Air Hostess Interview Questions & Answers
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Sharpen your Air Hostess interview expertise with our handpicked 74 questions. These questions will test your expertise and readiness for any Air Hostess interview scenario. Ideal for candidates of all levels, this collection is a must-have for your study plan. Access the free PDF to get all 74 questions and give yourself the best chance of acing your Air Hostess interview. This resource is perfect for thorough preparation and confidence building.

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Air Hostess Job Interview Questions and Answers
Air Hostess Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Explain me why do you want to work as a hostess?

I have worked in a similar capacity for 4 years. I enjoy meeting new people everyday. Nothing makes my day contended than knowing that the patrons are happy because of my direct and indirect service.

2 :: Tell me how will you handle being away from family and friends?

Be as honest as possible when answering this question. Admit that it will be difficult but that you are willing to adjust to the demands of the job. You could also mention that it will be a great opportunity to experience new cultures and learn new things.

3 :: How to you respond to a stressful situation?

For air hostess jobs you have to keep a cool head and not make any rash decisions.
Explain how you would listen to complaints attentively and offer a reasonable solution.

4 :: Tell me what you know about the duties of a Air Hostess member?

As I already discussed about the duties of Air Hostess, so you only need to read them and understand the duties of Air Hostess in better way to answer the question like this effectively. Just be confident and smart while answering.

5 :: Tell me something about your family background?

First, always feel proud while discussing about your family background. Just simple share the details with the things that how they influenced you to work in an airline field.

6 :: Why should we select you not others?

Here you need to give strong reasons to your interviewer to select you not others. Sell yourself to your interviewer in interview in every possible best way. You may say like I think I am really qualified for the position. I am a hard worker and a fast learner, and though I may not have all of the qualifications that you need, I know I can learn the job and do it well.”

7 :: Tell me how long do you expect to work for us if hired?

This is a perfect opportunity to demonstrate your loyalty to an employer. Make a point to talk about your willingness to grow, learn and improve yourself, and remember to never admit to only applying for this job to acquire enough experience to move onto a bigger airline.

8 :: Tell me would you like to work in a team or alone?

One good way to answer this question is to incorporate the positive aspects of both options. You can say something like, “I enjoy both. Depending on the project that needs to be done, I can work independently to complete my tasks on time, but I also enjoy brainstorming and collaborating with my colleagues.” That way, your interviewer realizes that you like a team environment, but you can also work independently as well.

9 :: Tell us do you like being around people?

Being a cabin crew member requires a person to have solid interpersonal skills.
The person should be always cheerful and should not show their frustrations or anger to the people around them. This is extremely important.

10 :: Tell me if you were an animal then which one would you want to be?

Interviewers use this type of psychological question to see if you can think quickly. If you answer ‘a bunny’, you will make a soft, passive impression. If you answer ‘a lion’, you will be seen as aggressive. What type of personality will it take to get the job done? So answer this question smartly matching with your personality.

11 :: Tell me what are your strengths as Air Hostess?

Some of the personality traits that airlines actively look for in air hostesses include being an excellent communicator, eager to help others, a fast learner requiring little supervision and outgoing. Teamwork skills, attention to detail and critical thinking are also important. The trick here is to select the qualities that best describe you in order to provide an effective and personalized response.

12 :: Explain me how do you handle a particularly irate customer?

My training and experience has taught me never to be rude to a customer even if they are being offensive. The trick is to stay calm, maintain composure and never interrupt the customer during a rant. When they said their concerns, I analyze the situation and take appropriate action.

13 :: Explain me about your areas of improvement?

Don't be too honest here and do not say you have none of us is without a fault or two. The secret to answering this question is using your weaknesses to your advantage. Describe a personal or professional weakness that could also be considered to be a strength and the steps you have taken to combat it.

14 :: Tell me what are two of the most important skills of an air hostess?

Air hostesses need to be exceptionally customer-oriented, as they are in constant contact with passengers through sometimes very long flights. Another skill that an air hostess must possess is patience as one often has to go through situations which test one’s patience.

15 :: Tell me are you seeking openings in other airlines?

If you are, be truthful about it. It will show your potential employers that you are serious about finding a job as an air hostess. However, mention your preference for the airline you are being interviewed for. For instance, you could say something along the lines of: ‘Though I have applied elsewhere, I believe your airline will offer the best opportunity for career growth’.

16 :: Tell me how do you take criticism?

Very well. I understand that this position is a sensitive and any criticism directed my way will be constructive and will enable me to provide better services.

17 :: Would you be willing to relocate for air hostess jobs?

You should show that you are flexible and easy going.
Explain you are willing to change your lifestyle.

18 :: Explain me have you ever worked in a customer care or customer service job?

If you did, you can tell about your valuable experience and the good gained practice that you’ve got.

19 :: Tell me what is the customer care policy of this airline?

There is different customer care policy for different airlines. So you need to full research in advance about customer care policy on the website of the airline you are applying for.

20 :: Explain me where you really held your temper?

In your response, briefly share some of your challenging incidents, and how you successfully handled them.

21 :: Tell me what do you like most about this airline?

Be honest and genuine here.Tell your interviewer your likes about the airline.

22 :: Explain what do you do in leisure time? Any specific hobby?

I love cooking meals at home and try new recipes whenever I get free time.

23 :: Explain me do you prefer working alone or as part of a team?

The answer here should be obvious. Airlines are looking for people who work well in a team. You’ll have to convince the interviewer that you are a team player and that you have the ability to follow instructions. Even when you have to work independently, explain that you would want to see your efforts complimenting the collective efforts of the team.

24 :: Tell me how will you serve a V.I.P. guest as compared to a regular one?

By making special arrival arrangements, maintaining their preference lists, escorting them to the halls and providing them with the best place to sit, assigning the finest servicing waiters for them. If the arrival is already known then research on their likes, dislikes and personality to provide them service accordingly. Providing them efficient service is the key to serving VIPs since they are always in a hurry.

25 :: Tell me what are your interests?

When a interviewer asks you questions about your interests outside of work, he’s not just making idle chitchat. The interviewer is trying to find out more about you as a person, including how well-rounded you are and how your mind works, as well as how your personal traits contribute to your job performance. Prepare for this line of discussion by thinking about what the employer is really trying to assess with his questions.
Air Hostess Interview Questions and Answers
74 Air Hostess Interview Questions and Answers