :: Sustainable manufacturing is required for
a) conserving resources
b) proper maintenance
c) reuse
d) all of the mentioned

d) all of the mentioned
Explanation: The concept of sustainable manufacturing emphasizes the need for conserving resources, particularly through proper maintenance and reuse.

15 :: The life cycle of a product includes
a. extraction of natural resources
b. processing of raw materials
c. manufacturing of products
d) all of the mentioned

d) all of the mentioned
Explanation: The life cycle involves consecutive and interlinked stages of a product or a service, from the very beginning to its disposal or recycling, and includes the following:
a) extraction of natural resources
b) processing of raw materials
c) manufacturing of products
d) transportation and distribution of the product to the customer
e) use, maintenance, and reuse of the product
f) recovery, recycling, and reuse of the components of the product.

16 :: Considerations of costing systems are
a) life cycle costs
b) machine usage
c) cost of purchasing machinery
d) all of the mentioned

d) all of the mentioned
Explanation: Costing Systems, also called cost justification, typically include the following considerations: (a) intangible benefits of quality improvements and inventory reduction, (b) life-cycle costs, (c) machine usage, (d) cost of purchasing machinery compared with that of leasing it, (e) financial risks involved in implementing highly automated systems, and (f) new technologies and their impact on products.

18 :: The expected qualities of a product are
a) it satisfies the needs and expectations of the customer
b) it has a pleasing appearance and handles well
c) it has high reliability and functions safely over its intended life
d) all of the mentioned

d) all of the mentioned
Explanation: Generally, however, a high-quality product is considered to have at least the following characteristics:
a) it satisfies the needs and expectations of the customer
b) it has a pleasing appearance and handles well
c) it has high reliability and functions safely over its intended life
d) it is compatible with and responsive to the customer’s capabilities and working environment
e) installation, maintenance, and future improvements are easy to perform and at low cost.

22 :: The mechanical properties of a good product material are
a) strength
b) toughness
c) ductility
d) all of the mentioned

d) all of the mentioned
Explanation: Mechanical properties include strength, toughness, ductility, stiffness, hardness, and resistance to fatigue, creep, and impact.

23 :: Designs are periodically modified to,
a) improve product performance
b) strive for zero-based rejection and waste
c) make products easier and faster to manufacture
d) all of the mentioned

d) all of the mentioned
Explanation: Designs are periodically modified to
a) Improve product performance
b) Strive for zero-based rejection and waste
c) Make products easier and faster to manufacture
d) Consider new materials and processes that are continually being developed.

24 :: Life-cycle engineering is also called
a) green design
b) expensive design
c) easy design
d) none of the mentioned

a) green design
Explanation: The major aim of life-cycle engineering (LCE) is to consider reusing and recycling the components of a product, beginning with the earliest stage: product design. Life-cycle engineering is also called green design or green engineering.

25 :: The chemical properties of a good product material are
a) oxidation
b) corrosion
c) surface treatment
d) all of the mentioned

d) all of the mentioned
Explanation: Chemical properties of primary concern in manufacturing are susceptibility to oxidation and corrosion and to the various surface-treatment processes.
Physical Product Designer Interview Questions and Answers
66 Physical Product Designer Interview Questions and Answers