Cruise Hostess Interview Questions & Answers
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Cruise Hostess Frequently Asked Questions in various Cruise Hostess job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview

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Cruise Hostess Job Interview Questions and Answers
Cruise Hostess Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Why do you want this job as Cruise Hostess?

I want this job because I love to meet people. With my experience, I found the jobs I had the most fun at were the ones where I greeted guests and escorted them and helped them.

2 :: Tell me about your experience as Cruise Hostess?

A hostess position is a position I have always wanted to try my hand at, the environment of good food and conversation amongst friends and family has been a welcomed experience for me in my life and feel you can never have too many friends to enjoy a great meal with.

3 :: Explain how would you keep our patrons satisfied?

Welcome them as family, serve them in a timely manner, make small talk, remember their names, and thank them for patronizing IHOP

4 :: Explain about a time when you gave excellent customer service?

My customer service skills are great, I know how to deal with displeased customers as well as keep satisfied customers satisfied.

5 :: What qualities make you the best person for the job?

I always go the extra mile to initiate the greatest quality, it's not just a job. It's a business challenge I push myself to be the best in.

6 :: Explain me yourself in three words?

Polite, passionate, and enthusiastic.

7 :: Tell me what happens if I decide to break my contract?

If you decide that cruise life is not for you and break your contract you will have to pay for all costs to get yourself home.

8 :: Tell me can I live with my spouse on the ship?

Yes, this is usually possible. It will be important to let the company know that you are on the ship with your husband/wife prior to making room assignments so the company has plenty of time to plan accordingly.

9 :: Tell me how long do I have to work?

Contract lengths vary by company, type of job and the time of year. In general, you should expect to commit to at least four to six months for your first cruise ship contract and at least three months for a land tour or beach resort job.

10 :: Tell me if Hired, will the cruise line buy my uniforms?

It depends on the cruise line. Some companies will pay for crew member's uniforms and some will require their crew members to purchase their own uniforms. Almost all of the cruise lines require their crew members to purchase their own shoes that are in accordance with uniform regulations. Make sure you determine what the company policy is on uniforms prior to accepting a position.

11 :: Tell me do companies provide health insurance?

Most do provide health insurance, however some don't. We recommend you inquire about this matter with the companies during the interview process.

12 :: Explain what happens if somehow I miss the ship when I am at port?

This is never a good idea and could result in a demotion or loss of job. Most companies require their crew to be on-board an hour prior to departure. Pay close attention to the sailing schedule and keep an eye on time. If you do however, for some good reason miss the ship your cruise line's agents will help you find the ship and board again. However, there may be some expense to you.

13 :: Why should we hire you as Cruise Hostess?

Because I have a sense of humor and I am a fast learner and you could say that I am a beginner but I am a fast learner I am very caring towards the people around me.

14 :: Explain me your ideal job?

My ideal company to work for is a friendly, comfortable atmosphere, with excellent communication with co-workers and providing amazing service to customers.

15 :: What is your weakness as Cruise Hostess?

Because I focus on making customers happy, I can get quite stressed. I understand you can't make every customer happy but I want to show I'm good at my job.

16 :: Tell me how do you fill your downtime?

You can make sure everything is ready for customers that would be coming in, so that they can be seated quickly and efficiently.

17 :: Explain how do you take criticism?

I take criticism very well. I know that being a hostess is a sensitive job and there's always room to grow.

18 :: Tell me can I apply for a specific ship with a cruise line?

The best course of action is to apply to the various cruise companies of your choice. After you have made a strong impression on the company and they indicate they would like for you to work for them, politely request a ship you would like to work on.

19 :: Do you have any questions about the job description?

Yes, I will have to be able to greet guest, take the number of people, and help find seating.

20 :: What are your greatest strengths as Cruise Hostess?

My strengths are being organized and outgoing. I feel like I can be very approbalbe and easy to work with. Communication is another strength of mine.

21 :: Tell me why is it important to smile at every guest?

It is extremely important to smile at every guest, because hostesses are the first people diners come in contact with, which adds to their positive dining experience.

22 :: I have never been at sea for very long, what happens if I get seasick?

Most cruise ships are large and seasickness is usually not a problem. There is some generic over the counter medicine that can help you with seasickness. Most people find that getting some fresh air on a deck that is in the middle of the ship and lower will be a little less rocky. Additionally, many find that their seasickness goes away after their body has had some time to adapt.

23 :: Explain how have you used your communication skills to resolve conflict at work?

I have good communication skills, I know when things are right and when they are wrong and I know how the customer feels within the environment and therefore I either fix a problem or satisfy the customers.

24 :: Tell me how long would you expect to work for us if hired as Cruise Hostess?

I would love to work for this company for a long time, because I am very interested in growing in this industry, learning many new things, and using my skills in the future.

25 :: Tell me how can I remain in contact with my world at home?

Many cruise ships do offer internet connections for laptop computers and also have a computer lounge for those without computers (however there may be a fee for both of these options). If the cost is more than you want to pay, it is common for crew members to visit one of the many internet cafes that are in each of the ports of call.

You may keep in touch with people from back home through e-mail, cellular phones, phone cards and mail. Mail goes to the company agents in various ports and is delivered to ships when they dock there and distributed on board. The internet offers many ways to stay connected with the world when you are away. Online banking, shopping and correspondence can keep your life up and running.
Cruise Hostess Interview Questions and Answers
56 Cruise Hostess Interview Questions and Answers