GIS Data Analysis Interview Questions And Answers
Elevate your GIS Analysis interview readiness with our detailed compilation of 32 questions. Each question is crafted to challenge your understanding and proficiency in GIS Analysis. Suitable for all skill levels, these questions are essential for effective preparation. Download the free PDF now to get all 32 questions and ensure you're well-prepared for your GIS Analysis interview. This resource is perfect for in-depth preparation and boosting your confidence.
32 GIS Analysis Questions and Answers:
GIS Analysis Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: What is spatial interpolation?
► 1. The process of establishing values for areas outside the boundary of an existing set of data points.
► 2. The process of modelling spatial pattern from a set of one or more data layers
► 3. The process of establishing values for areas between an existing set of discrete observations
► 4. The process of establishing a statistical relationship between two spatially correlated variables
The process of establishing values for areas between an existing set of discrete observations.
Read More► 2. The process of modelling spatial pattern from a set of one or more data layers
► 3. The process of establishing values for areas between an existing set of discrete observations
► 4. The process of establishing a statistical relationship between two spatially correlated variables
The process of establishing values for areas between an existing set of discrete observations.
2 :: Which of the following are considered the main problems facing overlay operations in GIS?
► 1. Selecting threshold criteria
► 2. Topological inconsistencies
► 3. The Modifiable Arial Unit Problem (MAUP)
► 4. Processing overheads
► 5. Visual complexity
Selecting threshold criteria
The Modifiable Arial Unit Problem (MAUP)
Visual complexity
Read More► 2. Topological inconsistencies
► 3. The Modifiable Arial Unit Problem (MAUP)
► 4. Processing overheads
► 5. Visual complexity
Selecting threshold criteria
The Modifiable Arial Unit Problem (MAUP)
Visual complexity
3 :: Assuming a pair of binary raster data layers, which of the following could be used as the equivalent of a Boolean AND overlay in cartographic modelling?
► 1. Layer 1 – layer 2
► 2. Layer 1 + layer 2
► 3. Layer 1 / layer 2
► 4. Layer 1 * layer 2
Layer 1 – layer 2
Layer 1 + layer 2
Layer 1 * layer 2
Read More► 2. Layer 1 + layer 2
► 3. Layer 1 / layer 2
► 4. Layer 1 * layer 2
Layer 1 – layer 2
Layer 1 + layer 2
Layer 1 * layer 2
4 :: What is point-in-polygon overlay?
► 1. A method interpolating point data
► 2. An overlay method used to determine which points lay within the boundary of a polygon
► 3. An overlay method used to determine the distance between a point and it is nearest neighboring polygon
► 4. An overlay method used to reclassify polygon data
An overlay method used to determine which points lay within the boundary of a polygon
Read More► 2. An overlay method used to determine which points lay within the boundary of a polygon
► 3. An overlay method used to determine the distance between a point and it is nearest neighboring polygon
► 4. An overlay method used to reclassify polygon data
An overlay method used to determine which points lay within the boundary of a polygon
5 :: Which of the following overlay methods would you use to calculate the length of road within a forest polygon?
► 1. Erase
► 2. Union
► 3. Line-in-polygon
► 4. Point-in-polygon
Read More► 2. Union
► 3. Line-in-polygon
► 4. Point-in-polygon
6 :: Which of the following could you use a buffer operation?
► 1. Calculating the distance from one point to another
► 2. Calculating the area of overlap between two polygon data layers
► 3. Determining the area within a set distance from a point, line or area feature
► 4. Calculating the number of observations within a set distance of a point, line or area feature
Determining the area within a set distance from a point, line or area feature
Calculating the number of observations within a set distance of a point, line or area feature
Read More► 2. Calculating the area of overlap between two polygon data layers
► 3. Determining the area within a set distance from a point, line or area feature
► 4. Calculating the number of observations within a set distance of a point, line or area feature
Determining the area within a set distance from a point, line or area feature
Calculating the number of observations within a set distance of a point, line or area feature
7 :: What is reclassification?
► 1. The process of combining one or more data ranges into a new data range to create a new data layer.
► 2. The process of combing two or more data layers
► 3. The process of simplifying data in a data layer
► 4. An analytical technique based on point data.
The process of combining one or more data ranges into a new data range to create a new data layer.
Read More► 2. The process of combing two or more data layers
► 3. The process of simplifying data in a data layer
► 4. An analytical technique based on point data.
The process of combining one or more data ranges into a new data range to create a new data layer.
8 :: What is Manhattan distance?
► 1. The distance between two points in a raster data layer calculated as the number of cells crossed by a straight line between them.
► 2. The distance between two points in a vector data layer calculated as the length of the line between them.
► 3. The distance between two points in a raster data layer calculated as the sum of the cell sides intersected by a straight line between them.
The distance between two points in a raster data layer calculated as the sum of the cell sides intersected by a straight line between them.
Read More► 2. The distance between two points in a vector data layer calculated as the length of the line between them.
► 3. The distance between two points in a raster data layer calculated as the sum of the cell sides intersected by a straight line between them.
The distance between two points in a raster data layer calculated as the sum of the cell sides intersected by a straight line between them.
9 :: Which of the following spatial interpolation techniques is an example of a local, exact, abrupt, and deterministic interpolator?
► 1. Thiessen polygons
► 2. TIN
► 3. Spatial moving average
Thiessen polygons
Read More► 2. TIN
► 3. Spatial moving average
Thiessen polygons
10 :: What is the difference between slope and aspect?
► 1. Slope is the gradient directly down the fall line, while aspect is the direction of the fall line relative to north.
► 2. Slope is the direction of the fall line, while aspect is the gradient of the fall line.
► 3. Slope is the distance down the fall line from the top of the slope to its bottom, while aspect is the percentage gradient of this line averaged over its full distance.
► 4. Slope is the gradient of the fall line relative to vertical, while aspect is the direction of the fall line relative to the line of greatest slope.
Slope is the gradient directly down the fall line, while aspect is the direction of the fall line relative to north.
Read More► 2. Slope is the direction of the fall line, while aspect is the gradient of the fall line.
► 3. Slope is the distance down the fall line from the top of the slope to its bottom, while aspect is the percentage gradient of this line averaged over its full distance.
► 4. Slope is the gradient of the fall line relative to vertical, while aspect is the direction of the fall line relative to the line of greatest slope.
Slope is the gradient directly down the fall line, while aspect is the direction of the fall line relative to north.
11 :: What is location-allocation modelling?
► 1. A method of site location based on overlaying multiple siting criteria maps.
► 2. A method of allocating resources within an area of interest using buffer analyses
► 3. A method of matching supply with demand across a network by locating a limited set of resources using network analysis
► 4. A method within network analysis used to determine delivery routes
A method of matching supply with demand across a network by locating a limited set of resources using network analysis
Read More► 2. A method of allocating resources within an area of interest using buffer analyses
► 3. A method of matching supply with demand across a network by locating a limited set of resources using network analysis
► 4. A method within network analysis used to determine delivery routes
A method of matching supply with demand across a network by locating a limited set of resources using network analysis
12 :: What is the possible number of combinations in which a delivery van can visit five different points on a network?
► 1. 25
► 2. 120
► 3. 10
► 4. 3125
Read More► 2. 120
► 3. 10
► 4. 3125
13 :: For the Happy Valley ski resort example, which GIS analyses could be used to determine which hotels are within 200m of a main road.
► 1. Union overlay and line-in-polygon overlay
► 2. Buffer analysis and erase overlay
► 3. Buffer and point-in-polygon overlay
► 4. Intersect overlay and buffer analysis
► 5. Proximity analysis and reclassification
Proximity analysis and reclassification
Buffer and point-in-polygon overlay
Read More► 2. Buffer analysis and erase overlay
► 3. Buffer and point-in-polygon overlay
► 4. Intersect overlay and buffer analysis
► 5. Proximity analysis and reclassification
Proximity analysis and reclassification
Buffer and point-in-polygon overlay
15 :: Filtering is used on raster data to change the value of a cell based on the attributes of neighboring cells.
► 1. True
► 2. False
Read More► 2. False
16 :: Filtering could be used to smooth noisy data caused by problems with data collection devices.
► 1. True
► 2. False
Read More► 2. False
17 :: The Jordan method used for point in polygon analysis is also known as the Intersect method.
► 1. True
► 2. False
Read More► 2. False
18 :: It is an ecological fallacy to assume that all the individuals within a defined area have the same level of income.
► 1. True
► 2. False
Read More► 2. False
19 :: Exact interpolation methods are so called because they give very accurate results.
► 1. True
► 2. False
Read More► 2. False
20 :: The most common use of Theissen s Polygons is to create contour lines.
► 1. True
► 2. False
Read More► 2. False
24 :: Do you know what is the basic work of a GIS technician?
A GIS technician works closely with end users to identify GIS data requirements and handle technical issues. It is also the job of a GIS technician to manage data maintenance and manipulation and handle extraction activities along with ensuring preparation, planning and updating a variety of maps and drawings to be part of a GIS database.
Read More25 :: Do you know the name of two data structures that have the capacity to hold spatial data?
The two data structures that can hold spatial data include raster and vector.
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