Lab Chemist Interview Questions And Answers
Elevate your Lab Chemist interview readiness with our detailed compilation of 83 questions. Each question is designed to test and expand your Lab Chemist expertise. Suitable for all experience levels, these questions will help you prepare thoroughly. Download the free PDF to have all 83 questions at your fingertips. This resource is designed to boost your confidence and ensure you're interview-ready.
83 Lab Chemist Questions and Answers:
Lab Chemist Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: What are your weaknesses as Lab Chemist?
This is a common general interview question for any job applicant, not just medical assistants. The trick is to cite negative traits that can be presented in a positive light, such as being a perfectionist. You could say you don’t like to have outstanding tasks, so you tend to complete work ahead of schedule.
Read More2 :: Tell us what is your work environment like?
☛ in a company laboratory
☛ must always be sanitary
☛ sometimes if there were a problem, had to go to manufacturing department
☛ go to warehouse to sample the raw material
☛ get finished products from the production/manufacture line
Read More☛ must always be sanitary
☛ sometimes if there were a problem, had to go to manufacturing department
☛ go to warehouse to sample the raw material
☛ get finished products from the production/manufacture line
3 :: Tell me your passion for the work we do at this laboratory?
I've always been fascinated by energy systems. From what I've researched, you guys mainly do lighting optimization, which is really neat. It's really interesting to me how much lighting can affect a space and what goes on in it. My favorite part, though, is probably the energy efficiency aspect of it all. That's something I've always wanted to do - make things better, more efficient.
Read More4 :: Tell us what's your ideal company to work for?
My ideal company is the one which i have come for now. My location is the one where i find good environment to proceed with the work.
Read More5 :: Tell me do you have experience working in teams?
In smaller institutions, like clinics, technicians usually work alone. In research establishments and universities technicians often work in teams. This primarily requires the ability to ensure that you properly understand the research subject and its purpose, divide responsibilities, and coordinate results.
Read More6 :: Do you know what is Aliquot?
An aliquot is the known amount of homogeneous material, used to minimize the sampling error. It is usually used when fractional part is an exact divisor of the whole.
Read More7 :: Tell me what is laboratory centrifuges?
Laboratory Centrifuge is primarily used for testing liquids and substances for clinical trial samples. This device uses the centrifugal force to separate the liquids from the main sample or mixture.
Read More8 :: Explain what is your knowledge of standard laboratory SOPs?
I am quite familiar with standard operating procedures of laboratory work. In fact, I have written SOPs myself which have been quite helpful not only to me but other laboratory assistants in the facility as well.
Read More9 :: What are your salary expectations as Lab Chemist?
This question is like a loaded gun, tricky and dangerous if you’re not sure what you are doing. It’s not uncommon for people to end up talking salary before really selling their skills, but knowledge is power as this is a negotiation after all. Again, this is an area where doing your research will be helpful as you will have an understanding of average salary.
One approach is asking the interviewer about the salary range, but to avoid the question entirely, you can respond that money isn’t a key factor and you’re goal is to advance in your career. However, if you have a minimum figure in mind and you believe you’re able to get it, you may find it worth trying.
Read MoreOne approach is asking the interviewer about the salary range, but to avoid the question entirely, you can respond that money isn’t a key factor and you’re goal is to advance in your career. However, if you have a minimum figure in mind and you believe you’re able to get it, you may find it worth trying.
10 :: Tell me what do you like least about being a medical assistant?
Never, ever use this question as an opportunity to complain. A better approach is to state that you wish your responsibilities were not as limited so you could provide more assistance to the doctor. Be prepared to provide an example that supports your answer.
Read More11 :: Tell me what schedule do you hope to work? Are you willing to work extra hours?
Be honest. If you really want the job and are willing to work any schedule needed, say so. If, however, you have no intention of working late hours or weekends, simply let the interviewer know the hours that you are available to work. The same applies to extra hours. You are more likely to be hired if you are willing to work any time you are needed. However, saying that you are willing and then complaining about the hours once you start working is a recipe for disaster.
Read More12 :: Tell me do you like being around people?
People skills are a necessity for medical assistants. When answering this question, be sure to show that you enjoy interacting and working with others and that you also derive great enjoyment from helping others. This will show that you are a team player and that you would be a valuable team member.
Read More13 :: Tell me what are the few factors you keep in mind when performing your duties?
The first thing I concentrate is on calming the patient down. Once I have achieved this, I make sure that taking samples is a onetime thing only. For instance, I try to draw blood in one prick only. Additionally, I make sure that I label all samples properly and store them appropriately.
Read More14 :: Tell me what is supernatant?
When sample is rotated into centrifuge, it will separate the mixture according to the density. Supernatant is the upper layer found in the sample after it is run into centrifuge.
Read More15 :: Tell me why pipetting training is crucial for clinical technician?
By having a proper pipette training, always helps to minimize the risk of volume variability caused by Operators, also a small fraction of the change in pipetting can give you the wrong result.
Read More16 :: Tell me what is the relationship between the technician and the physician?
The relationship is one of efficient cooperation on the level of technical sample analysis, diagnosis, and data communication. Interpersonal skills are mostly limited to high work ethics, presentation, and professionalism.
Read More17 :: Tell me how do you handle stressful situations as Lab Chemist?
I tend to handle stressful situations by dealing with the problem immediately, I first begin with addressing the situation and considering all options, I chose the best solution given the time frame and deal with the problem.
Read More18 :: Explain me how you organize and maintain detailed, and accurate records in your previous work, or throughout your studies?
In my previous job, We have our log books for patients entry and recording of results. I personally labelled all the log books for easy access if there would be any tracing of patient's results or which tests are done. All the forms such as result forms and requisition forms used are placed individually in a folder which is color coded that way it is easy to reach and accessible. I have maintained a worksheet for the day to be able to account for the materials and reagents used for that day.
Read More20 :: Tell us what medical assisting experience do you have?
Give a clear answer here. Even if you’ve only recently finished your degree and this will be your first entry level job, you can discuss any externships or voluntary roles you had while completing your training program. Make it clear that you are comfortable working with patients.
Read More21 :: Could you describe your typical day at work?
☛ take samples of raw materials or the finished products to the lab for analysis
☛ follow different chemical methods to do analysis to make sure samples have reached qualifications
☛ if not reached qualifications, must tell the supervisors and stop production to find the problem
☛ Inspect other co-workers
☛ fill out a sample report (raw materials, final products have different reports)
☛ if the raw material/final product/mid-stage product is poor: give the report to another department
☛ once final product is approved, send to packaging department and then they will ship it out
☛ once raw materials are approved, send to processing/manufacturing department to make the product
Read More☛ follow different chemical methods to do analysis to make sure samples have reached qualifications
☛ if not reached qualifications, must tell the supervisors and stop production to find the problem
☛ Inspect other co-workers
☛ fill out a sample report (raw materials, final products have different reports)
☛ if the raw material/final product/mid-stage product is poor: give the report to another department
☛ once final product is approved, send to packaging department and then they will ship it out
☛ once raw materials are approved, send to processing/manufacturing department to make the product
22 :: Tell me what are your skills and attributes that make you fit for this job?
☛ knowledge of chemistry
☛ chemistry or chemical engineering degree
☛ communication
☛ attention to detail
Read More☛ chemistry or chemical engineering degree
☛ communication
☛ attention to detail
23 :: Do you know what are the responsibilities of clinical lab technician?
Responsibilities of clinical lab technician varies with the department you are assigned to, but usually it involves
☛ Wide range of testing
☛ Running complex analysis
☛ Examine blood cells with mircoscope
☛ Scanning of specimen
☛ Using expensive chemicals wisely
☛ Maintaining and monitoring various equipment’s
☛ Checking contamination in chemicals at regular interval
Read More☛ Wide range of testing
☛ Running complex analysis
☛ Examine blood cells with mircoscope
☛ Scanning of specimen
☛ Using expensive chemicals wisely
☛ Maintaining and monitoring various equipment’s
☛ Checking contamination in chemicals at regular interval
24 :: Tell me what are the different techniques for placing samples in micro-scope?
Different techniques used for placing samples under micro-scope are
☛ Dry Mount: You simply put section of specimen with a cover slip over a sample
☛ Wet Mount: Samples are placed under various liquid medium like glycerine, water, brine and water
☛ Smear Slides: In this technique, sample is smear over the slide and on top it another slide is placed without forming bubbles
☛ Squash Slides: In this technique, lens tissue is used over the wet mount, and it will remove excess water
☛ Staining: Stains such as iodine, methylene blue and crystal violet is used to stain the specimen
Read More☛ Dry Mount: You simply put section of specimen with a cover slip over a sample
☛ Wet Mount: Samples are placed under various liquid medium like glycerine, water, brine and water
☛ Smear Slides: In this technique, sample is smear over the slide and on top it another slide is placed without forming bubbles
☛ Squash Slides: In this technique, lens tissue is used over the wet mount, and it will remove excess water
☛ Staining: Stains such as iodine, methylene blue and crystal violet is used to stain the specimen
25 :: Explain what are the steps you can take to avoid imbalance in centrifuge?
To avoid an imbalance in centrifuge it requires
☛ Balanced loading of the centrifuge rotor
☛ Even number of tubes should be loaded facing each other or in the opposite direction
☛ When odd number of tubes are loaded make sure, you make it even with adding one more tube with an equal amount of water of that of the sample tube
Read More☛ Balanced loading of the centrifuge rotor
☛ Even number of tubes should be loaded facing each other or in the opposite direction
☛ When odd number of tubes are loaded make sure, you make it even with adding one more tube with an equal amount of water of that of the sample tube