Dog Sitter Interview Questions & Answers
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Enhance your Dog Sitter interview preparation with our set of 55 carefully chosen questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in Dog Sitter to ensure you're well-prepared. Whether you're new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Secure the free PDF to access all 55 questions and guarantee your preparation for your Dog Sitter interview. This guide is crucial for enhancing your readiness and self-assurance.

55 Dog Sitter Questions and Answers:

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Dog Sitter Job Interview Questions and Answers
Dog Sitter Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Explain what is your ultimate goal in life?

Eventually, I'd like to be wealthy enough to not have to work and I want to open up animal shelters. I always helped injured animals when I was younger and I loved when they got better and we set them free again.

2 :: Tell me can my pets stay at the pet sitter's home instead of my home?

Some pet sitters do offer boarding services. Boarding availability may be limited to certain types of pets, since special licensing and additional insurance may be required of the pet sitter.

3 :: Anything else you'd like to share with us now?

I really love animals, and would love to have a job caring for them while people are away. When I am away, I make sure my cat has the very best, and I feel that I can do this for other people's pets.

5 :: Tell me what is vacation pet sitting service?

If your pet sitting service provider offers vacation service, that means that the pet sitter is available to visit your pets if you go out of town on a trip, such as on a vacation or a business trip.

During this time, a pet sitter will make scheduled visits to your home. Often these are scheduled to start between pre-determined time slots (such as 6am-8am, 2pm-4pm, 8pm-9pm, etc) that will best fit your pets.

6 :: Explain what constitutes the perfect Sunday morning?

The perfect sunday morning would be to get up extra early to watch the sun rise while i go jogging. Would be great if i had a dog with me.

Waking up with my cat curled up next to me then proceeding to watch tv.

7 :: Tell us should our pet sitter be insured?

You should definitely select a pet sitter who is insured for liability. It is important that their coverage includes care, custody, and control of the pet. Pet sitters can provide proof of coverage, or a phone number you can call to verify they are currently insured.

8 :: Do you know how long is a visit?

Each sitter determines what length of visits they will offer (such as 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, etc). Homes with multiple pets will often require longer visits than homes with only one animal.

9 :: Tell us how do you communicate when you are unsatisfied?

I told her that I always communicate any sort of discontent or disagreements I may have.

10 :: Tell me what profession would you not like to attempt?

Working at the DMV where people are paying lots of money for something like parking tickets and always waiting in line.

11 :: Do you know how much do you charge?

Prices vary depending on the type of service and number of pets.

12 :: Tell me can a pet sitter stay at my home all day or overnight?

Some pet sitters do offer live-in and/or overnight care.

Live-in daytime care is less common, because most pet sitters have pet sits and daytime walks they need to do for other clients all throughout each day. So the availability of this type of service may be very limited.

13 :: Tell me what is your comfort level with different animals?

Don't lie. If you can still handle all of the animals I wouldn't mention not liking them, but if you are absolutely terrified of snakes or lizards (or hamsters, I guess) this probably isn't the right job for you.

14 :: Tell me how would you feel if you were a goldfish?

I would want to jump out the bowl and hope someone put me back in time.

I would not like living in a small bowl.

Lost, they have a memory span of a couple of seconds.

I would feel trapped in the bowl.

15 :: Explain how many times a day should we have the pet sitter come?

It's best to keep your pets' routines as close as possible to what they're used to when you're home. Try to schedule visits as close as possible to your pets' usual feeding and walking times and frequencies.

16 :: Explain how many times a day should my pet sitter visit during a vacation?

The frequency of visits is something you will negotiate with your pet sitter once the pet sitter interviews the situation and determines your needs and wishes.

Most indoor only dogs will require a minimum of 3 visits per day (at least morning, afternoon, and evening).

Most clients choose once per day, or twice per day for cats. Some sitters will consider every other day visits. Every other day visits are not recommended for large male cats because of potential health problems.

17 :: Tell me what profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

I would like to learn everything. Languages, business, acrobatics.

18 :: Tell me some of the hardest things you had to learn recently?

Gave a personal answer relating to my friends.

19 :: Tell me do pet sitters just take care of pets while people are out of town?

Pet sitters are available to care for your pets not only for when you are on vacation, but also for when you are at work, or away for the day. We even do overnight stays for extra snuggle time! PetCare Group is available for visits 24/7, every day of the year, including weekends and holidays.

20 :: Explain how would you go up to a dog you thought was cute to pet it?

I said I'd first ask the owner if I could pet their dog, let it sniff my hand, and then pet it. She said that was a perfect answer because you're not supposed to just run up to someone's dog and touch it without their permission.

21 :: Tell us should the pet sitter be insured and/or bonded?

Yes. Liability insurance protects you should there be an incident while you are away. Your pet sitter should be able to show you proof of insurance and/or bonding.

22 :: Tell us do you have any allergies?

Be honest, they'll work with you. But seriously, why would you work at a pet store if you have allergies?

23 :: Tell me Is there anything that you would refuse to work with, such as snakes, or crickets?

Be honest. If you are allergic or too frightened to touch an animal in the store just tell them, and they will do their best to work with you. Many people I worked with had allergies, and one had a phobia of snakes.

25 :: Tell me will a pet sitter care for my pets in my home or theirs?

Our pet sitters will visit your pets in your own home. This helps maintain their routine as much as possible and makes them more comfortable in familiar surroundings. We do have boarding available for small and medium sized dogs.
Dog Sitter Interview Questions and Answers
55 Dog Sitter Interview Questions and Answers