Fish Farming Interview Questions & Answers
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Sharpen your Fish Farming interview expertise with our handpicked 46 questions. These questions will test your expertise and readiness for any Fish Farming interview scenario. Ideal for candidates of all levels, this collection is a must-have for your study plan. Secure the free PDF to access all 46 questions and guarantee your preparation for your Fish Farming interview. This guide is crucial for enhancing your readiness and self-assurance.

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Fish Farming Job Interview Questions and Answers
Fish Farming Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Do you know what is the cost of the pond?

Cost of pond depends on area, land and type of pond you intend to have. By type of pond, I mean earthen, concrete or tarpaulin ponds.

2 :: Tell me how many adult fish can my pond rear?

How many litres is your pond capacity? Ideally, you are supposed to have one fish per 8 litres of water since you don't use an aerator. If you use an aerator, one fish to 4 litres is acceptable. To get better growth with catfish, you definitely need one.

3 :: Tell me how long does it take the shellfish to grow to market size?

☛ Oysters: 18-36 months
☛ Mussels: 18 months

4 :: Explain why are Alaskan oysters so remarkable?

Pacific oysters, grown in warm waters, reach sexual maturation during their second summer of life, causing them to become soft and a milky color. These characteristics make the oysters unmarketable. In Alaska, because cold water retards maturation, high-quality oysters are available year round. Because they cannot reproduce, wild or naturally occurring, oysters are very uncommon in Alaska. All farmed Alaskan oysters are imported as spat (juvenile oysters) from Pacific Coast hatcheries.

5 :: Explain what is a good farm site like?

A potential farm site should have good tidal flushing so that food (plankton) is readily carried to the site and waste is carried out to sea. The site must be protected from storms. The site must be reasonably close to the markets that will buy the shellfish. Staff should be able to live near the site.

6 :: Explain what modern items can we use to fight fish diseases?

Modern methods include medications, e.g. Aquapro, UV light. Google it. Cheap method is the use of amoxil and tetracyline preparations like NCO to fight disease

7 :: Tell me how much does land cost?

Depending on the location whether main road or side road or very remote, land costs Rs. 60,000 to Rs. 300,000 per acre. Very good land can probably be purchased for around Rs. 125,000 per acre.

8 :: How to evaluate if oxygen in water is reduced?

The fishes can come to the surface, hang, or you see air bubbles or foam on your water

9 :: Tell me Is fish farming profitable?

Yes, fish farming is very profitable considering that the rate of fish at local wholesale is around Rs. 200 - 300 per kg depending on the size of the fish.

11 :: Tell us will those catfish grow very well in a brick-constructed pond?

Yes they will grow in concrete ponds as long as it is spacious.

12 :: Do you know what services do Aquaculture Technologies provide?

Everything from A-Z. Feasibility Reports, Site selection, land purchase, pond construction, seed selection or supply, staff, complete or partial management, harvest staff, training, marketing etc.

13 :: Explain how long does it take for the fish to grow for marketable size?

This is where gullible investors fall prey. Before you go into cat fish farming, make sure you know your market or better still make sure you know your buyers and what type of size they buy. For instance it will be difficult for you to get a buyer for a 500g fish if your market environments demands for a 1kg fish and vice versa. However, on average, you should be able to get a size above 1kg within 5 months PROVIDED you fed them well and they are raised with the best and healthy practices

14 :: Tell us how do you raise shellfish?

Generally, a shellfish farmer buys or collects juvenile shellfish, called "spat." He then puts them in special nets or lines (oysters and mussels) that are anchored in the ocean, or plants them on a beach (clams). The animals feed by filtering the abundant, high-quality plankton that naturally occur in the water. The farmer must keep the animals clean from algae and protect them from predators. He then harvests the animals when they grow to a marketable size.

15 :: Tell me how do you manage pests and disease?

"Grown inside" or chemical free" "crop rotation" or "we don't spray" are
probably some of the best answers, but "integrated pest management," "we
spray as seldomly as possible," "zero day to harvest rated sprays," are also
on the right track.

16 :: Tell me how long does it take for fish to grow or when do we get return on investment?

Unlike the west and due to the species cultured in province, larger fish are preferred which also fetch a higher price. Once the pond (s) are constructed and stocked, harvesting / selling can begin after 12 months. 15 months are preferred but 18 months give the highest results. A harvest cycle can be attained to provide fish during 6-8 months of the year.

17 :: Suppose if sodium b not okay to raise ph, what else can we use to raise ph to 7?

I'm not disputing the fact in reference to raising water pH, possibly the quantity use, you can raise pH, but evaluate if it isn't causing the oxygen content of d water to reduce.

18 :: Tell me can we get rich from Fish Farming?

The industry is fairly new to Alaska and start-up costs are high. So far, most farms are providing some income, but generally not enough to support a family. Some of the challenges in Alaska are that farms are usually in remote areas and have high transportation costs. Shellfish farming is also hard work; to be successful, farms should be operated on a daily basis and worked year round.

19 :: Explain how much land is required?

For extensive / modified extensive, minimum land required is 50 acres or more. For a local working zamindar / agriculturist, even a 5 acre farm is feasible. For anyone wishing to start fish farming from scratch, 50 acres or more is economically feasible. For semi-intensive farming, project can be started from a few acres but 20 acres of land would be more desirable.
1 acre = 4840 sq yards - 1 hectare = 2.5 acres approx.

20 :: Tell me in what month can we sort the big farm the small cos we read somewhere above that they eat each other?

The best time to sort is every first week in a new month. Yes, they eat themselves.

21 :: Tell me what are the basic requirements for fish farming?

Land of course, but any land would not do. Site selection is most important requirement in aquaculture. For site selection, Soil Quality, Water Quality & Availability, Topography of the Land, Drainage Channel / Sem Nali and the location are very important. The soil must have 25 - 30% clay content for building dykes, water retention and good production. There must be ample water of good quality. Lifting water to fill in large ponds is very costly and area that can be gravity filled and or drained are preferred.

22 :: Suppose if the sun is 2 much on the pond, how can we protect the water from being too hot 4 the fishes? We are scared because the recent sun is rather 2 hot?

No, the water can't be too hot for the fishes. In their natural habitat they aren't protected. It is only hot on d surface. You can plant banana around your earthen pond or locate your mobile or concrete/mobile ponds where there is shade. High temperature affects the oxygene concentration of the pond water.

23 :: Do you know what are the Consultancy charges and when do these apply?

Charges will start from the day from first meeting whether the project is started or not by the client. Consultant will evaluate and only start if the project is viable or guaranteed by the client that any disadvantages such as water shortage or electricity can be ovecome by them. Charges will depend upon the time, meetings, research, site visits, discussions and recommendations, pre-feasibilities and feasibility study andso on.

24 :: Explain what material can we use for the hatching pond asides concrete ponds?

Alternate materials are canopy, plastics, even big bath containers (wide)

25 :: Tell me as a starter, how can we neutralize the cement odour in the pond?

To neutralize the cement such that they don't have any harmful effect on your fishes, use this method which ever suits you. A faster method is to use muratic acid. Briskly scrub all surfaces of the pond with this solution using a brush or broom. The cement may bubble some as the lime works free. This will not harm the pond. Mix more solution if needed. Make sure it reaches all surfaces. Rinse the pond thoroughly, drain and refill. Your pond is now ready for your catfish. Or lime the new Concrete pond, u can get lime from plumbers, Or wash with vinegar or palm oil. Then lime.
Fish Farming Interview Questions and Answers
46 Fish Farming Interview Questions and Answers