SAP Security Interview Questions & Answers
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Enhance your SAP Security interview preparation with our set of 32 carefully chosen questions. These questions are specifically selected to challenge and enhance your knowledge in SAP Security. Perfect for all proficiency levels, they are key to your interview success. Secure the free PDF to access all 32 questions and guarantee your preparation for your SAP Security interview. This guide is crucial for enhancing your readiness and self-assurance.

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SAP Security Job Interview Questions and Answers
SAP Security Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: How to add custon t-code to a role and how to find the auth obj of custom t-code.
if the custom t-code doesnt have auth obj, will you save and generate the role?

Before adding custom t-code to a role we should see if there any authorization objects maintained for this t-code in SU24, If not we should maintain. Also we need to find authority check in the program related to the custom t-code by using t-code SE93. If the custom t-code doesnt have auth object sas an exception it should all authorization groups S_TABU_DIS. If the t-code satisfies any one condition we can save and generate the role.

2 :: What is offline risk analysis?

Offline Mode Risk Analysis process is performed with the help of Risk Identification and Remediation module in SAP GRC Access Control Suite. Offline mode Analysis helpos in identifying SOD Violations in an ERP System remotely. The data from system is exported to flat files and then it can be imported into the CC instance with the help of data extractor utility.
It can also be used to remotely analyze an ERP system which may be present in a different ERP Landscape.

3 :: What is sap security?

It is high importance data should be protect against unauthorized access.

4 :: What is the use of RSECADMIN?

Reporting Users – Analysis Authorization using transaction
RSECADMIN, to maintain authorizations for reporting users.

RSECADMIN – To maintain analysis authorization and role
assignment to user.

5 :: Explain about SPM?

SPM can be used to maintain and monitor the super user
access in an SAP system. This enables the super-users to
perform emergency activities and critical transactions
within a completely auditable environment. The logs of the
SPM user IDs helps auditors in easily tracing the critical
transactions that have been performed by the Business users

7 :: Does s_tabu_dis org level values in a master role gets reflected in the child role?

If we do the adjusted derived role in the master role
while updating the values in the master role thn values will
be reflected in the child roles.

8 :: What is the main difference between single role and a derived role?

Main difference--we can add/delete the tcodes for the
single roles but we cann't do it for the derived roles.

9 :: Tell me about derived role?

Derived roles..To restrict the user access based on
organizational level values.
Derived role will be inherited by master role and inherit
all the properties except org level values.

10 :: What is the main purpose of Parameters, Groups &
Personalization tabs?

parameters : when ever user want some defaults values
when ever he/she excute the t-code we can mainatian some
pid's by taking help of abapers.

11 :: What does the Profile Generator do?

we can create roles , transport , copy ,
download,modifications , all these thing done from pfcg t-

12 :: What is the difference between PFCG,PFCG_TIME_DEPENDENCY&PFUD?

PFCG is used to create maintain and modify the roles.
PFCG_TIME_DEPENDENCY is a background job of PFUD.
PFUD is used for mass user comparison but the difference is
if you set the background job daily basis it will do mass
user comparison automatically

13 :: What is the maximum number of authorization in an object?

not more than 10 authorization fields in object,

16 :: Who will done user comparison?

If changes are to be reflected immediately, user comparison is recommended.

17 :: What is the procedure for Role modifications? explain with example?

Generally this task is done PFCG_TIME_DEPENDENCY background job which runs once daily so that roles are adjusted after running this report.

18 :: What is ruleset? and how to update risk id in rule set?

Also during indirect asssignment of roles to user using t codes Po13 and po10, we have to to do user comparision, so that the roles get reflected in the SU01 record of user.

19 :: If u r using 10 firefighter ids at a time? How will the log reports goes to controller?

This is done when ever role is already assigned to users and changes are done in that role. In order to get the changes adjusted in the roles, user comparision is done.

20 :: What are the Critical Tcodes and Authorization Objects in R/3?

Just to say all the t-codes which can affect roles and user master records are critical ones. SU01, PFCG, RZ10, RZ11, SU21, SU03, Sm37 are some of critical t-codes.
Below are critical objects

21 :: What are the prerequisites we should take before assigning sap_all to a user even we have approval from authorization controllers?

prerequisites are follows before assigning sap_all to any
user .

1.enabling the audit log ---- using sm19 tcode.
2.retreving the audit log-----using sm20 tcode.

this process follows when your not implementing grc in your

22 :: How we Restrict the auth groups for table maintain, creating Auth group using SE54 to built new Auth groups to restrict tables via auth object S_TABU_DIS?

We can restrict autho groups via object S_TABU_DIS, first
we need to create a autho group in SE54 then assign this
autho group in a role by using the object: S_TABU_DIS.

23 :: How we Schedule and administering Background jobs?

scheduling and administrating of background jobs can be done
by using tcodes sm36 and sm37

25 :: What is the landscape of GRC?

GRC Landscape is 2 system landscape,

in GRC there is no Quality system.
SAP Security Interview Questions and Answers
32 SAP Security Interview Questions and Answers